Sitting in the car, Judy had not yet recovered from the shock.

"Turning ordinary people directly into level 20 superhumans? Can it also be mass-produced? How is this possible?" Judy felt that her ears had heard wrong.

Charlemagne said casually: "Nothing is impossible. You can see this from Kane. You know very well who Kane is. A week ago he was an ordinary person who was about to be paralyzed. This is for all of you." consensus."

Judy nodded.

Charlemagne continued: "After being assassinated and disappeared by you, he not only recovered his health overnight, but also gained absolute self-confidence. Why? Naturally, he gained great power."

"Do you know what level Kane is now?"

Judith asked: "Level 20?"

Charlemagne smiled and said: "Level 26, and due to his special abilities, his overall combat power is even close to level 29."

Hearing this, Judy's pupils tightened and she felt her heart beating suddenly.

"Is this...still a human?" Judy murmured to herself.

Charlemagne said leisurely: "I never said that the mayor is a human being."


In the large conference room of the Massa Center Building, three people were waiting for their results.

At this time the attendant reported: "Monsieur and Madame Charlemagne are here."

The three of them were stunned after hearing this, and Polly said: "They are probably here to blackmail us. They see us in trouble and want to make a fortune."

Willy smiled and said: "If we can get over safely, there is no problem in letting him extort a sum of money. Come in!"

Soon Charlemagne and Judy walked in.

"My old friends, you don't seem to be doing well." Charlemagne walked in with a concerned look on his face.

As Charlemagne's childhood friend, Polly stood up and said with a smile: "Something happened, but it's not a big problem."

Charlemagne sat down with Judy and said, "Is it really not a big problem? The city is full of storms right now. I see that the police have surrounded your warehouse on the inside and three floors."

Vernon sneered and said: "Mr. Charlemagne really cares about us."

"We are a community of interests, so naturally we should pay more attention to it." Judy said coldly.

Willy asked slowly: "I wonder what kind of help you two can provide us now that you are here?"

Charlemagne asked, "What help do you need? We can provide it."

Vernon said sarcastically: "We need to deal with all those police officers, and then all the newspaper offices. Can you provide that?"

Charlemagne laughed after hearing this: "Is it that simple? Of course I can provide it!"

Polly on the side coughed: "David, stop joking at this time."

Charlemagne shook his head and said, "I'm not kidding. Listen to my analysis."

"President Furneng said that the police and the newspaper should be dealt with at the same time, but the targets of the police and the newspaper are both you, right?"

Willy asked, "What do you mean?"

Charlemagne said with a smile: "In this way, if I arrest you all and send them to the police, and then you plead guilty, won't this also settle the situation with the police and the newspaper?"

After hearing this, Fernan slapped the table: "Are you here to cause trouble, Charlemagne!?"

On the side, Polly frowned slightly: "David, now is not the time to joke. Watch your words."

The keen Willy stared at Charlemagne and whispered: "It seems that the two of you are not here to help us this time."

Charlemagne leaned casually on the chair and said with a smile: "Of course we are not here to help, I am here to stab you."


The harsh wind sounded, and three more people suddenly appeared in the conference room that was empty just now.

These three people all seemed to be at least level 30 in strength.

"David Charlemagne, you really have a problem when you come here this time." The person who spoke was a tall, thin young man wearing yellow clothes and a hood standing behind Willy.

Charlemagne looked at him: "Brotherhood of the King in Yellow."

"Who are you serving now!?" asked a middle-aged woman in a suit standing behind Polly.

Charlemagne turned to look at her: "God the Father Redemption Society."

Finally, the cold young man behind Verneng whispered: "We have found out that you have not been in the August Empire at all in the past two years."

"As expected of an eye of insight, the information is really well-informed. We thought we could hide it for a month." Charlemagne said with a smile.

At this time, the young man from the King in Yellow Brotherhood behind Willy looked at Judy: "Does this mean the egg of the black goat?"

Judy replied coldly: "That's what I meant."

Polly looked at Charlemagne intently: "David, what on earth do you mean?"

Charlemagne spread his arms and said with a smile: "I just came here to watch you, lest you run away. After all, if you run away, the leader's future plans will encounter a little trouble."

"Chief!? Are you the man in the black suit!?" Vernon said sharply.

Charlemagne stood up, looked around and smiled: "It's now, so I won't hide it and just show off my cards."

"Yes, all of this is the plan and will of our great leader in the black suit, the Black Pharaoh. The purpose is very simple, that is, to capture the entire province of Massa!"

"What a shameless statement!" Three powerful level 30 superhumans whispered.

Polly was very smart and asked in a low voice: "Why Massa? What other purposes do you have?"

Charlemagne smiled and said: "Why did you choose Massa? What do you think? My dear friend."

"Arkham! Your target is Arkham!" Willy said sternly.

Charlemagne smiled and said, "Not stupid."

Then he changed the subject and said, "You are so stupid. You actually blocked Arkham!? Let Arkham be isolated from the world? If it is isolated from the world! How can you get the secrets of Arkham and the resources of Arkham?"

"And our leader is very talented. He knows very well that if he wants to initially obtain Arkham's technology, he must cooperate with it, and then continue to infiltrate through close cooperation, insert his undercover into Arkham, and then control everything in Arkham from the inside."

"And to accomplish all this, you need to sacrifice, so that we in the black suits can gain control of the entire Massa Province."

"You are dreaming!" At this time, Willy and Vern stood up suddenly.

Polly stared at Judy: "The Black Goat Egg is also planned for this."

Judy stood up and smiled: "Of course, who doesn't want Arkham's technology? You have actually been coveting those powerful and special drugs for a long time, right? You just don't know how to contact them?"

"So you can die with peace of mind, we will fulfill your wishes for you."

"I can see that you are confident, but I don't know how strong you are." The three people looked at each other and prepared to take action.

Charlemagne swung a holy sword emitting crystal light in his hand, and then a powerful force field of level 39 burst out instantly.

"Level 3...9!?" The six people present were instantly shocked.

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