As the No. 0001 inmate of Arkham Asylum, the Man of Sin has an extremely special and important role.

The red blood that seeps out of his stone head not only has powerful biological energy, but also has a natural attraction to many special objects.

Now in this huge asylum, there are a total of 34 inmates, of which 33 inmates have a great desire for the red blood of the Man of Sin, including this wriggling arm, numbered 2020.

Seth followed Dr. Pochi down the clean and tidy stairs to the second floor of the entire building, where all the existences are special objects starting with 2.

According to Los's classification, the special objects are divided into ten levels, each of which symbolizes a completely different degree of danger.

The special objects starting with sequence 2 correspond to mutants that can easily cause human death.

There are now a total of eleven special objects on this floor, each of which has a separate room, and these rooms are all made of dragon flame steel.

And according to the characteristics of different special objects, a special growth environment is given in the room.

For example, this wriggling arm must survive in a humid environment.

Soon, Dr. Boqi brought Seth to the door numbered 2020, and then Dr. Boqi took out a key, opened the door and walked in.

Seth in the back clearly saw that this small room was full of various purple-black mosses, and there was a musty smell in the room.

In the middle of these mosses, there was a white worm about the size of a human arm, wriggling slowly.

At this time, sensing the arrival of humans, the worm, which was very sluggish just now, immediately raised its front half, which looked like an organ in the human palm.

The five fingers that had been clenched before gradually loosened at this time, and you can see a ferocious three-petal mouth full of tiny fangs in the palm.

On the inside of the three-petal mouth, you can also see three small and long tongues constantly swallowing and spitting.


Almost instantly, the worm jumped up and rushed towards Dr. Boqi who came in.

Then... even without Dr. Pochi's help, the Angle Monster raised its claws that appeared from nowhere and slapped the giant worm away.

Just as it was slapped away, Dr. Pochi took out a long cylindrical container from the side and put the monster in it.

Then he sealed the tube and said to Seth: "Its ability is a bit weird, and its overall combat power is not strong. Don't be afraid."

Seth nodded: "I'm not afraid, I just feel a little surprised."

Here, Dr. Pochi took out a thin book and a small bottle of red liquid from the safe at the door.

"The liquid in the vial is the blood of No. 0001. This blood is enough to make No. 2020 obey your orders for ten minutes."

"Remember, you must finish it within ten minutes and then put it in. Otherwise, if it gets out of control, you won't even know when you will lose your brain. Its ability is absolutely penetrating. According to our experiments, if it is unintentional, it can also steal the brain of a level 30 strongman."

Hearing this, Seth was shocked and nodded vigorously, saying, "I know."

Dr. Bochi then picked up the notebook and said, "This is the instruction manual for No. 2020. There are detailed precautions and how to deal with it if you find your head entangled by its tongue."

Seth kept nodding to show that he understood.

Dr. Pochi said, "You have one hour to rent it and you need to return it within one hour. If you don't return it within the deadline, I will bring someone to your door."

Seth didn't mind after hearing this: "I know."

Then, Pochi put the three things into a large silver box and handed it to Seth, saying, "Good luck, for the mayor and for Arkham."

"For the mayor!" Seth answered seriously.

After getting what he wanted, Seth quickly returned to his own territory with the help of the gatekeeper Hardy.

As soon as he came back, he saw Danny O'Banion, the current director of the Arkham Community Security Bureau, standing there looking around.

"Director." Seth came over with the box and said hello.

Danny asked, "Did you bring the things back?"

Just now, Dr. Pochi not only called Art to confirm, but also talked to Danny on the phone.

After all, the matter of special objects is a big deal. There is a risk of loss every time it is used, so it is necessary to be fully prepared.

Seth lifted the box and said, "Here."

Danien said, "I'm always confident in your work, but this is your first time using this thing, so I thought it would be better to come and take a look."

Seth was not surprised, and said while carrying the box, "That's great, let's see what this guy is all about."

On the other side, in cell 2077, the middle-aged man who had gotten rid of Seth's chains by special methods had used his hands to restore his split skull.

Although it was not completely healed, at least there was no risk of it splitting at any time.

After that, he began to use all his strength to find an exit and wanted to leave here.

But now more than ten minutes have passed, and he still hasn't found any way to escape.

Even though he is a superhuman of more than 20 levels, he feels no different from an ordinary person here.

"Damn it! What are these bricks made of? Why are they so strong? They can even block all spiritual and ritual connections!?"

This was not the first time the middle-aged man was imprisoned. He had been tortured at least three times before, but he survived and escaped.

But this time was completely different from the previous ones.

There were many people guarding him before, and all the guards were made up of numbers.

But there was no one here, just like a very ordinary dungeon, and he didn't even suffer any restraints, but this time was the most desperate time for him.

This strange wall is far more deadly than those human guards.

This made him feel miscalculated.

Even the calmness just now was because he was confident that he could contact his organization and believed that he had the ability to escape from here.

But now, he panicked.

It was at this time that he suddenly felt the door gradually opening.

At this moment, he knew that the opportunity had come.

Then his entire head began to turn black, and a large amount of black poison gas gathered in his mouth. The moment the cell door opened, he rushed forward with just one leg and spit out the poison gas in his mouth.

"What stinks so bad? Damn it, how long have you not brushed your teeth? Your breath is black!?"

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