When the middle-aged man's brain was taken out by number 2020, the black mist entrenched in the middle-aged man's brain showed no reaction, as if he didn't know that what he wanted to protect had been stolen.

Here Seth put the middle-aged man's brain in his hand, and then quickly put the number 2020 into the containment container and said: "Director, please help me send the things back. I have to find what we need while the brain is still fresh. information."

Danny put the container into the box and took it away and said, "Work with peace of mind and leave the rest to me."

Although these people have a superior-subordinate relationship, there is not much sense of alienation between them.

They are not employees and bosses opposing each other, nor are they officials and subordinates of government departments.

Strictly speaking, they are all servants of Los and citizens of Arkham, so there is no intrigue or bullying between them.

They have only one purpose for each other, and that is to serve Los and for the safety and development of Arkham.

Danny carried the box and left quickly. At this time, waves of strange red light gradually appeared all over Seth's body, and then countless slender chains directly imprisoned the middle-aged man's brain, and then Seth's spirit gradually entered In the memory of middle-aged people.


On the other hand, after Ross returned to the central area from Arkham Public College, he stood on the crowded street and for a moment he didn't know where he should go or what he should do.

Nowadays, everything in Arkham is on the right track, everything is developing for the best, and his subordinates are strong enough now, and they no longer need his master to teach them anything.

Just like these few months, he only needs to eat, drink and have fun every day. Occasionally he gets interested and invents some magical things amidst the amazement of everyone. He doesn't need to care about the development of the city or think about other things. thing.

"I suddenly feel a little empty." Ross sighed.

Now he has gained invincible power. After surrendering the Ur people a few months ago, he has also gained a comprehensive understanding of the Ur people in the past few months.

Now it is certain that with his current strength, even the Ur people from outer space are no match for him.

"I miss the past a little bit." Ross thought to himself, sitting casually on a bench on the street, covering his face with a hat, and looking at the surrounding scenery through the hat with his keen eyes.

When he first came to this world, he also had invincible power, but at that time the place was surrounded by tigers and wolves, and everything was waiting for improvement, and there was no one under him except Carrington.

Although it was very busy at that time, it was very fulfilling, and gradually I felt a very novel feeling and excitement after coming into contact with the NPC I designed.

But as he gradually gained control over the entire Arkham, and as his subordinates gradually grew and became stronger, he gradually felt some emptiness and boredom.

Especially after taking down the entire Massa and obtaining the detailed information about the Ur people, he suddenly felt that he had lost some passion for this world.

"Why hasn't the military made any action? I'm almost bored to death. Let's do something quickly, and then let's play some exciting games together!" Los thought to himself, filled with anticipation.

His previous predictions about Arkham have almost taken shape now.

A shelter for strange objects, a supernatural school, a library of mysterious knowledge, and slum houses that may disappear at any time.

However, at this moment, no one came to pay attention to the things he had prepared, which made him very disappointed.

Loss, who was bored, was lying on the bench, and suddenly a young voice sounded next to him.

"Can I sit here?"

Los said casually: "Whatever, this is a public facility."

The man seemed to sit down after listening, and then said with excitement: "This place is really prosperous and full of human touch. There were no benches like this on the streets where we were before, and the streets were full of people. Indifference makes people look cold.”

Ross did not take off his hat and said lazily: "That's really miserable for you, but it doesn't matter. Since you have come to Arkham, you will definitely be warmly welcomed by the people here."

The man smiled after hearing this: "Yes, I have already felt the enthusiasm of the people here. I feel like I will like it here."

Hearing this, Ross turned slightly and found that this was a man wearing very casual casual clothes, with a short haircut, dark skin, and a hearty smile on his face, looking around with joy.

Seeing this scene, Ross sat up suddenly, took off his hat and looked at the man cautiously.

At this time, the man, still with a hearty smile on his face, turned to look at Los and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, Mr. Black Pharaoh."

As he spoke, the smile on the man's face became even brighter and he said, "Coincidentally, I also call myself the Black Pharaoh. Between the two of us, who is the real one and who is the fake one?"

Looking at this very ordinary-looking man, Loss gradually became wary.

"First of all, what is certain is that the incarnation of the outer gods in this world is not as strong as mine, and I have the blessing of Arkham's leyline here. Even if it is really the incarnation of Nyarlathotep, I am not afraid."

Los thought in his mind, he also showed a hearty smile, and then his face turned into another man with dark skin and completely different appearance and said: "Who is real and who is fake, does this matter?"

The dark man gradually stopped smiling after hearing this, and looked at Los calmly and said, "I'm curious, who are you?"

Los smiled and replied, "Of course I'm the Black Pharaoh."

The dark man chuckled, "Los Arkham, you do carry a familiar aura, but that doesn't mean you are qualified to be so presumptuous in front of me now."

While speaking, the space around the dark man began to wriggle strangely.

In response, Los raised his hand and directly controlled the wriggling of the space around him, smiling and saying, "Black Pharaoh No. 2, please pay attention to your current identity and position."

"Just like you just said about me, I will reply to you with the same words."

While speaking, Los stopped smiling, his face gradually became cold and he said, "Nyarlathotep, your original body is indeed powerful enough and terrifying, but it doesn't mean that your incarnation is qualified to be so presumptuous in front of me now."

Hearing Los's completely counterattack, the dark man showed a hint of surprise on his face, and then still showed that hearty smile and said, "You seem very confident, human."

"I have always been very confident, but you don't know me well enough." Los answered casually.

The dark-skinned man became interested: "That's right, now I have time to get to know you better."

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