Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 359 Powerful and Useful Shoggoth

After finishing the matter in Massa City, Los was not idle and returned directly to Arkham.

Now that all the hands of the military in Massa City have been broken, it is enough to leave the rest to Charlemagne.

And Loss is now more important to return the Shoggoths to Arkham, because there are too many projects here that need it to be built.

In less than five minutes, Ross had returned to Arkham and landed in the courtyard of Arkham Sanitarium.

"Mayor!?" Rum, who was practicing in the yard at this time, saw Ross surprised and ran over quickly.

Ross smiled and touched his head and asked, "How are you doing at home these days when I'm not here?"

Rum smiled and said: "Very good, there is nothing unusual. Lady Lilith has arranged everything very well. I heard that various departments have been established and are starting to operate."

Los was a little surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect Lilith to be so efficient in doing things.

"Okay, let's continue practicing!"

Ross said and walked directly into the nursing home.

After walking all the way, Vincent came directly to Arkham's underground fortifications.

Although the workers here are very efficient, due to time constraints, even the foundation has not been completed yet.

Kurwin, who is in charge of construction here, was a little surprised to see Los suddenly come back: "Mayor, why are you here?"

"Get everybody out and move them to other work sites," Los said.

"Ah!?" Hearing this, Kurwin was stunned.

Los said with a smile: "I brought back a worker who is very suitable to work here, so there is no need for these workers."

Kurwin heard it clearly, and then directly found the relevant staff without asking any more questions.

The workers who were under construction at this time were confused when they heard this, not knowing what was going on.

Kurwin said loudly: "Don't worry, you are not unemployed. Next, you will go to other construction sites on the ground to work. The working environment there is much better than here. The work here is handled by another engineering team."

Hearing this, the workers were naturally very happy.

Although the salary is high, it is dark here all day long, and there is no distinction between black and white. Not only can there be no sunlight at all, but the entire concept of time is confused.

Immediately, these workers quickly gathered their tools and completely evacuated from the dark underground fortifications in an hour.

After everyone left, Los arrived at the bottom.

"This place is still too close to the ground." Los said, his form changed accordingly, and then he spat out the Shoggoths like a tide.

The huge Shoggoth directly covered the entire ground, and at the same time, like water, filled the volume at the bottom of about thirty meters.

Los stood on Shoggoth's body, then connected his spirit to it, and transmitted his will to it.

The Shoggoths felt it immediately, and then his water-like body penetrated directly into every place on the ground.

Along with a sound that sounded like corrosion, it could be seen that the area and depth of the entire underground space were rapidly expanding.

With the super tool Shoggoth, Ross's previous plans have already been changed.

According to his plan, Arkham's most perfect form should be like the aerial city in World of Warcraft. Like Dalaran, it can not only fly directly off the ground but can even teleport through space when necessary.

If you want to fly, you need not only strong enough power, but also a strong enough and large foundation.

As for the material of this foundation, Los has already thought about it, and he will use Queen Suyi's Dragon Flame Steel.

He wants to use dragon flame steel to cast an indestructible foundation for the entire Arkham city five hundred meters below.

And in this 500-meter underground space, there is not only the existence of the Demon Locking Tower, but also his various research institutes and related shelters.

Of course, it is still very difficult to achieve this step. Los's current plan is to first plan out the entire Arkham flying foundation through Shoggoth, and then build some preliminary passages to connect to the Demon Locking Tower.

These passages are primarily for the movement of shoggoths back and forth.

Ross is very aware of the construction capabilities of the Shoggoths, so he plans to have the Shoggoths join the construction of the port, shipyard, financial district building, and talent park in the East District at the same time.

With the help of the shoggoths, these structures could be constructed ten times faster than originally planned.

As soon as he told the Shoggoth his thoughts, the Shoggoth had already started to take action.

Looking at the Shoggoth in action, Los smiled and said: "The Shoggoth is like a super huge 3D printer. It can shape things of any shape with extremely high precision. By connecting to my thinking, it can directly print my thoughts. The plan and drawing data can be input directly, which is extremely convenient. ”

After inputting the relevant data in his mind to the Shoggoths, all that was left was to transport enough materials.

The huge body of the Shoggoth that has been transformed by the blood of the ancient god Los is able to produce its own materials. As long as there are enough materials, the dragon flame steel can even be bred directly in its weird body.

This is the powerful power of the blood of the ancient gods, and it is completely unreasonable.

After taking care of things here, Los turned and left to prepare relevant materials.

We came to the city hall first, and happened to see Daryl just put down the phone, his face full of joy.

"Mayor! You are so awesome!" Daryl stood up in a hurry and said.

Ross smiled and asked, "How do you know?"

Daryl pointed to the phone: "Charlemagne is very fast. He immediately restored Arkham's communication with the outside world and gave me a call to explain all the situation."

Ross came to his desk, picked up a pen and wrote down a long list of materials and said: "Purchase these materials quickly, in unlimited quantities. Purchase as much as you can."

Daryl picked it up and looked at it, then his eyes widened: "Oh my God! Mayor... Isn't this too much? And as for titanium ore... our empire has very few of them, but the August Empire has a lot of them. of mineral deposits.”

Hearing this, Ross smiled and said: "That's just right. After the Massa Province lifts its blockade on Arkham, the merchants from August will also come over."

Daryl understood immediately after hearing this, and then said in embarrassment: "But... we don't have that much money now, and the materials you want are not cheap."

"If you are short of money, make money! You have to be prepared. When everything recovers, many businessmen and investors will come here. Don't be afraid of too much money then." Lose said with a smile.

Daryl laughed after hearing this: "Don't worry, the thing I'm not afraid of the most in my life is too much money!"

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