Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 356 A Thousand Reasons to Surrender

Seeing that Zach was very sensible, Los nodded with satisfaction.

For this level 49 player, his current means could not transform him into a suitable servant.

At the same time, he did not want to kill these aliens.

As for their human body experiments, Los did not feel much. After all, for him, as long as they were not citizens of Arkham, there was no difference between living and dead.

Zach had very rich experience and technology. On Earth, he was a big boss in the industry. Otherwise, he would not be in charge of such a huge base alone.

At the same time, Los was very interested in their flesh and blood technology. If the flesh and blood technology was combined with blood therapy, the effect would be very good.

Finally, he did not want to be enemies with this group of aliens subjectively.

Although he was not afraid of this group of aliens, Los, who knew the correct time of the stars, knew very well that their real enemies were the group of old masters who were about to wake up collectively, and the star of judgment, Gheros, who was ringing alarm clocks everywhere.

So if possible, he would rather recruit more technology and talents.

Zach naturally met his requirements.

After Zach felt the horrible sense of oppression disappear, he turned to look at his companions and asked tentatively: "Great Lord, if possible, can you show your mercy and let my compatriots return to normal? They are all my right-hand men, and they are also elite researchers of my tribe. They will be of great help to you in the future."

After listening, Los said: "You should feel lucky, because you didn't talk to me about the conditions just now, and didn't hesitate for too long, so I'm in a good mood now."

After saying that, Los' heart moved.

The few Ur people who were in a frenzy gradually returned to normal, looking around in a daze.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Zach said happily.

Los said: "In a few days, I will send my other servants to help you correct your technical errors."

"Technical...errors?" Zach was stunned.

Los pointed around and asked: "I think you don't like these flesh and blood that are constantly squirming and increasing in value, right?"

Zach nodded: "Our original design was a pure biological energy source, but I don't know why there were always mistakes, and it gradually became this hideous appearance."

"I have a blood therapy technology here, which can be understood as a perfect upgrade of your technology. It can complete energy regeneration, transfer and strengthening only through blood."

Hearing this, Zack and the others' eyes suddenly widened and became energetic.

"There is such a technology?" Zack's breathing was a little rapid.

Los said in a flat tone: "Remind you, remember your position, your first identity now is my servant. If I find someone secretly leaking the improved technology, then I don't mind destroying them all before your outer space fleet receives the signal."

Hearing this, Zack's body trembled suddenly, and whispered: "Don't worry! Now everything we have belongs to you."

"This is temporarily handed over to you, I will take the Shoggoth away, and the human experiment will stop. It is no longer meaningful." Los said, and his body gradually disappeared from the air.

Zack nodded repeatedly, not daring to disobey.

After Los had completely disappeared for five minutes, Zack's breath was heard in the dead silence.

"Director! What happened? Who was that person just now? Why did we..."

Suddenly, other people around began to ask questions.

Zack then told everything that had just happened, as well as Los' identity and the relationship between them.

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this, and their expressions were full of shock and disbelief.

"My God... the gods actually... really exist and can move freely!?"

Zack said seriously: "Remember our current identity, we are the believers of the gods."

When others were about to speak, Zack raised his hand to interrupt and said: "I know what you want to say. Our loyalty to each other is unquestionable, but now is the time to prove this loyalty."

"You should be able to see that this ancient god has been completely resurrected and can move freely. He also has super high intelligence. As long as we do not operate properly, we will even drag our race and fleet into destruction. You have read the records. Although we have the record of killing gods, you know how much energy was consumed, how many warships were lost, and what state the ancient god was in!"

Hearing this, the others immediately fell into deep thought.

"You just heard it. He already knew about our fleet outside the planet and has the ability to destroy it at any time!"

"Now only if we act as a buffer zone and a connecting bridge can we avoid a direct conflict between our other compatriots and a resurrected god, and prevent our race from establishing a god as an enemy!"

Zach clenched his fists: "In the future, we may be stigmatized and regarded as traitors, but it is precisely because of our current grievances and forbearance that we can create opportunities for more of our compatriots to survive!"

Hearing this, the others took a deep breath, clenched their fists and said loudly: "For Ur!"

After convincing his compatriots, Zach said: "The Shoggoth has been taken away by the master. The relevant erosion and partition should have been restored after the master left. Now we will take over the base and debug all the machines."

"Detain those military guys temporarily, don't let them contact casually, and wait for the master's servants to come."

"Director, just now he... the blood therapy that the master said... is it really possible?" An Ur asked curiously.

Zach took a deep breath and said with deep eyes: "What kind of wisdom the gods have is not within our reach, but from the intelligence collected by humans now, it should be no problem."

"Regeneration of broken limbs, treatment of terminal illnesses, and even allowing humans to temporarily gain super strength without any side effects, these things cannot be done even with our technology!"

Hearing this, the others gradually became excited.

Those who can leave their hometowns and come here are a group of top talents who are immersed in scientific research.

Zach said seriously: "We have to perform well. From the conversation just now, I can feel that the master has no ill will towards our race, and even has the possibility of communication. If we show enough value, the master allows us to tell the race some content of blood therapy, then our contribution can be said to be unprecedented, isn't it!?"

"Even if we bear the stigma for a short time, in the future, in the great Hall of Valor, there will be your name and my name, and we will be famous for thousands of years!"


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