Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 368 Open the door! The community sends warmth

ps: Post first and check.

"What are you going to exchange this time?" The young man next to Jimmy asked with a smile.

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's too early for me. I only have eight contribution points now. These guys have been too honest recently, and there is no place to earn contribution points."

"What about you? Vic, I remember you have saved a lot, right?" Jimmy asked.

Vic smiled and said, "It's already 20 points. I plan to save some more and exchange it for myself a handsome and cool mechanical arm."

Vic is a veteran who was injured on the battlefield, causing his left arm to have no strength for many years and always tremble.

It feels terrible every time it rains and is cloudy.

Because of this arm, Vic has not lived well in recent years, but fortunately he has a very powerful throwing knife technique.

With the alloy throwing knife specially configured for him, it can easily penetrate the skin of superhumans below level 20.

At the same time, the throwing knife is also poisoned, and it will produce a strong anesthetic effect as long as the skin is broken.

He was almost unable to survive, and then he was dug out by Danny.

At that time, he really felt that the goddess of luck was on his side for the first time.

After joining the Arkham Community Security Bureau, although it is a bit dangerous, he can get a salary of 1,000 Rosa coins every month. If you count the bonus for completing tasks every month, you can get about 1,300 Rosa coins a month.

1,300 Rosa coins a month! This is more than twice his previous salary!

This job has a great impact on his life.

He finally has the money to buy a better house and buy some clothes for his wife and children. At the same time, his wife doesn't have to work too hard and can be a relaxed housewife.

With no worries about life, Vic naturally has a new goal. When he first saw the contribution point system three months ago and saw the dazzling array of things for the first time, he saw the powerful mechanical arm at a glance.

And later, when he saw the mechanical arm of Officer Conte, all his attention was attracted by the mechanical arm.

After listening to this, Art smiled and said, "That should be about the same. This time it should be a big fish. As usual, get ready for action."


The hunter's team is not large, and Art's team only has three of them.

Then the three people quickly dispersed.

Jimmy quickly came to the roof of the opposite floor with the big box in his hand.

What he held in his hand was a powerful weapon invented by the mayor, called a sniper rifle.

This powerful sniper rifle has great power, ultra-long range and very high accuracy. The only disadvantage is that it is too big and heavy, and cannot fire continuously.

But this thing is originally used for long-range shooting, and does not require too much mobility.

And such a weapon is a magic weapon for people like Jimmy who have strong vision.

Of course, this gun is not his, but borrowed from the arsenal temporarily during this operation.

Because it is borrowed, there is only one magazine of bullets, a total of seven rounds.

Jimmy's next step is to use his contribution points to exchange for this handsome big gun.

But unfortunately, this gun cannot be exchanged with contribution points for the time being.

According to the person in charge of logistics, this gun cannot be mass-produced due to some industrial structure reasons.

The only twelve guns now are still made by the mayor himself.

Even the bullets cannot use the common bullets on the market, but are specially made by the Arkham Institute.

Quickly coming upstairs, Jimmy quickly assembled the gun in his hand.

Soon, a gun that was 1.2 meters long, black, handsome and cool appeared in front of Jimmy.

Jimmy, who was full of love, reached out and touched the gun body, then quickly lay down, took out a thumb-sized microphone and said, "Boss, Jimmy is ready."

This small microphone is a small-range radio communicator invented by Su Yi based on the current situation. The overall effective radius is one kilometer. It does not require any satellites or any switching, which is very convenient.

Although it was invented by Su Yi, due to the situation in the capital, Su Yi has no ability to mass produce it, so she sent the drawings here.

Los was very happy to get this thing, and then he built a usable prototype in one day and threw it to Mursi and others.

On the other side, Vic first followed Art to the hotel, then hid in the corridor at the corner, and then slightly lifted his coat to reveal a black flying knife that was about one and a half palms long and pinned on his waist.

Art walked to the door with the hotel waiter and said, "Is anyone there?"

Then a low voice came from the room: "Who?"

"The Arkham Community Security Bureau is here to see you." The waiter said.

The people in the room were silent for a while and asked, "What do you want to see me for?"

Art smiled and said, "The community is sending warmth. Recently, Arkham has been encouraging foreign merchants to come here to do business. We are here today to distribute bread to the merchants."

The people inside were silent for a while, and then opened the door with a click.

The moment the door opened, the people inside suddenly found that what was waiting for him was not bread at all, but a brother with a smile, tall and strong, and full of muscles.

"Not good!" The man immediately felt that something was wrong and wanted to close the door, but Art directly blocked it.

After confirming that this person was the target they were looking for, Art smiled and said, "Why are you in a hurry to close the door? No one can refuse the warmth sent by our Arkham Community Security Bureau!"

The man inside changed his face greatly, and then his face suddenly turned black, and then he opened his mouth and sprayed a large amount of black substance.

Art pulled the waiter's body back and hurriedly dodged.

This black thing was not a good thing just by looking at it.

As Art retreated, the man inside broke through the door and rushed out, and then ran towards the stairs.

Vic, who was waiting here, was quick and quick. Although he only had one hand to shoot flying knives, he shot out three flying knives in two breaths and directly blocked the middle-aged man's way.

But the middle-aged man was not an ordinary person after all. At the critical moment, his body showed a weird shape, and he barely avoided the flying knives.

But because of his anxiety, the flying knife still cut the skin on his arm.

He turned over and stood up. Just when he was about to kill this ordinary person with an angry face, he found that his body began to be severely paralyzed and lost control.

"Not good!"

In an instant, the middle-aged man broke through the window and jumped out.

As the glass shattered, the stiff middle-aged man rolled to the ground, and then his face turned black again, trying to fight poison with poison.

But at this moment...


A heavy sound came from a distance.

Before he could come to his senses, he found that his leg was broken.

Yes, broken! This shot not only broke his leg bones, but also all the muscles in his calf.

He watched his ankle and foot flying away with broken flesh and blood, and the blood splattered all over the ground.

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