While Leila was telling Minisha about her experience and skills, Tracy, who had finished looking at the photos, came out of the bedroom to get some food.

She walked to the living room and found that her mother was not there. Then she found that the door of her parents' room was still closed, which immediately aroused Tracy's vigilance.

After experiencing the last attack by the Hand of Chaos, she was extra concerned about her parents.

She walked quickly to her mother's door and was about to reach out and knock on the door. Her enhanced and sharp ears heard two strange moans from her mother inside.

"Is my mother sick?"

Before Tracy could come to her senses, she heard another similar moan, and then she heard a female voice: "Is that so?"

"Almost! I tell you, this is about being delicate but not coquettish... You and the mayor should go out together this time. You should choose a relatively quiet room. It's okay if the noise is a little loud."


Tracy, who was standing at the door, listened for a while and suddenly felt her face burning. A warm current flowed through her body, making her feel a special restlessness.

After listening for a long time, when she heard her mother was about to come out to pour tea, Tracy quickly stepped back and pretended to come to the table and asked: "Mom, do you have any snacks?"

At this time, Leila, who was in high spirits, did not notice her daughter's abnormality. After smiling and taking out snacks for the woman, she returned to the room with teacups and teapots to continue explaining.

Tracy returned to the room in a trance and heard Kama say: "Go! Tracy! Sister Gina found the family!"

Tracy immediately came back to her senses: "Okay!"

The A-level team of the Green Covenant has returned to Arkham for three months and has settled here.

Now, including Kingston, Joseph and others, they are all working in the government departments of Arkham.

After sufficient time of development, the government departments of Arkham have been divided in great detail, and each has its own special responsibilities.

For example, the department where Gina is located is called the Family Accommodation Department, which is responsible for handling things related to the family.

The two girls put on their clothes and went out quickly. Kama naturally noticed Tracy's abnormality and asked, "Tracy, what's wrong with your face?"

Tracy shook her head: "Nothing."

While saying it was okay, Tracy couldn't help but think of some unspeakable things that happened in the hotel, in the woods, and on the dark roadside after the mayor and the beautiful and sexy Miss Mines left alone. Her heart began to get hot uncontrollably.

"Your ears are red!" Kama reminded.

Tracy immediately came back to her senses and changed the subject, saying, "I heard that the mayor will leave Arkham for Dunwich tomorrow."

"How did you know?" Kama was stunned.

Tracy said, "Miss Mines came to visit my mother just now. I heard it when I went to get some snacks."

Kara said, "The situation in Dunwich is still very serious. Our Green Covenant has sent other people to investigate the situation. It seems that other organizations have also sent people there. It is said that something big is going to happen there."

"Dunwich is not far from us. It won't affect here like last time, right?" Kama said with a worried look on his face.

The appearance of the last man-made ancient god left Kama with a lifelong shadow.

Tracy heard this and said confidently: "Since the mayor went there in person, it means there will be no problems!"

While the two were talking, a middle-aged man who had been following them flashed his eyes. After seeing Gina not far away, he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

Arkham Merchant Hotel.

This is a new hotel opened in recent months to entertain businessmen who come here to do business.

The hotel fee is very cheap. A room with a private bathroom only costs 10 Rosa coins a day.

This price is almost 40% lower than the market price. It is said that this is mainly a welfare project opened by the Arkham government to subsidize small businessmen, and it has been in a loss-making state.

Due to the cheap price, there are a lot of people here every day, and therefore it is a mixture of dragons and fish.

After the middle-aged man just returned to his room on the third floor, he began to hold a special magic circle.

Then he wrote the news he had just heard on black paper, and then after the sacrifice through the magic circle, the black paper disappeared.

On the other side, in a cave about six kilometers away from Dunwich.

A middle-aged man moved his body, then opened his mouth and spit out the paper.

"Tomorrow, Los Arkham will take Minisha away from Arkham to Dunwich, without any followers, and it will be a covert operation."

Hearing this, the eyes of the other three people suddenly lit up.

"This is our last chance! We must take Minisha back while she is not having sex with anyone, and then make her give birth to a son with the Red King!"

The middle-aged man said, raising his head slightly, and you can see a very standard six-pointed star in the middle of his forehead.

At this time, you can see that this six-pointed star is flowing with strange colors, and it gives people a bad feeling just by looking at it.


Arkham, Los, who came back from the dock, did not go home, but went directly to Arkham Public High School to meet the earth vein guardian here, the astrologer Anita.

"How is Dunwich recently?" Los asked.

Anita said respectfully: "Although the situation seems relatively stable, it can be felt that the erosion is accelerating."

After listening, Los nodded: "I will go there in person tomorrow, but I am not sure about the military's actions. Do you have any signs?"

After listening, Anita shook her head and said: "No, my astrology can only be centered on Arkham. The farther away, the weaker the effect."

"Now it can only mean that they will not attack Arkham, but it does not mean that they will attack other places."

Hearing this, Los' eyes flashed with a gleam: "It seems that we are not the ones who need to worry."

"By the way, Mayor, if you are going to Dunwich, I have an omen here." Anita said.

Los asked: "What?"

"The omen this time is the meteor, which symbolizes moisture and good luck. At the same time, the meteor keeps moving left and right, indicating that the recent state and fate of the meteor are unstable."

"If you pass this disaster, the meteor will get a unique opportunity in Dunwich. If you fail, the meteor may fall."

"Meteor?" Los was stunned and immediately thought of Minisha.

That is the woman who is like water.

"What is her fate?" Los asked.

Anita smiled bitterly and said, "The light of the Flowing Water Star is covered by the light of the Divine Star. I can't see the fate."

After that, Los walked out of the school in a deep thought.

"It seems that it is the right decision to bring Minisha with you this time. Although it is dangerous, she can't die even if she wants to!"

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