After Art and the three left, Seth waved his hand and a shadow appeared, followed by a large number of scarlet chains dragging the middle-aged man inside.

The prison that can see the entire five underground floors is not as dark and dirty as imagined.

On the contrary, the corridor here is very neat and clean, and the gray-black walls on both sides are like single rooms in an apartment, looking very regular.

Seth walked to room 2077 and took the middle-aged man inside.

It's not like there's nothing in the room.

Apart from a bed and a set of tables and chairs, there was nothing else.

Seth placed him on the chair, and the chain tied him directly to it. Then he raised his hand, and a scarlet bone cleaver appeared in his hand.

"Give you a chance to tell me everything you know. Maybe you can die quietly and peacefully." Seth said coldly.

At this time, the paralyzing potion gradually dissipated, and the middle-aged man opened his mouth and said indifferently: "Use whatever means you have, no need to talk nonsense here."

Seth grinned after hearing this. The two rows of white teeth under the scarlet hood looked so eerie.

"Very good, I like people like you." After saying that, he slashed the middle-aged man's head with the bone chopping knife in his hand.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of bones breaking, the middle-aged man's forehead and Tianling Cap were split open, and frightening blood continued to flow down the middle-aged man's face.

At this time, the middle-aged man felt that his skull was being stretched open, exposing his brain.

This feeling can be said to be very terrifying. At this time, the middle-aged man even felt that his head had turned into a melon seed.

The man directly split the top gap, then broke off the shell on both sides to expose the fruit inside.

Especially the feeling of the skull gradually separating, the bones gradually deforming and creaking due to the huge force, and then gradually cracking. The moment ordinary people feel it, they are afraid that they have gone crazy.

But the middle-aged man seemed to have received professional training. Even at this moment, suffering indescribable pain and fear, his expression remained motionless.

Here, the moment Seth separated the middle-aged man's skull, a dark force burst out directly.

A large amount of blood mist instantly appeared in front of Seth. While blocking the dark power, Seth quickly retreated.

"Is this what the Arkham Inquisitor is capable of?" At this time, the middle-aged man, whose head was split open and his brain was exposed to the air and was constantly squirming, still sneered in that calm and scary tone.

Seth wasn't angry either. He patted the blood on his body and said in a low and hoarse voice: "Don't worry, the fun has just begun."

After saying that, he turned around and closed the door and left.

When he walked out of the prison, he saw two huge ghouls licking the blood on the ground.

The ghouls here are different from those outside. The ghouls here are transformed and enhanced versions of jailers.

They were transformed through those dead prisoners. By sacrificing their transformation into humans and part of their intelligence, they had powerful level 26 vision from birth, and their bodies were equipped with Ur flesh and blood weapons. Each one Its comprehensive combat power is comparable to that of a level 30 advanced superhuman.

Seth stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, letting the giant ghoul, which stood three meters tall, lick the blood from his hand.

It looks like a dog lover feeding his pet.

"How many more died today?" Seth asked.

The ghoul, whose head was as big as Seth's upper body, looked like he was thinking, and then stretched out four claws as sharp as blades.

Seth nodded after hearing this: "Go and get everyone else to eat."

After hearing this, the ghoul's eyes suddenly burst into a burst of joy. He licked Seth's hand with his tongue that was one and a half meters long and left quickly.

Apart from him, there were no other humans in this huge prison, and there were only twenty such ghouls.

He is very satisfied with this working environment because it is his ideal situation.

He liked to hear those people's screams, those people's begging for mercy and despair, and he didn't want such beautiful sounds to be shared with others.

Following the corridor to the door of the second-floor prison, he picked up the phone and made a call.

Soon, a door opened and Hardy walked in wearing a handsome suit.

"Mr. Seth, do you need any help?" Hardy asked with a smile.

Seth said: "Take me to the shelter and I request the use of 2020 shelter items."

Upon hearing this, Hardy immediately nodded, turned around, opened the door again and said, "This way, please!"

Immediately, Seth followed Hardy through the door and directly came to the asylum in the west of Arkham Sanatorium.

Today, the top twelve floors of the shelter have been used to accommodate three levels of containment objects.

The person in charge of this shelter at this time is naturally Dr. Boqi.

Doctor Pochi can be seen in the lobby of the asylum, playing with the Angle Monster with something like a cat teaser.

Now the Angle Monster has identified Dr. Poch, and the relationship between the two is very good.

At the same time, if you want to enter below the fifth floor, you must pass through angle monsters.

In addition, the angle monster is also a contained object here, numbered 0002.

Thanks to the help of the angle monster and the nourishment of blood therapy, Dr. Pochi has now reached level 25 without knowing it, and has begun to gradually awaken his space-related talents.

According to Los's prediction, Dr. Pochi has the opportunity to become a special demigod in the space field.

"Dr. Pochi, I need to use the 2020 containment." Seth went straight to the point.

After listening, Dr. Pochi said: "What are the procedures?"

Seth took out a blood-red sign from his arms and said: "The mayor's special order, I have the right to use the containment below level 4 related to interrogation."

"Interrogate who?" Pochi asked.

Seth then told the story of the middle-aged man.

Pochi immediately picked up the phone and confirmed with Art, and then said: "Let's go!"

Then Pochi opened a door with the angle monster and Seth and walked down the stairs.

This is the first time Seth has come here to use the containment.

You know, in the past few months, almost thirty containments have been contained here.

There are all kinds of things here, such as this containment numbered 2020, named the creeping arm.

He came from Innsmouth, bred in the body of a mutant worm, discovered by Kos, and sent back to Arkham.

According to the test, this thing has a special effect on the brain, and can directly steal the human brain through any barrier.

Even the person whose brain is stolen does not feel it.

The wriggling arm itself is a white worm that looks very much like a human arm. If you want to use it normally, you need to give it enough nutrition, preferably human brain.

However, now you can use the red blood of the guilty person instead.

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