Hearing the words of the Zach alien, Los asked curiously: "The Kara people? Are they the Kara people who are linked by the sacred F2?"

Hearing Ross's strange words, Zach looked somewhat interested, turned to Forosen and said, "You did a good job this time. This experimental subject is very interesting. You go and collect your reward first. I'll call you later."

After hearing this, Frosen was very happy and nodded hurriedly: "Yes!"

After saying that, he turned around and left happily, not forgetting to leave a sarcastic sneer to Los before leaving.

There are only two "people" left in the weird flesh-and-blood office, Zach and Los.

The two of them were looking at each other through a layer of eggshells without speaking.

"You are different from those low-level guys." Zach said calmly.

Ross was a little surprised, and raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why is it different?"

Zach said calmly: "Those low-level guys will be scared from the bottom of their hearts when they see us. Their heartbeats will continue to accelerate and their blood will flow faster, but you are different."

"From just now until now, you have remained absolutely calm. It can be seen that you are very confident in your own strength."

Ross smiled and said, "As an alien, you must have put in a lot of effort to speak the language of this world so proficiently, right?"

Zach stretched out his left hand, only to see it squirming in front of Los, and then turned into a weird existence filled with all kinds of weird suckers and barbs.

It seemed like a big mouth, biting the eggshell outside Los. Then Zach led Los and said while walking: "Don't compare the holy Ur people with you low-level creatures."

"Learning your language is as easy for us as breathing."

Ross sat calmly in the eggshell and said, "So that's it. Having mimic vocal cords can imitate any sound. At the same time, your brain can integrate the brain waves of other humans to gain human knowledge and memory."

"Is this as simple as breathing? Today is really an eye-opener."

Hearing this, Zach turned his head suddenly, staring at Los with his strange eyes: "Zhao Zhi, you know too many things that you shouldn't know."

After a pause, Zach sneered: "Sure enough, you low-level beings like to show off. From your childish behavior just now, I can already tell where you come from and what your purpose is."

Ross became interested and asked curiously: "Really? Can you tell me about it? In fact, I'm also quite curious about the purpose of coming here."

Zach did not continue to answer and said directly: "I hope you can be as calm as you are now."

While talking, Zach led Ross through four membrane-like gates and came to a dark place full of blood.

Ross turned around and saw what seemed to be a huge nest of flesh and blood.

This space is very large, surrounded by squirming flesh and blood, and there are densely packed cages on the flesh and blood.

There were at least a hundred humans being held in the cage at this time.

It can be seen that many of these humans have been detained here for a long time, and Loss can tell at a glance that these people are superhumans.

The overall abilities range from level 20 to level 40.

"You can actually catch a level 40 super human?" Loss was still a little surprised.

Zach walked to the middle of this space, placed Los in the middle and said: "Over the years, there have been many humans who want to pry into our secrets. These people are the best among them. They were all the top powerhouses in the world before. , even the leader of a force."

"But here, they are no different from bugs, and soon you will be just like them."

After hearing Zach's words, these people didn't react at all even though they were alive, as if they were dead.

They must have been here for some years, wearing blood-stained clothes, and their bodies have been tortured by alien technology. Some have even had their hands and feet cut off and turned into human sticks.

Ross smiled and said: "It seems that the people who can be locked up here by you will not die so easily."

While Ross was talking, Zach placed Ross on a device full of black mud, and then turned around to activate the device.

Woo hoo...

Waves of soul-stirring sounds came from it, and then the black mud seemed to be alive, gradually wrapped around Los's eggshell, and soon covered the entire eggshell.

At the same time, Ross clearly felt waves of terrifying pressure coming from the eggshell.

The mental barrier created by Los can defend against all attacks below level 50. Logically speaking, this is an invincible defense at this stage.

But in front of this thing, Los found that the defensive power of the mental barrier was not enough!

At this time Lose began to look at the black things.

This thing was emitting weird fluorescence, and while it was constantly squirming, Los saw that there were a lot of eyes in the black mud.

There was a cold, violent look in these eyes, as if it contained all the crazy thoughts of mankind.

Seeing this, Lose instantly knew what this thing was.

"Shoggoth!" Lose's tone was full of surprise and surprise.

Shoggoths, as superior servants, not only have very powerful power, but the most important thing is their construction ability.

They are natural builders, and their asphalt-like bodies can be transformed into various shapes to build buildings.

At the same time, they have huge bodies, and only one Shoggoth can build a huge building complex at a very fast speed.

The moment he saw the Shoggoth, the surprise and joy in Los's tone could no longer be concealed.

You know, what Arkham lacks most in development now is labor.

And with this Shoggoth, after returning to get the blood of the ancient gods for transformation, its construction ability alone is enough to rival a top construction team of tens of thousands of people equipped with top-level equipment.

After hearing Los's voice, Zack's tone was full of shock: "You actually know Shoggoth!?"

Then, he sneered: "It seems that you know a lot, but unfortunately you can no longer escape from the Shoggoth, and it will soon deprive you of everything."


As soon as the voice fell, Zack heard a low and broken sound.

He knew that this guy's telekinetic barrier had been broken.

"With such a strong telekinetic barrier, he should be an elite spy sent by the Kara people, at least above level 35. This time we really made a profit."

"This way we can learn more about the progress of the Kara people through him."

You know, they are not the only alien civilization that discovered this primitive and backward world.

There is also another Kara who has been their enemy for many years, and a group of Minghui people who suddenly appeared and rose rapidly in the last few thousand years.

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