Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 367 Arkham Internal Contribution System

ps: Post first, check later

Arkham Community Security Bureau is the official name of the department that Danny O'Banion is in charge of now.

The role of this department is just like its name, which is to provide various security for various communities in Arkham City.

For example, security patrols, assisting the police in catching thieves, mediating disputes between neighbors, helping some families in difficulties to overcome difficulties, etc.

Whether from the name or the function, it is a department that is very close to life, has no characteristics, and is very inconspicuous.

However, all this is just a superficial phenomenon.

After sufficient time of development, the Danny Gang led by Danny has officially become an official organization. Today, the Danny Gang has handed over its previous smuggling and private mining business and is responsible for this aspect.

At the beginning, their functions were indeed as the name, but after the deployment, supplementation, and differentiation of personnel, four more departments have been divided in the subordinate departments.

One of them is a normal department, which is responsible for superficial work, and the personnel are mainly ordinary people, just like ordinary company employees.

The members of the other three departments are all superhumans. According to their different functions, they are divided into trackers who are responsible for investigation and exploration, hunters who are responsible for capture, and sweepers who are responsible for blockade and aftermath.

The composition of these three departments is no longer just ghouls. Due to the popularity of blood therapy and the abundance of various transformation surgeries, the current members include six directions: gene enhancement, body enhancement, bloodline enhancement, prosthetic modification, foreign body parasitism, and god worship.

Although almost the vast majority of people in Arkham today believe in the great mayor, this does not prevent some people from believing in other gods.

For example, the owner of Crawford Restaurant, Mark Crawford, is a believer in the cat god.

For them, faith has never been an obstacle between them. After all, they are now citizens of Arkham.

Arkham Merchant Hotel in the North District.

Art, the former leader of the gangsters and the owner of the billiard hall, is looking at a window of the hotel.

Due to some coincidences, Art, who has great power, has performed well in the past few months and has been nourished by a lot of high-quality blood. His current level has reached level 30, and he is now considered the backbone of the hunters under the Arkham Security Bureau.

In the past four months, more than fifty superhumans have been captured and killed by him.

"Boss, according to the description of Dennis, the ice cream boss, that guy lives here. He has been wandering back and forth on Peabody Avenue in the central area recently, mainly wandering from the Empire Postal Building to the Arkham Taxi Company."

Next to Art is a young man with special eyes.

Art nodded slightly: "Get ready for action."

The young man said excitedly: "After this action is completed, it is estimated that two more contribution points can be obtained!"

The young man's name is Jimmy. He used to be a gangster at the bottom of society. He did a lot of immoral things, but they were all petty thefts and did not hurt anyone.

After being beaten up by Art by chance, he became a waiter in Art's billiard hall, which can be regarded as a reformation.

After the establishment of the Arkham Community Security Bureau, he was selected by Danny because he was very familiar with all the residential areas north of the Miskatonic River, and followed Art to become one of the first members.

Later, in more than a dozen pursuit missions, he relied on his understanding of the terrain and various paths to help the pursuers catch the spies who were about to run out of the town, and accumulated enough contribution points to successfully exchange for a chance for transformation surgery.

Since Jimmy himself was not good at fighting, he chose to transform his eyes in order to assist Art's actions.

The powerful transformation surgery made him directly become a level 15 superhuman, and he gained a pair of eyes with strong vision.

At this time, it can be seen that Jimmy's eyes have four foveas, and the huge area of ​​sharp vision gives him a strong ability to receive light.

The technical reason for this transformation comes from the eyes of an eagle.

The reason why the eagle's eyes can have extraordinary strength is that they have two foveas, so they can easily see the fish under the water through the reflection of sunlight on the water surface.

This transformation technology has only matured recently.

At the beginning, the blood therapy could not separate the eagle's ability for transformation. If it wanted to be transformed, it could only make its genes and the eagle's genes complete gene mutation, thus becoming a genetic warrior.

Although this can obtain the eagle's vision, sharp claws and strong grip, such an overall transformation is too rigid.

After the transformation is completed, the template of the whole person is finalized, inheriting not only the advantages but also various disadvantages.

So in the subsequent process, with the help of Zack, Mursi and Wayne further studied this aspect of blood therapy, analyzed the principles and structure of the genes, and achieved this technology.

Through artificial transformation, simulating a certain advantage of a certain creature, this transformation is more flexible and easier to customize an ability that suits your own development path.

So now there is a complete redemption system inside Arkham.

Basic, such as Jimmy only needs 15 contribution points, and there are many more places to transform.

Eyes, mouths, palms, legs, noses, hair, and even if you want to make your penis naturally bigger, you can combine it with the genes of horses to achieve it.

Slightly upgraded ones are no longer single organs, but the transformation of a part.

For example, if someone loses an arm, you only need to spend 25 contribution points to get a powerful steel prosthesis through transformation surgery.

If you have extra contribution points, you can increase one ability for every five contribution points you spend.

For example, the arm can be instantly extended and turned into a weapon of various forms.

If you are willing to spend ten contribution points for a more powerful upgrade, you can also let the arm directly transform into an energy cannon and launch a long-range energy attack.

If you have more contribution points, you can choose a more advanced one.

For example, full-body transformation, genetic evolution, and full-body ability customization.

And there is a more advanced existence above this, that is the overall bloodline.

Only 200 contribution points are needed to obtain a powerful werewolf bloodline without any side effects.

If you are willing to spend 400 contribution points, you can also obtain a vampire bloodline that allows you to live for hundreds of years.

If you are worried and afraid of the light, you can spend an extra 100 contribution points to allow yourself to overcome the sunlight and evolve into the ultimate creature without any shortcomings!

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