Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 363 Lilith's conditions for becoming a demigod

In the past month, Ross came out of his big villa on a rare occasion and happened to see a few reporters who looked like they were taking pictures of the beautiful street scenes in the East District with the latest cameras.

Today's East District has changed from the backwardness and decadence of the past. Arkham's latest technology has just been applied here, making it look clean and tidy.

All the streets here are wide four-way roads made of cement, which already have the prototype of modern highways.

On both sides of the road are neat low elm walls, and on the other side of the tree wall are neat sidewalks.

Every ten meters in the middle of the wide sidewalk, there is a green willow tree blowing in the wind. Looking at it, the whole street is full of natural tranquility.

On both sides of the street, this is a neat residential area.

All buildings in the community are neatly built with seven floors.

The entire floor is decorated in gray and light yellow tones, and the overall look is a very neat and beautiful huge rectangle.

The spacing between each other is carefully designed, exactly the same, and both sides are completely symmetrical, making people look very comfortable and natural.

At this time, these young people were standing next to a bridge, taking pictures of the weeping willows and buildings on both sides of the river through the trickling river water.

"My God, isn't it so beautiful here?" Looking at the effects in the camera, several young people were very excited.

Driven by Los, camera technology in today's era has entered the color era.

This technology is not popular and is only used on a small scale in Arkham.

"Oh my God! What kind of camera is this? How did you do that?" Another young man asked with a shocked look on his face.

The young man in the lead smiled and said: "I borrowed this from my friend. He is a resident of Arkham and works in a movie theater, so he had the opportunity to try out this epoch-making new camera!"

"Oh my God! It's actually in color and you can still see it. Isn't it amazing?" Another young man looked shocked.

"I just came here. I haven't seen anything before. This doesn't matter. In two days, I will take you to watch the movie here. That is called beautiful! The people in it are all in color."


Seeing these young people leaving while chatting and laughing, Los had a satisfied smile on his face.

This kind of quiet time is the life he wants.

"The clothes you see through must be students from Miskatonic University, right? They are all talented people!" Los has realized the importance of talents over the years.

After the sanctions were lifted and a large number of talents poured into Arkham, Los discovered that no matter how versatile and powerful he was, no large group of talents could work more efficiently at the same time.

The progress achieved in these four months was the three-year progress planned by Los Angeles.

Lilith put her wind-blown hair behind her ears with her hands and said, "This is nature. The most important thing for social development is people."

"By the way, how is the Extraordinary Academy going lately?" Los asked.

Lilith nodded: "The development is going very smoothly. The first batch of students have successively exceeded level ten, and they have also fully understood the relevant knowledge about the extraordinary and the dependents. I plan to take them out in two days to let them Let them practice.”

Los thought for a while and said: "Haden and his team have almost dealt with the extraordinary incidents near Arkham. If you want to be effective, you can only go further away."

Lilith said: "I am going to let them go to Innsmouth. The residual power of the man-made ancient gods is still raging there. Mutated fish monsters have been appearing in the nearby sea in recent times, and the animals and plants nearby have also been changing. Mutation, that place is now our Arkham annex, and I plan to use it as a training ground. "

Ross's eyes lit up after hearing this: "This is a good choice. Who has been in charge there recently?"

"It's Kos. It's close to the ocean. He likes it very much. He rarely goes back to Arkham recently," Lilith said.

Ross nodded after listening: "It is the best choice to let him be in charge there, but Arkham also needs a demigod to sit in charge. How are you doing?"

Now Lilith has touched the threshold of level 50, but has been unable to pass it.

Lilith pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know why, but sometimes I always feel like my heart can't calm down, or maybe I still have some worries that shouldn't exist."

"Concerned? What worries can you have now?" Los asked in a daze.

Lilith was silent for a moment, then blushed slightly and said, "It must be because I haven't seen Minisha serving you yet."


At this moment, Los felt that Lilith was becoming more and more thoughtful.

After pondering for a moment, Los asked: "Are you sure it's because of this?"

Lilith nodded very seriously: "I can confirm that it must be this."

Ross was speechless when he heard that, and then gritted his teeth: "For the sake of our Arkham to have a second demigod appear, then I will sacrifice myself this time!"

It seems that this matter was a very difficult and painful decision for Los.

The moment Lilith heard this, her eyes suddenly burst out with jealousy, excitement, and even a distorted light.

Ross coughed and said, "But don't be anxious yet. Minisha and I don't spend much time together. No matter what, we need to get in touch and brew for a while. I'm not a stallion who suddenly goes into heat. There has to be a step-by-step process." ”

Lilith smiled and said, "I know, I know, you don't like too direct methods, you prefer foreshadowing and processes, and the kind of vague and euphemistic ones."

"Oh? You know it very clearly!" Los was a little surprised.

Lilith smiled and said, "Isn't this the reason why you let me wear all kinds of clothes every time we do it?"

Los coughed and said, "You little girl, you have become more and more unbridled recently."

The two had already arrived at Peabody Avenue while talking.

"Hello, Mayor!" At this time, the passing ghoul policeman Zeke greeted him.

Today, Zeke has grown to level 28 and is about to transform into a ghoul lord.

Along the way, Zeke can be said to have made countless contributions, so he received a lot of praise from Los.

Although the transformed ghouls have almost no room for growth, everything is possible in front of blood therapy.

Zeke's physical strength has not only been greatly enhanced, but with the help of Zach, his shell has been transformed into a combat armor similar to that of the Ur people.

During battle, the carapace can be transformed into armor and weapons, and the body strength can be greatly increased, just like when Zack smashed the fusion monster with one punch.

Los nodded: "Have you seen Minisha?"

Zeke replied: "I saw her an hour ago. Ms. Minisha was chasing some deep divers who were destroying ships. She should be at the dock now!"

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