After Forosen temporarily fell into madness after witnessing the form of Shoggoth, the entire base was controlled by Los.

"Okay, you can stop!" Ross ordered here. The experimental body that was killing the scientific researchers over there seemed to have turned into a humanoid statue, motionless.

Here, after dealing with the fusion monster, Zach quickly returned to the experimental base, but when he was about to contact other family members here, he found that the twelve family members except himself had been controlled by an unknown entity.

At this moment, he stood there stupidly, motionless.

"What happened?" Zach clenched his fists. Even he couldn't figure out what happened now.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Mr. Zach, I don't know if your methods are ready."

After hearing this, Zach turned around suddenly and saw Lose looking at him with a calm posture and a smile on his face.

Seeing that the instigator could control the entire base in such a short period of time and even analyze their flesh and blood technology, Zach tensed up and asked through gritted teeth: "Who are you?"

"You are definitely not a native of this planet, and you are definitely not a disguised Kara or Minghui person. Who are you!?"

"Who am I? This is indeed a question, let me think about it." Ross raised his hand to support his chin, thought briefly and then said: "If you use a more precise adjective, you can regard me as a god."

"God!?" Upon hearing this, the two powerful hearts in Zach's chest beat faster at the same time.

"How is that possible! There is no god in this world! Hasn't that kind of existence already perished or been sealed?"

Hearing this, Los's heart moved, and part of his inner suspicions were confirmed.

Ross took a step forward and said, "Perhaps being stubborn and treating everything you think as the truth of the world is a natural flaw of all intellectual creatures."

"Zach, is what you know and think really the truth of this world?"

As soon as he finished speaking, along with a burst of icy cold air, Los's form had changed into the form of the ancient god holding a spear and wearing armor.

The moment he saw this form, Zach's legs softened and he knelt on the ground helplessly.

At this moment, there is no need for too many words, too many threats, or even too many means.

The higher the level, the more they know.

And the more people know, the more they understand the horror of that high and incomprehensible existence.

Because of this, Zach, who is at level 49, has a stronger and more comprehensive perception of this form than others.

When he saw this form, he didn't even question it, or even made any tentative moves.

Because his vision was high enough for him to clearly know what kind of existence was standing in front of him at this time.

You know, the Ur people have a history of one million years from their birth to now.

The duration of civilization has lasted for 700,000 years, and the time for planetary travel has been almost 400,000 years.

In this long history, the Ur people also had gods, but for some reason, they disappeared without a trace.

And now, the strongest person in their entire race is their great sage, with a strength of level 68.

Although they have their own shortcomings, the development of science and technology has given them the qualifications to stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

They used their god-killing technology to successfully seal six ancient gods, and even annihilated an ancient god who was about to awaken at the cost of wiping out a planet.

Therefore, they have the power to kill gods!

It is precisely because of this that Zach knows better what kind of existence gods are.

It is a perfect existence that transcends all biological forms. All science and all common sense are useless to him.

They exude violent vitality and are full of destructive power.

They used the strength of their entire clan and spent a million years of development to reach a level comparable to that of the gods.

When Char came back to his senses, he found that the god had turned into the form of an ordinary person. He looked at himself with a smile: "I guessed it right. You really have god-killing technology."

Zach panicked when he heard this, and carefully recalled what happened, but felt that his mind went blank.

"You...what did you do to me?" Faced with such an existence, even though his heart was filled with hostility, Zach still instinctively used the honorific.

Ross smiled: "I just looked at what's in your mind."

Of course Ross lied here. He does not have such ability now. He just used his own ability to hypnotize him and make him tell him everything he knew.

Zach's face was full of bitterness: "You don't need any tools, you only need one hand to peek into your memory. Only gods can have such a dreamy ability."

After a pause, Zach asked: "Are you... the will of this planet?"

Ross did not lie on this matter, but he also did not admit: "You are not qualified to ask me questions."

Zach's breath suddenly suffocated, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

Los stretched out his finger: "There are two ways for you. First, be loyal to me, and you can get new technologies that you don't know about. You may even have the opportunity to get the blood of the ancient gods and become stronger."

"Second, become like them, and then I will brainwash you all and transform you into loyal pets."

Zach turned his head to look at his compatriots who were now dull, and his heart was full of struggle.

If he was captured by the Kara people and the Minghui people, he would rather die than obey, and just die.

After all, he had never considered surrendering to the enemy.

But it's different now. The other party is a god, and there is no sharp conflict between the positions of both sides.

Even after surrendering, he can even ease the contradiction between his race and this local god.

He knew the importance of this planet very well, but he knew even more that with the power they were stationed here, they could not pose any threat to this god at all.

And it would take at least five years to transport the God-killing Fleet here.

By then, the opportunity would be gone.

The most important thing is that this guy is a completely resurrected ancient god who can move freely and has a very high IQ!

By then, if the God-killing Fleet is really transported here, the enemy will find a flaw. By then, even if the God-killing Fleet is not effective, the enemy will have already destroyed the fleet.

In less than ten seconds, Zach, with his huge brain capacity, thought of 1,201 benefits of surrendering.

Then he simply bowed his head and said respectfully: "Respected God, Zach is willing to follow your will."

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