What happened in Massa City swept the entire Massa Province and the entire empire within a day.

Queen Suyi took the lead in expressing her position that all criminals should be severely punished and supported resource integration.

The military did not take any action, as if it was secretly accumulating some strength.

On the second day after the major event, Morris, a senior official, joined forces with the six major families, the Workers' Guild, the Merchants' Guild, the Massa Bank and many other departments to jointly announce the lifting of the blockade and sanctions on Arkham and the restoration of all commercial and financial activities with it.

This order will take effect immediately.

At the same time, the Massa Province recognized all the Queen's policies on Arkham and began to encourage all merchants to enter Arkham for business and investment.

This piece of news caused a thousand waves, and the merchants who heard the news felt that they had heard it wrong.

Then they thought it was fishing, waiting for them to take the bait.

But just as they hesitated, more good news came one after another.

Senior officials ordered that all roadblocks leading to Arkham be removed within two days to keep all roads open.

All trains and ships leading to Arkham will be opened within two days, and all passenger bus lines will be restored immediately.

Lift all financial and commercial restrictions on Arkham, immediately.


The merchants who heard the news keenly smelled the huge business opportunities, and then rushed to Arkham from all places like crazy.

However, they still thought things were too simple.

Although the administrative order has been restored, the gangs and troops entrenched in various places in the province have no intention of evading.

They even threatened to kill them directly if they dared to approach.

However, this situation did not last too long.

Because I don’t know when, ghosts and monsters began to appear near the military camps in Massa.

The ghosts were not afraid of weapons at all, and harassed the soldiers day and night.

Heisen City can be said to be the key gateway connecting Arkham with the outside world. If the trains and ports here are not open, it is meaningless to open other places.

At this time, more than 20,000 soldiers and related elite equipment have been entrenched outside Heisen City.

At night, a soldier in the barracks got up, walked out of the barracks in a daze, and then went into the toilet to urinate.

Just when he unbuttoned his pants, he suddenly felt a pair of sharp claws pinching his neck.

He immediately began to struggle violently, and from the corner of his eye, he saw a hideous monster with a hideous face smiling at him in the dark.


On the other side, soldiers patrolling outside the military camp.

Three soldiers walked side by side with weapons.

"What a bunch of cowards, where are the ghosts in this world? It's just alarmist talk. I tell you..."

The bearded soldier in the middle suddenly felt something was wrong before he finished speaking.


Suddenly, he found that the two people around him were gone.

"Where are the people? Tom!? Jack!?" The bearded man immediately clenched his weapon and tensed up all over.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded: "Is there really no ghost?"

While speaking, the bearded man saw a slender and inhuman tongue licking the back of his neck.

An indescribable sense of fear and trembling made his hair stand on end.

He turned back suddenly and wanted to shoot, but saw a terrifying monster with festering skin and fangs looking at him.

And his gun was taken away by the other party in an instant, and it was crushed directly, just like crushing an egg.


The hoarse shout sounded, and the soldier's eyes turned white and he fainted.

On the other side, the soldier who was sleeping soundly felt a little uncomfortable, so he turned over. Just when he picked up the quilt and was about to turn over, he suddenly found a festering face in his quilt, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked at him.


Similar things are still happening.

The next morning, people found that the soldier had fainted in the toilet.

The three patrolmen were lying in the grass with pale faces and motionless.

There were even many soldiers who were completely mentally ill, yelling that there were monsters in their quilts.

At first, everyone thought that these guys were just a group of cowards.

But with the reasoning of time, new soldiers would go crazy every night.

They either saw ghosts, or heard movements in the wall, and even heard bursts of harsh grinding sounds in their ears.

The unknown horror always appears suddenly in places you can't imagine, causing the soldiers to suffer the most severe mental stimulation.

And this kind of thing happened in the six military camps of Massa in the past week.

The stimulated soldiers naturally want to leave this ghost place madly, and they are scared every day.

Even when they are taking a shit, they are worried that a hand will suddenly stretch out from below. Every soldier is like a child who has just watched a horror movie. They are trembling every day, and they don't even dare to cover the quilt, fearing that the monster will appear in their bed.

However, their request to leave here was verbally rejected by the superiors.

The huge fear and oppression spread among the soldiers, and everyone's face showed haze and despair.

On the tenth day, the collapsed deserter appeared.

Then the deserter was ruthlessly shot.

The superiors thought that this situation could be eliminated, but they didn't expect that this would ignite the fuse.

I don’t know who proposed this.

“I’ve had enough of this hellhole, I want to go home! I’m going to die anyway! I might as well rebel! A quick death is better than being scared to death by those ghosts!”

The soldiers, whose spirits have reached the edge of madness, have begun to act madly.

So on the fifteenth day, a mutiny occurred.

The crazy soldiers took up weapons and attacked the officers who suppressed them. After killing all the dog officers, the soldiers took off their uniforms, changed into ordinary clothes, and fled the barracks in groups with fearful eyes looking at the devil.

Then two days later, people found that on the next morning, a barracks was suddenly empty!

Without the suppression of the army, the police had a place to use their skills.

Kane, the tiger of Massa, personally led the team to travel back and forth between various places in the province to clean up the "mess" for the military.

Then the last six key nodes were opened.

So on the twentieth day after Los took over Massa City, all the previous restrictions on Arkham were lifted, and the entire Massa Province was finally integrated.

And Los was not idle either.

With the powerful construction ability of the Shoggoth, Suyi's Demon Locking Tower and Arkham's Alien Object Shelter were built in 20 days.

This huge tower with 50 floors and 150 meters high is embedded in the ground, with complex spaces and various storage rooms.

The number of items can reach 5,000, which is a real museum of magical objects!

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