Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 353 He came and everyone went crazy

After gaining absolute control over the Shoggoth, it was equivalent to Los controlling the entire base from the outside.

Although he could control the Shoggoth to destroy the base directly, he did not intend to do so.

First of all, he did not like destruction. For these already built civilizations and buildings, Los believed that destruction was a shameful waste.

In addition, this underground base had other uses for him. First of all, he was still very interested in the flesh and blood technology of the Ur people.

After all, his current blood therapy was strictly speaking also a kind of flesh and blood technology.

In addition, such a huge and ready-made base could be used directly after a simple repair.

After all, the current Massa City was his first satellite city outside of Arkham. With such a huge research base, Mursi and his friends would be very happy.

At worst, he could directly rent this base to Suyi.

You know, Suyi's various facilities and experiments still require a lot of space.

So what he needed now was to control the entire base with the least destructive method, and then assimilate as many people as possible here, and drive those who could not assimilate directly crazy or kill them.

Thinking of this, Los directly entered the stealth state of penetration, and the whole person turned into a completely transparent slime-like form.

Penetrating from the body of the Shoggoth, Los directly set his sights on the huge eye with a diameter of ten meters at the top of this space.

With excellent vision, you can see that there are thousands of small eyes on the huge eye, and these eyes are densely arranged together.

"Wow! Fortunately, I don't have intensive phobia, otherwise I really can't stand it." After getting closer, Los joked.

This huge eye is like a compound eye, and the tens of thousands of small eyes on it are cameras on it, which can monitor everything here at the same time.

Through the analysis of the Ur controller just now, Los, who has opened the wisdom of the ancient gods, has initially mastered some of the Ur technology and is very familiar with this silent means of cutting off monitoring.

The body that can penetrate any tissue can easily penetrate these flesh and blood tissues, and then the body begins to extend rapidly, cutting off the 160,000 neurons behind this eye.

"This kind of technology is probably an era ahead of this world!" Los saw these sophisticated flesh and blood technologies, and his heart was full of amazement.

Although he was amazed, Los did not hold back and easily gained control of the big eyeball in less than two minutes.

After the monitoring equipment here was solved, Los' body directly merged into the flesh and blood of the wall.

After the powerful power of the ancient gods assimilated these technological flesh and blood, Los roughly looked around at the people who were still imprisoned here.

Judging from the style of these people's clothing and abilities, these people belonged to different organizations.

Eye of Insight, Brotherhood of the Yellow King, Father God Redemption Society, and even Los saw people from the Green Alliance.

Although these people were not weak, they were completely scrapped.

Their spirits had turned into a pool of paste, and the superhuman tissues in their bodies had been taken away. For these people, Los was not even interested in rescuing them.

"That is to say, the Urs have not yet perfectly solved the problem of letting the humans here use their flesh and blood technology. This transformation requires the superhuman organization of this world as a medium."

"That's a bit wrong. From the current situation, it is very easy for the humans here to use flesh and blood technology for their technological level. Is there any other hidden secret here?"

After a simple thought, Los, who couldn't figure it out, didn't get too entangled. Instead, he used the Shoggoth as a medium and began to rapidly reversely erode the entire base by assimilating all flesh and blood tissues and neural networks.

In the dark, a strange shadow is covering the entire experimental space.

In a laboratory space, two middle-aged human researchers, with a kind of tyrannical joy in their eyes, stuffed a very disgusting parasite into the body of a homeless man.

"Looking at your screams is really touching. If I don't hear it once a day, I feel that life is full of gloom." Listening to the homeless man's heartbreaking screams, the middle-aged man looked comfortable.

The middle-aged man on the side curled his lips and said, "What a bad taste. I prefer to put these low-level guys together, then put in a No. 3 parasite, and finally watch these guys merge with each other in fear."

Just as the two were talking, the homeless man who had just screamed suddenly stopped screaming. He stared at the ceiling with his eyes and muttered, "Here it comes! Here it comes!"

"What's going on? I remember that the No. 5 parasite will only destroy human organs and has no hallucinogenic effect." The middle-aged man who had just put in the parasite looked up at the ceiling.

The next second, his eyes also fell into a sluggish state.

Because at this moment, he saw a shadow full of special magic on the ceiling. There was a pair of eyes full of special brilliance in the middle of the shadow. Everyone would be addicted to it the moment they saw it.

"Hahaha! He's coming! He's coming!" The middle-aged man also began to mutter to himself.

"Hey! Are you crazy?" Just as the other middle-aged man was stunned, the experimental subject entangled by countless flesh and blood on the other side of the glass-like membrane suddenly began to struggle violently.

It seemed that he was stimulated by some kind of intense stimulation, and seemed to be injected with some kind of powerful force. He completely ignored the heart-wrenching pain and began to frantically struggle to break free from his restraints.

"What's going on! What's going on!?" The middle-aged man suddenly felt that something was wrong.

But just as he turned around, the homeless man suddenly jumped up, then directly pinched his neck with both hands, and opened his mouth wide, and the disgusting parasite gradually crawled out and fell on the researcher's face.

Ah ah ah ah!

The shrill screams continued to echo in this laboratory, but did not cause any waves.

Because the same situation was constantly happening in other places, but it was very strange that no one else felt it.

After Zach finished chatting with his colleagues, he looked at the time and felt that the time was about right. He got up and prepared to go to see Los's current situation and ask for some useful information.

When he opened the door, he suddenly found that the cages on the surrounding walls had been destroyed, and the people who had been imprisoned were now piled up in the middle of this space.

These broken bodies were stitched together in a very disgusting and special way, turning into a monster with hundreds of bodies and heads.

These people had lost consciousness, but kept making strange screams: "He's coming! Everyone is crazy!"

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