After knowing the location of Minisha, Los went directly to the dock, while Lilith drove to the French Mountains to see the situation of the Super School.

At the Arkham Royal Dock, in the backyard of the office area, Minisha walked in with six huge ice blocks floating behind her, and then threw the six huge ice blocks into the cold storage with a wave of her hand.

The bodies of these supernatural families have always been the favorite materials of the group of scientific madmen in the Arkham Institute. In the past few months, Minisha would throw the bodies here every time she finished processing them, and then no matter how many she threw, they would disappear without a trace on the next day.

After throwing them in, Minisha jumped lightly onto the roof of the building, sat on the cushion above and looked at the bright sky.

"Although I have been rewarded for working like this, and my life is very fulfilling every day, and I can even get public praise from the mayor, but I always feel that my life is a little different from what I expected?"

Minisha said and lay down naturally, but the pair of plump peaches were not loose at all, and still stood upright under the clothes.

After several months of continuous fighting and strengthening, Minisha's current strength has reached level 40, entering the category of top superhumans.

At the same time, her body has become more and more tender and perfect because of the nourishment of blood therapy.

At this time, she is like a ripe peach.

White with pink, fresh and juicy, plump and seductive, delicate and charming.

"Lilith can accompany the mayor every day, why do I keep running around here?" Thinking of Lilith's beautiful life now, Minisha suddenly felt a little unbalanced.

"Why is the mayor always unwilling to get close to me? I am not worse than Lilith, and my figure is similar to Lilith. Is it because... my breasts are too big!?" Minisha thought and looked down at the two bright things on her chest, and suddenly felt that these two things were a bit annoying.

Just when Minisha was thinking about it, the door on the side suddenly opened, and Elizabeth, who was wearing a formal work suit, walked over and said, "I knew you were lying here."

The two have been working together for eight months. Although they serve different masters, because the masters on both sides have a good relationship, the two naturally become good sisters who can talk about anything.

"You are level 40?" Elizabeth was a little shocked.

She just broke through level 30 with the help of blood therapy, and Minisha is already level 40.

She thought she could catch up a little, but she didn't expect the gap between the two to get bigger and bigger.

Minisha sat up and asked, "What's the big deal? I asked you to come to me."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Of course it's a big deal. Guess what it is?"

Minisha stood up and said, "I guess it's that powerful spy who infiltrated again? Who? Give me the clue."

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "You guessed wrong."

"Oh! Don't keep me in suspense. How can I guess what you are thinking?" said Minisha, who was a little impatient.

Elizabeth sighed and said, "The relationship between you and me will end here."

"Ah!? What do you mean?" Hearing this, Minissa was stunned.

Elizabeth laughed and said, "You have been transferred from here and will not be responsible for the business here anymore."

"Ah!? No longer responsible? Then where should I go?" Minissa was at a loss.

She has been here for the past few months, and it has become a habit for her to be busy here every day.

Elizabeth took her hand and said, "Then I don't know, go down and ask yourself!"

After that, Elizabeth took Minissa, who was a little dazed, to the fifth-floor conference room. As soon as the door opened, Minissa was stunned.

"Hey! Minissa!" Los, who was sitting inside drinking coffee, said with a smile.

Minissa was stunned at first, then hid at the door in an instant, and then began to quickly pat the dust that was not on her body, and then waved her hand casually, and an ice crystal comb appeared in her hand, and began to quickly comb her hair that was a little messy.

Then she combed her hair and straightened her slim-fitting women's suit to make sure there were no wrinkles on it. She took a deep breath and walked in: "Hello, Mayor!"

Elizabeth, who was standing by, looked at Minisha with a smile. She naturally knew that Minisha liked Ross.

Strictly speaking, there is no unmarried woman in Arkham who doesn't like and admire Ross.

But Minisha is different from other women because she is qualified to stand beside the mayor.

After watching Minisha go in, Elizabeth closed the door and turned to leave. She was not interested in being a light bulb here.

In the conference room, Ross looked at Minisha, who was full of nervousness and restraint, and asked, "Have you been very busy recently?"

Minisha immediately shook her head and said, "Not busy, I have a long rest every day."

Ross said, "I am going to leave Arkham and go to Dunwich to check the situation recently. I am short of an attendant. You can go with me."

Hearing this, Minisha's eyes suddenly lit up and she immediately said, "Yes! Mayor!"

Ross stood up and said, "I can see that you are quite excited. Get ready today and we will leave tomorrow."

"Got it!" At this time, Minisha felt her heart beating faster.

Happiness always comes so suddenly that she feels unprepared.

She was just imagining when she could go out with the mayor, and now it has come true!

But soon, she thought of a serious thing.


Loss asked, "What's wrong?"

Minissa asked tentatively, "How many people are there for this mission?"

Loss asked back with a smile, "How many people do you think we should bring?"

Minissa felt a little disappointed when she heard this, and thought to herself, "It would be great if there were only the mayor and I!"

Minissa then asked tentatively, "Five?"

Loss smiled and walked over to touch her soft golden hair and said, "This hair feels really good."

Then he said, "The mission is special, it's just you and me."

Hearing this, Minissa's heart suddenly beat, and she looked at Los' eyes, almost dripping with tears.

"My chance... is finally here!" Minissa was full of excitement, and her hands were even shaking with excitement.

After watching Loss leave, the excited Minissa began to jump around in the conference room to express her excitement and happiness.

"Being alone with the mayor! What a great opportunity! I must prepare well."

"Although I am on a mission, as an attendant, I must also take care of the mayor's daily life! The cooking skills I have practiced for eight months are finally useful."

"You should also bring more clothes. I also secretly bought some sexy underwear, but I have never dared to wear them. Do you want to bring them?"

Minissa didn't know at this time that her face was already red to her ears.

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