Faced with Charlemagne's questioning, the six people looked ashen, and no one spoke.

After a long silence, a young man stared at Eve and asked, "Why do you have the aura of the demigod of our Yellow King Brotherhood, the Desert Emperor!?"

Eve slightly turned sideways, and a huge shadow flashed past her.

The moment he saw the shadow, the young man turned into a human statue, freezing there motionless.

Willy gritted his teeth and said, "Good tricks! Really good tricks! Great ability! You can actually gather so many powerful superhumans at the same time."

Charlemagne smiled and said, "I said, I came prepared."

"And since you are here to stab us, then the knife you prepare cannot be just one, right!?"

Judy looked at the six people who had no desire or hope to fight indifferently, and said to Charlemagne, "Now, the last variable of Massa Province has been solved, and you have taken the entire Massa Province into your pocket."

Vernon whispered, "Really? Don't forget why the military can stand in Massa Province for many years and become the leader of us."

Charlemagne said casually, "Isn't it because they have a biochemical laboratory here that can produce superhumans continuously?"

"You actually know that!?" Vernon looked up suddenly, and his lifeless eyes gradually widened.

Charlemagne looked down at the time: "The leader should have arrived at the military research institute by now."

Judy naturally knew how terrifying Los was, and turned to look at the six people and said: "In that case, we just need to do our job well."

Charlemagne stretched out his arms to hug Judy, and said with a smile: "You are worthy of being my wife!"

This time, Judy did not refute, and seemed to enjoy it a little.


On the other side, Los, who was sitting in the eggshell, came to a very ordinary-looking factory on the outskirts of the city on the north side of Massa after being transferred many times by Frosin.

The factory area does not look large, and it usually produces some handicrafts.

But after going down from a secret door, there is an elevator full of modern sense.

The appearance and speed of this elevator are completely different from the elevators in the outside world, and it is even more advanced and faster than the elevators on the earth.

In less than ten seconds, Los felt that he had reached a depth of at least 300 meters on the ground.

Then, as the elevator door opened, Los saw not a white laboratory like in various movies, but a red world.

This world is full of all kinds of weird, constantly wriggling flesh and blood.

The roof, walls, ground, and even the surveillance cameras on the side are all kinds of weird eyes, which look very weird and disgusting.

Although most of the staff here are researchers wearing military clothes, there is also a kind of weird creature mixed in.

This creature is generally two meters away, covered with bone armor all over the body, and under the armor is a lot of bright red flesh and blood.

They have huge heads that are three times the size of human heads, without hair on them, but dreadlocks like tentacles.

These things have no noses, and under the four eyes are two mouths on the left and right sides.

They all have four arms and a lizard-like tail behind them.

Anyone can be sure at first glance that this is not an artificial existence on Earth, but an alien creature from a world that does not belong to this world.

At this time, the transparent things on both sides of the corridor are not glass, but seem to be the membrane of some kind of creature.

Through these transparent membranes, Los can not only hear bursts of miserable screams coming from inside, but also see that many people are being transformed inhumanly.

There are also a large number of transformed monster heads that have been inserted into a tube, and then the brain is extracted, processed like dialysis, and then input back.

"Fuck, this is the real "brainwashing"!" Los looked around with curiosity as if he had seen a child in a new world.

Apart from these, there are a large number of cage-like things on both sides, some of which hold normal people, and some of which hold failed products that have been transformed but are full of violence and desire to attack.

At this time, Frosen said grimly: "You should have never seen such a scene? Let me tell you, this is a base of an advanced civilization. No matter how strong you are, as long as you are still a person from this world, they will find a way to get you out!"

"Now take a closer look, otherwise those tentacles will penetrate your body, and then you will really be unable to live or die!"

When Los heard this, he said in an exaggerated way: "Oh my God! That really scared me, aren't you too cruel?"

After that, Los smiled and said: "But I still have to thank you. I'm still studying how to find your biological research institute recently. I didn't expect you to bring me in today. Thank you so much."

Frosen sneered: "Really good psychological endurance. It seems that you are able to lead so many superhumans. You still have some skills."

"I have a lot of skills. I can show you when I have time!"

When they were talking, the group had passed through three guards. After walking through a flesh and blood door, they stopped in a flesh and blood room that looked like an office.

In this room, there is an alien wearing human clothes, typing on a virtual keyboard with four hands at the same time.

As he continued to tap, a large number of virtual images and data continued to appear in mid-air.

The projection of these images is through a dozen eye-like structures.

What the eyes are connected to is a brain-shaped object with a diameter of two meters and emitting crystal white light.

"Is the glowing brain really a "light brain"!?" Ross's face was full of surprise at this time, as if he was a child who saw a brand new toy.

Frosen continued to threaten in a low voice: "This is a great technology that does not belong to our world. Its computing power is hundreds of billions of times that of all the calculation methods we know!"

"I guess even guys like you can't understand what this is!"

Ross curled his lips and didn't bother to argue with the native.

At this time, the sound of typing on the keyboard stopped. The alien in human clothes looked at Foloson and Vincent, and asked with a voice from the left side of his mouth: "What happened again? Foloson? Didn't I say that it's not important?" Don’t things come here?”

Frosen hurriedly bowed and said, "Tell Director Zaka that we have captured a powerful superhuman who can generate a special mental force field. It is very similar to the race you mentioned. I think I can give you some information." , so I brought it here.”

Hearing this, the alien named Zaka became interested, and then he came over and looked down at Los: "It's strange. He is obviously an ordinary person, why would he use the Kara people's mental barrier?"

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