Faced with the sudden appearance of the real Black Pharaoh, Los was still very surprised.

Although there are Familia and many gods of Cthulhu in this world, no incarnation of the gods has appeared so far.

What Los didn't expect was that the first incarnation of a god he faced was the Black Pharaoh he had copied before.

Regarding the Black Pharaoh's words, Los smiled and said: "I'm not very interested in men. I'm afraid you won't have the chance to understand me."

After hearing this, the Black Pharaoh said with a smile: "Really, then I also have a female incarnation, do you need it?"

After hearing this, Los asked: "Are you sure your other incarnations are nearby?"

The Black Pharaoh looked at Los and said, "I'm curious, where did you get so much knowledge and information about me?"

You know, the name Nyarlathotep is the highest taboo in this world. There are only two humans on this planet who know this name.

Ross replied calmly: "About this, I guess you wouldn't have thought of it even with your own wisdom."

The Black Pharaoh chuckled: "It doesn't matter, we will have a lot of time to talk next."

"Based on the current situation, you should already know when the stars are right, right?"

Ross did not answer, but asked: "Is this why you came all the way here?"

The Black Pharaoh looked around and said: "Who said I came all the way? For a long time, I have been wandering in the province of Massa to ensure that those ancient gods will not suddenly wake up."

"I've been to Arkham more than once."

"And a Hand of Chaos organization was established here?" Los asked.

The Black Pharaoh was not surprised. Since the other party knew his name, it was easy to guess which organization was related to him.

"I know this place very well, or I know your family very well, because I was the one who guided your ancestors to come here and established the town of Arkham, and then it was me who gathered the roots of the nearby land here. , to strengthen the seal on those ancient gods."

Hearing this, Los was still a little shocked. He didn't expect that this guy actually single-handedly contributed to the emergence of Arkham.

The Black Pharaoh continued: "It is my plan to build the Arkham Sanatorium on the ancient god's cemetery and spread the information about the ancient god here to the whole world."

"My plan has been going well for a hundred years."

Speaking of this, the Black Pharaoh said with sharp and cold eyes: "Until you suddenly appear."

"During my brief slumber, you first eliminated my believers as quickly as possible, without them even having time to ask for help or report to me, and then quickly controlled the entire Arkham, even killing that little boy. The fishmen all received their subordinates.”

"You even dare to pretend to be my name and establish an organization. Los Arkham. I have to admit that you, a human being, far exceed the limits of what I expected for the entire human race."

Ross smiled when he heard this and said, "I take these words as your praise for me, is that okay?"

The Black Pharaoh looked at Los and asked, "Do you think you won?"

Los smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, but I have been a little bored lately. Your appearance has made me full of interest and hope in the world again."

The Black Pharaoh was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he keenly grasped the problem.

"Sure enough, you don't belong to this world." Black Pharaoh said.

Ross admitted without changing his face: "As expected of the Black Pharaoh, his thinking is really quick."

The Black Pharaoh said: "It seems that you, like the little queen, have no sense of belonging in this world, so there doesn't seem to be any direct conflict between us."

After hearing this, Ross nodded and said, "You are right about this. I really have no sense of belonging in this world."


Los said, changing the subject: "Now I feel a sense of belonging to Arkham. Suyi has no sense of belonging to this world because there is nothing in this world worth her care."

"I am different from her. Arkham is a city I shaped with my own hands. The buildings and streets here are all my hard work. The servants who follow me, worship me, and like me are real. They are They gave me a real connection to the world.”

"So, Black Pharaoh, you and I are not the same person. You are not a human being. You are just a monster who wants to return everything to chaos and longs for chaos and darkness. And I! Los, am a real human being."

After hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of the Black Pharaoh's lips, he stretched out his hand to applaud and said, "Well said, I did underestimate your determination before, Los Arkham, but now I have changed my mind."

After saying that, a ferocious and twisted smile appeared on the Black Pharaoh's face: "I will destroy the entire Arkham, and then use Arkham's leyline as an anchor point to gather the divine blood of all the ancient gods and pour it into the dreamland to form The huge magic circle is used to awaken the Star of Judgment and accelerate the return of this universe to chaos!"

Ross was not frightened after hearing this, but calmly commented: "It's a good plan, so that means the special space that appeared in Dunwich is indeed a dreamland."

The Black Pharaoh sneered and said: "I heard that you are going to leave here tomorrow to solve the problem over there, but unfortunately, you can't leave now."

At this moment, a dark car stopped, and Danny hurriedly got out of the car: "Master, we got key information here."

Before Danny finished speaking, Los raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

Danny immediately understood, looked at the Black Pharaoh cautiously, and then returned to the car obediently.

Los looked at the Black Pharaoh and said: "It seems that you are well prepared this time."

"You seem to treat this world as a game, so how about we play a game?" The Black Pharaoh invited.

"Oh!? Tell me." Los asked.

Black Pharaoh said: "Now, the Imperial Army has cooperated with the Ur people and sold the Ur people's technology to get the leaders of the Father God Redemption Society, the Eye of Insight, and the Yellow King Brotherhood. They have now completed the alliance and are ready to completely eliminate Arkham in one fell swoop."

Los said lightly: "What a whimsical idea."

Black Pharaoh proposed his own way of playing: "This is a chess game. Let's see whose chess pieces are more powerful? During the whole process, neither you nor I can make a move, and we cannot give any hints or help to your subordinates."

Los asked back: "You and I now have an overwhelming advantage, why should I listen to your proposal?"

Black Pharaoh asked back: "Do you think...are you the only ancient god in this world who can move freely?"

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