Just as Zach was thinking, the Shoggoth gradually let go of the black mud and presented Los, who seemed to have completely fainted, to Zach.

Zach nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well done, double the food next time."

As he said that, he casually took out a gun wrapped in disgusting flesh and blood and shot at Los's belly button.

This shot did not shoot out a bullet, but a disgusting thing with hundreds of tentacles, like countless nematodes gathered together.

After this thing crawled into Los's belly button, Zach was completely relieved.

With a casual wave of his hand, more than a dozen flesh tentacles appeared on the flesh wall, entangled Los, who had fainted, and returned to the barrier to form a new cage.

"When the blood nematodes crawl all over your body, you will tell everything you know." Zach smiled triumphantly and turned to leave.

As he left, the dim space fell into darkness directly.

On the other side, in the huge body of the Shoggoth, Los, who had turned into a perfect tentacle, was swimming comfortably in the body of the Shoggoth.

What Zach saw just now was just a temporary body extended from his head.

Having already surpassed level 90, it was very easy for him to create a human body in an instant.

Just now, after the Shoggoth shredded his protective shield, Los directly turned into a perfect form, and then had a close contact with the Shoggoth.

Shoggoth is certainly a very powerful existence, but in front of a half-step ancient god like Los, it still has no capital to be presumptuous.

At the moment of contact, Los's tentacles appeared tens of thousands of tentacles, extending to all parts of its body to completely control it.

Under such a terrifying power, the Shoggoth, which had no wisdom, completely surrendered in less than five seconds.

While showing his strength and controlling the Shoggoth, Los discovered that this group of alien races who called themselves Ur people used their flesh and blood technology to plant 40,000 flesh and blood controllers in the body of the Shoggoth in order to gain absolute control over the Shoggoth.

These controllers are connected and combined with each other, which can directly control the brain of the Shoggoth, making it unable to make any resistance.

If there is any sign of resistance, these 40,000 controllers will instantly release huge energy, directly electrocuting the Shoggoth to lose its ability to move.

"What a dazzling technology. These 40,000 controllers can be seen as the crystallization of at least 5,000 years of technology of the Ur people. That is to say, they have long known the existence of the Families. They discovered many Families during interstellar travel and began to study the control and enslavement of these Families early on."

"I was wondering why there are almost no Families in the world of Cthulhu nowadays. It turns out that they were already controlled by these advanced civilizations when they were on the outer planets!"

After figuring this out, Los' first decision was naturally to take the Shoggoth into his hands.

He discovered through the tentacles of the Shoggoth that this huge underground space was opened up by the Shoggoth, and all the main roads and all the gaps were sensed by the tentacles of the Shoggoth.

It can be said that the Shoggoth is both a construction worker here, a foundation here, and a guard.

Through the tentacles of the Shoggoth, Los sensed the scale of this huge experimental base and its current operation and structural distribution.

"I see." Through the sensing and exploration of the Shoggoth, Los knew the general situation.

"Even for the Urs, the Shoggoth is a very precious strategic resource. They only brought one to Earth this time."

"And the reason why this one is placed here is naturally because of Innsmouth and the current Arkham, which means that the Urs have discovered the specialness of Arkham."

Thinking this clearly, Los is ready to act.

Now that Los has made a substitute, the reason for hiding here is naturally to destroy the limiter of the Shoggoth.

After all, this is the technological crystallization of a high-level race for five thousand years. Even if Los wants to completely crack it without being sensed, it will take some time.

"It actually takes two hours? Urs, you can be proud. Your technology can make an ancient god embarrassed for two hours." Los thought in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

The people of the Urs here are definitely not the strongest, and the technology they use is definitely not the most advanced technology.

They can freely travel through the stars, detain and control their families, and perfectly avoid the sleeping Old Ones on various planets without destruction. The strength and terror of their race are beyond doubt.

Even if a war is launched, the other party may have the means to kill gods.

"It is indeed not weak, but unfortunately you are not facing only me, an ancient god. When Suyi develops and puts on the armor of Xiuxian technology for the entire planet, you will all be worthless."

Although it is urgent, Los still has enough confidence.

In the next two hours, Los quietly hid in the body of the Shugus and quickly destroyed the 40,000 controllers.

Zack, who did not find any problems, was proudly communicating with another alien through the communicator, and they were studying what means and "treatment" this enemy's spy should enjoy.

On the other side, Frosen, who was rewarded, was undergoing transformation in a room.

There are no side effects of using technology on him this time.

A large number of flesh and blood needles can be seen piercing his body and starting to inject colorful liquids.

Frosen suddenly tensed up due to the pain, and his muscles couldn't help but twitch constantly.

This time, he used all his merits to transform himself directly into a superhuman with level 20.

In this way, he can solve the Massa dispute more calmly.

Other staff and aliens continued their work, and no one felt that an extremely huge disaster was about to cover the base.

Time passed little by little, and two hours passed quickly.

After removing the last controller in the body of the Shoggoth, Los in the body of the Shoggoth could clearly feel the comfort from the cold will of the Shoggoth.

Unfortunately, there is no feeling of gratitude for it, only destruction or obedience.

And now it has no other choice.

While removing the controller from it, Los constantly used his ancient god blood to integrate into the body of the Shoggoth to upgrade it.

Of course, this upgrade will integrate Los's ancient god blood into every cell of the Shoggoth, thereby generating a root constraint on it from the biological instinct.

Because now it seems that it was created by Los, Los is its god, and Los's instructions are everything to it.

After all, no clan can escape the temptation and bondage of the blood of the ancient gods.

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