After breakfast, Los lazily lay on the sofa and said, "It's so comfortable. I want to lie here for the rest of my life without moving."

Lilith, who was standing next to him, laughed and said, "In that case, there will be too few people here. Master, take Minniesha here too? She has been so busy lately that she looks a little haggard. I feel that her breasts have become smaller."

"She needs your nourishment now." Lilith said with a seductive look.

After hearing this, Los looked at Lilith with a strange look on his face. This guy seemed to have been wanting to stuff Minniesha into his bed, and then she could enjoy the scene while watching Los pack up Minniesha.

Lilith naturally knew that Los had already seen through her thoughts, and her face was full of excitement and red, saying, "That would be very exciting!"

Los looked at the ceiling and imagined such a scene, and found that it was indeed very exciting.

"Well, this idea can be put on the agenda, but Minniesha seems to be very busy recently." Los said.

Lilith nodded and said, "The port started operating a week ago. She has been watching the situation there recently. Maybe you praised her too much last week, which made her particularly excited now, as if she had been injected with chicken blood. She has been in an excited state all the time."

Loss thought back to when the port was completed last week. He praised Minisha's work in the past four months in front of everyone.

Because she has prevented sixty enemy attacks on the port and twenty-three spies from infiltrating the port in the past four months, and personally dealt with a large number of attacking families. It can be said that she has made a huge contribution to the timely delivery of the port.

Recalling Minisha's state at that time, Los found that her eyes were sparkling with sparkling water light, and she was very excited, even shaking.

Lilith continued, "In a few days, Minisha will not be busy. It's a good opportunity to let her accompany you. It's the biggest reward for her!"

After listening, Los did not refuse. He sat up and asked, "Is there no action from the military yet?"

Lilith shook her head, "No, they seem to be completely dormant, and there is almost no action."

"There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Let Xina pay more attention."

The past four months can be said to be very peaceful. The military seems to have disappeared. It has not caused any trouble to Los, and has not even sent a spy.

And Los is naturally not polite. Since you give me time to develop, I will develop desperately.

Now, with the assistance of Shoggoth, the extraordinary biological shelter in Arkham has been completely built, and the relevant shelters have been transferred in.

At the same time, the Arkham Blood Therapy Research Institute has also been built, just opposite the Arkham Sanatorium.

The entire institute is still led by Mursi, and the personnel have been greatly expanded. Now the number of researchers in the institute has reached 70.

Due to the particularity of the research, although these seventy people are all top medical personnel, they all have their own special pasts.

These people have made rapid progress under the leadership of Mursi.

On the other hand, the Ur researchers led by Zach also stayed in Arkham for a month.

During this month, he and Mursi deeply combined blood therapy with the Ur people's flesh and blood technology, complementing each other, and even these ten Ur people tried the wonders of blood therapy.

Then... they fell.

They suddenly discovered that the blood therapy that Los now mastered was the ultimate goal that their flesh and blood technology had always wanted to achieve.

Zach and others who received this information were completely obsessed with it and began to study day and night.

And their knowledge base is naturally not comparable to Mursi and others. In a month of research, they constantly learned from each other, taught each other, and borrowed from each other.

Directly raised the overall level of blood therapy by a large margin.

Now blood therapy not only has a powerful effect, but also swallowed the technology tree of flesh and blood technology, which can directly give inorganic matter life through blood.

Even through blood therapy, the evolution of a species can be accurately deduced several eras forward.

At the same time, both sides also have a more detailed understanding of the use and principles of blood therapy, as well as the in-depth exploration of various animal blood and its special characteristics.

They even found that blood therapy can even cure some special terminal illnesses of the Ur people, which immediately made Zak and others overjoyed, and at the same time more certain of the correctness of their surrender.

Along with the development of blood therapy, there are also various by-products derived from blood therapy.

For example, temporary enhancers, special flesh and blood bullets, flesh and blood nails that help fix steel on construction sites, and even tobacco mixed with special blood.

Of course, the most widespread of them is blood wine.

Today, Arkham's blood wine can be said to be in short supply in the true sense, because only Arkham can make authentic blood wine, so the supply of blood wine in the entire empire comes from Arkham.

Although Los used Shoggoth to build six blood wine factories on the edge of Arkham City, it is still a drop in the bucket.

There is even a blood wine merchant who specializes in grabbing blood wine orders here.

As long as you grab a bottle, you can get dozens of times the terrifying profit.

Because of this, the entire Arkham government made a lot of money.

In four months, the Arkham government's income from blood therapy, blood wine and other peripheral derivatives reached 120 million Rosa coins.

It is precisely because of such huge amounts of money that the beast of Arkham can continue to move forward.

In addition to the expenses of various huge projects, there are also many businesses such as renovating streets, renovating sewers, renovating water pipes, renovating circuits, adding cinemas, etc., all of which are spent by the Arkham government.

"Thanks to Mursi and Zach for developing such a convenient and commercial blood therapy, otherwise we really don't have enough money." Los sighed.

Even with such money, the finances of the Arkham government are still very tight, because the entire city is developing at a high speed and there are too many places to spend money.

At the same time, for the development of personal enterprises, your banking system must operate, you must also lend money to merchants, etc.

This also made Los dare not stop for a moment in the past few months.

Fortunately, with the commissioning of shipbuilding and ports a week ago, the Arkham government finally had other income besides blood therapy.

And these incomes are increasing with the gradual increase in the number of ships!

"Mayor, there's news from Charles that Butler Carrington has reappeared recently. Although he's been wandering around Dunwich, his wandering range has obviously increased."

"Now his wandering range is about twice that of five months ago."

Los sat up and touched his chin: "This shows that the invasion of space by the other world is gradually increasing. It's time to go over and take a look at the situation."

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