Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 369: Arkham's Sanitation Workers

The middle-aged man stared blankly at his ankle that flew out, and he didn't know what happened in his trance.

Because of the paralysis poison, he didn't even feel the pain.

When he wanted to stand up, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Only then did he look down and found that his leg had completely disappeared from the knee. On the cross section of the wound, he could clearly see twisted pieces of meat and spiral meat filaments, and blood was dripping rapidly from these things.

"What happened...?"

The middle-aged man didn't even know who attacked him and what kind of weapon he used.

"Is it a gun? How can a gun have such great power?"

While the middle-aged man was stunned, he saw the ground beside him from the corner of his eye.

There was a bullet hole as thick as a thumb, and a lot of green smoke was emitting from it.

Following the angle of the bullet hole, he turned his head in the opposite direction to look. At level 23, his eyes were still sharp.

At this time, he clearly saw that on the roof of a building about 100 meters away from here, a young man holding an exaggeratedly large gun stood up with a smug smile on his face.

"It's actually... a gun." Although he wanted to be shocked, the strong marijuana paralysis drug had already begun to take effect, making his mind stiff.

The flying broken limbs and blood immediately caused a panic among the people around.

But in just two minutes, three patrolling policemen rushed over quickly and began to appease the people.

At this time, Art took Vic out of the hotel, and then a black car stopped. Under the gaze of everyone, the middle-aged man was put into the car and taken away directly.

Just after Art and the other two left, a group of middle-aged men and women dressed as sanitation workers came over in just five minutes.

They picked up the broken limbs skillfully, cleaned up the flying meat and blood, removed the bullets that hit the ground, and then used a special machine to fill and smooth the bullet holes.

It can be seen that their movements are very skillful, and the special cleaning agent they use is also very powerful.

The blood stains on the ground that were difficult to wipe off were quickly decomposed into transparent liquid after they sprayed some transparent liquid on them, and then wiped with a black rag, everything was clean again.

In just ten minutes, the street where the bloody scene had just taken place had returned to normal.

Broken limbs, pieces of flesh, and blood had all disappeared, and even the bullet holes could not be found, as if nothing had happened here just now.

The residents and merchants around did not see much and left under the police's vigilance and expulsion.

But there were still many people who saw the magical scene out of the corner of their eyes.

"My God, how did they do it? What is that transparent liquid? It's so easy to clean blood, isn't it?" A businessman who had just arrived in Arkham a few days ago said excitedly.

The young man in a suit sneered: "You have just been here for a few days, right? Newbie!"

The young businessman was a little surprised: "How did you know?"

The young man in the suit said casually: "This kind of scene is very common in Arkham. You know, Arkham is the birthplace of the legendary blood therapy. No organization in the world knows blood better than them. They have special methods for cleaning blood. Is there any problem?"

The young businessman was stunned, then scratched his head: "Thank you for your advice, haha! I forgot about this!"

He looked around and said: "This place is so lively and prosperous, and it is completely different from the backwardness, chaos and mystery in the rumors."

"That was the Arkham of the past! The current Arkham has already transformed and reborn under the leadership of the great mayor!" At this time, a passing Arkham resident said with pride and admiration.

The young businessman was a little surprised. After the residents left, he whispered, "I heard that the residents of Arkham are very xenophobic and rarely talk to outsiders!"

The young man in a suit seemed very happy to explain: "You don't know this. Although the residents of Arkham are still very xenophobic, they are much better than before. The most important thing is that they admire the mayor here very much. If you want to get help from the locals, it is a good choice to praise the mayor in front of them."

The young businessman was very excited: "So that's it! You know so much!"

The young man in a suit handed over a business card: "Ximu Tour Guide Agency, we specialize in helping you outsiders who have just arrived here to explain the necessary knowledge and familiarize yourself with the rules and terrain here. Are you interested? The daily fee is only five Rosa coins."

The young businessman nodded happily after listening, stretched out his hand and asked with a smile: "Yes, it's nice to meet you. My name is Newton Pava, how about you?"

The young man in a suit stretched out his hand with a smile: "Joseph, Joseph Ens."


On the other side, in the backyard of the Arkham Community Security Bureau, the second underground floor

The Arkham Community Security Bureau is located at 5477 Hyde Street in the central area. The above-ground building is a new five-story building.

The entire building is not large and looks very ordinary.

But what others don’t know is that there is a huge underground fortification under this new building, with a total of five floors.

Each floor holds prisoners of different levels, and the more threatening the prisoners are, the lower they go.

At the same time, there are several underground passages, through which you can directly lead to the Arkham Sanatorium, the Arkham Research Institute, and the Arkham Cultural Bureau in charge of Sina.

Art and the other two handed the middle-aged man to Seth, the warden in charge of the prison.

Now Seth has been separated from the Arkham Theater and has become the warden in charge of the prisoners here.

Strictly speaking, everyone in the Arkham Theater now has their own functions and jobs, scattered in various departments of Arkham.

"This time it's a tough guy." Art said after handing the man over.

Seth, who has completely merged with the Scarlet Executioner, gives people a twisted and cold feeling.

Jimmy and Vic behind Art didn't dare to get too close.

After hearing Art's words, Seth laughed softly and said, "I like tough guys."

Art reminded, "I know your methods, but be careful. I checked him on the way. His mind was protected by a powerful person. According to my estimation, he is at least demigod-level."

Hearing this, Seth was a little surprised. He looked down at the middle-aged man who was numb all over but had very calm eyes. He turned to Art and said, "Thanks for the reminder."

Art smiled and said, "There is a cocktail party tomorrow. Can you come?"

Seth's eyes lit up slightly, "If the interrogation goes well, I will definitely be there."

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