The moment he saw this monster and heard such a roar, Zach knew that something was wrong.

In the next moment, he casually took out a very weird-looking skull and crushed it into pieces.

With the harsh sound, only the walls on both sides shook slightly, and then there was no response.

"What happened? Why are all the facilities in the base completely out of control!?" Seeing such a weak reaction, Zach felt a little incredible.

At this time, the monster inside seemed to have discovered Zach, and at this moment, the terrifying resentment and anger burst out as if they had gathered into substance.

Although these people have lost their consciousness, they have suffered countless inhuman tortures before losing consciousness, and whenever the torture begins, this face will appear in front of them.

"Kill! Kill!" This made them endure countless terrifying faces. Even if they were unconscious, even if they died, they would never forget it!


Accompanying the sound were two ferocious tentacles extending like lightning.

After Zach nimbly dodged, four palms clapped his body at the same time.

In an instant, the bone armor on his body stretched rapidly, almost covering his entire body in two breaths.

At this moment, he already has the forty-ninth level of powerful strength, and if he takes one step further, he can be on par with the fifty-level demigods.

After dodging the attack, as soon as Zach regained consciousness, he found that the monster had arrived in front of him at some point.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that what stitched these monsters together was actually their flesh and blood technology!

"No! How is this possible? I am the only one who can fuse them together like this. No one else can do it at all, but..."

Zach's eyes were full of shock, but the next second he thought of Los just now.


The fist with huge power knocked the monster away with one punch.

Zach then made a leap, and his whole body instantly turned into a five-meter-tall giant that seemed to be composed of bones.

The giant trampled the monster under his feet. After a closer look, he found that Los's face and body were not on it.

Then he looked up at the wall, only to find there was nothing there.

"Shoggoth!" Zach shouted, but found that nothing responded to him.

He turned to look in the middle, only to find that the place where the Shoggoths usually rested was empty.


Seeing this scene, Zach felt for the first time that his brain capacity was not enough.

The Shoggoth was the biggest asset they had invested in coming to this planet, and it was also the most important existence. They had spent countless efforts on this Shoggoth, and the Shoggoth had never let them down.

I thought there would be no problem in locking this man up here and being guarded by Shoggoths.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only tamed the Shoggoths, but also learned their flesh and blood technology in such a short period of time! ?

"No! Impossible! How can such a person exist in this world? It's absolutely impossible!"

At this time, the monster beneath him began to struggle violently. Its body flowed like mud, then reorganized, and then opened its big mouth to eat it.

Zach was filled with anxiety and anger, and all he could see at this moment was his white bone armor turning red for an instant.

Then the fist suddenly hit from above.


There was a crash that shook the entire base.

This improvised monster was beaten to pulp by Zach with one punch.

When Zach was shocked, the entire base was already in panic and fear.

The shadow of unspeakable terror shrouded the entire base. The experimental subjects who were usually drugged by them suddenly began to go crazy, attacking all obstacles like zombies, biting every living thing they saw.

Fortunately, the defense measures of this facility are very strong, and the emergency safety facilities closed the gates in time to block the monsters from running around.

But this also splits all the researchers in the base into various areas and cannot be concentrated.

"A bunch of lunatics! Let's see how I deal with you after the facilities are repaired!" A youth researcher looked at the experimental subject who was constantly scratching through a transparent film and said with a fierce expression.

"Threatening a group of lunatics, it seems you were really frightened." Another researcher on the side said with a dry smile.

At this time, everyone was frightened and in shock.

"Am I scared? Bah! Don't compare me with you civilians. Our Vernon family has received a good education since we were young!"

The young man said, turned around and said with a gloomy face: "You are a bunch of untouchables, wait until the system is restored, let's see how I educate you."

As he spoke, he clenched his fists very majestically and struck at the strong membrane.


The moment his fist fell, the membrane suddenly disappeared.

While the young man was dazed, his fist reached directly into this group of crazy experimental subjects.

"Kill! Kill!"

Along with a roar, the young man felt countless claws grabbing his arm, and then more arms stretched out, tearing at him crazily.

"No! Save me! Save me! Save me!" At this time, the young man completely lost his previous majesty, his face was pale, his expression was distorted and he screamed, with tears, snot, and feces and urine flowing everywhere.

However, everyone else was scared out of their wits, who dared to save him.

"I can't die yet! I still..."

The young man wanted to speak, but the skinless hands of these experimental subjects directly grabbed his mouth, and then tore it wildly, directly tearing off its jaw, then its tongue, and its throat...

"No! Don't!"

The barriers that originally made them feel at ease were being opened one after another, but the way back was completely blocked. Seeing the non-humanoid experimental subjects that they usually tortured getting closer, this group of researchers completely collapsed.

In a certain passage, Frosen, who had just gained great power, was attacked by a group of experimental subjects as soon as he came out.

Fortunately, this group of experimental subjects was not successful, and he easily killed them, testing his new power.

"This body is so powerful!" Frosen, who was covered in blood, was extremely excited at this time.

"Although I don't know what happened at this base, it probably has nothing to do with me. I need to go back as soon as possible to deal with Massa's matter."

He then followed the passage and killed more than a dozen experimental subjects. When they all saw the elevator at the exit, suddenly a dark, green fluorescent monster that looked like oil fell from the sky.

This monster has countless weird eyes, and its huge body looks like a huge lake.

"What on earth is this?" Seeing this thing, Frosen was immediately dumbfounded.

Although he is very confident in his current strength, he knows very well that he is far from the opponent of this weird thing!

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