After receiving Ross's order, the excited Minisha barely stayed at the dock for a second, and even didn't say goodbye to Elizabeth, and ran all the way back to her residence in the Witch House in the French Mountains.

Although she is still the Pope of the Forbidden Gate, she rarely manages things here.

Because the Forbidden Gate is just an insignificant title now, neither she, the Pope, nor the believers below, have time to run the church.

Their current task is to roll up their sleeves and work hard, to fight for the development of Arkham, to fight for better blood wine and blood therapy!

Back home, the flushed Minisha quickly closed the door and windows, then drew the curtains, and carefully took out a box with chains from the deepest part of her closet.

It seems that there is something very extraordinary sealed in this box.

Then Minisha carefully untied the chain and opened the box, and saw that there were several clothes inside.

For example, a pure white hollow lace gauze skirt, a court dress that looks very formal but has a somewhat unorthodox shape, and a few black hollow underwear.

"I heard several times that the mayor doesn't like women who are too exposed, but prefers women who are restrained and have temperament, especially those who wear some formal clothes, and likes them very much." Minisha held her face and thought with a fluttering heart.

She certainly didn't hear these words from Lilith, because she always regarded Lilith as her goal and competitor.

She heard these intelligence from Lilith's subordinates, Ruixue's group of girls, through indirect inquiries.

It is said that when Lilith was teaching them, she would occasionally teach them how to serve the great mayor in the future, if possible, and said some things that the mayor liked.

"Damn it, how can this kind of thing be explained to others? This lewd woman, how shameless!"

Thinking of this, Minisha covered her face with both hands and twisted her body constantly.

Although she cursed, she felt extra stimulation for some reason. Her legs couldn't help but tighten, and her whole body was getting hotter and hotter.

Although Minisha looked very seductive, like a juicy and experienced young woman, she actually had no experience with men and women, and was extremely innocent in this regard.

She thought that the day was still far away, and she could learn slowly, but she didn't expect that happiness came so suddenly, which made her a little flustered.

"What should I do? If the mayor really needs it, should I agree or refuse? If I agree, what if the mayor thinks I am a frivolous and promiscuous woman?"

"But if I refuse, will the mayor be very unhappy? Ah! I don't have any practical experience! What should I do!"

At this time, Minisha was anxiously lying on the ground, holding her head with both hands, and twisting her body constantly.

"Wait! Although I don't know, I know someone who knows! I have quite a few female friends! Minissa, calm down, use your smart little brain, and think about who you can ask for advice."

"Elizabeth? No, she has no experience like me."

"Lilith? That's even more impossible! I, Minissa, will never ask her for advice even if I die!"

"Rui Xue and the others? Ah! They are still young girls, what am I thinking!"


Minissa thought about it and finally thought of a reliable female friend, Leila!

She is Daryl's wife and Tracy's mother. She is an experienced person and has rich experience.

Minissa and Leila have met several times and had tea together at the Arkham Flower Club, so they are quite familiar with each other.

"Well! That's her!" Minissa said, getting up and going out quickly.

Although she still felt embarrassed, there was no way out now.

At Daryl's house, Tracy was talking to her good friend, Kama of the Green Covenant.

The two innocent and romantic girls were playing with the photos they had just developed.

Because of Daryl, Tracy got a new-generation camera, and yesterday the two took a lot of photos together, and today they just developed them and are enjoying them.

Leila looked at Tracy's happy face with a smile on her face, her expression full of happiness and satisfaction.

Today, Leila has become younger after being nourished by blood therapy and training in the Arkham Flower Club.

Although she is over 40, she looks only about 30 years old.

It's not just Leila who is young, but also Daryl.

This makes the two feel that they have returned to the time when they just met when they were young, and even their sex life at night has become more frequent and of high quality.

Today, Leila has been greatly satisfied physically and mentally, which makes her daily happiness explode.

Just as she was enjoying this happiness, there was a hurried knock on the door.

"Who is it!?" Leila was a little curious. She had memorized the rhythm of the knocks of her regular customers, and this was the first time she heard such a hurried knock on the door.

After opening the door, Leila saw a woman wearing a robe that covered her face and hair, with only a pair of eyes showing.

Leila immediately recognized who she was. After all, in her opinion, there were only two people who could have such a perfect figure.

The second one was Lilith, and the first one was naturally Minissa.

"Minisa, why are you dressed like this?" Leila asked curiously.

Minisa was shocked: "Ah!? How did you recognize me? I have covered myself up very well."

Leila smiled and said: "The clothes you wear are not big enough to cover your figure."

Minisa felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, but time was urgent, so she briefly exchanged greetings and expressed her purpose.

Hearing what Minisha said, Leila suddenly became a different person. She stroked her chin and said calmly, "Minisa, you came here to find me and found the right person!"

"When I was young, I was a famous school beauty in our school. I had countless suitors. I have rich experience and keen insight in this regard!"

Minisa's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this: "Leila! Teach me quickly! I will go with the mayor tomorrow!"

Leila then smiled and said, "I tell you, as a woman, first of all, don't be too proactive. You must always maintain your posture, especially when facing a perfect existence like the mayor."

"What kind of beauty has not seen such a great mayor? If you want to stand out from them, it is not enough to just maintain your posture. You must also have your own characteristics and a side that can impress the mayor."

Hearing this, Minisha frowned and said, "It sounds so complicated!"

"Listen to me! I guarantee that you can get the mayor's favor......"

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