Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 375 Sorry, I'm not interested in your game

Hearing the words of the Black Pharaoh, Los instantly thought of the mysterious god who had imprisoned the indigenous ancient gods of this planet.

"Really? If there are other gods who can move freely, why can't we see him moving?" Los asked back.

He didn't know the details of this world, but he had a clear memory of when he designed the world view of Arkham.

The map of Arkham is, after all, a map for mortals to run groups. In order to protect this group of observers, Los has clearly stipulated that all gods cannot directly come to the material world to affect humans.

These gods include various gods of the Cthulhu system, and naturally also various gods of this world.

And after such a long time, Los can also be sure that the rules he made before are still practical.

This is an era where gods cannot show their holiness, including those sealed ancient gods, and naturally also the gods who seal those ancient gods.

So when facing the Black Pharaoh at this time, Los has relatively sufficient confidence.

Because he knew the Black Pharaoh, this incarnation of Nyarlathotep was more used to seduce humans, but the actual ability was not enough to release the sealed ancient god.

In addition, he knew the rules he made better.

Although those rules were very vague, since some basic rules involving the running group appeared in Arkham, they must apply to the whole world.

After all, he was also one of the makers of the rules of this world.

Hearing Los's question, a gleam flashed in the Black Pharaoh's eyes, and Los's confidence was more sufficient than his tone.

"In other words, you don't agree with my proposal?" asked the Black Pharaoh.

Los smiled: "Sorry, I have no interest in your game."

After hearing this, the Black Pharaoh stood up directly, his face gradually turned cold: "It seems that Arkham really has no need to exist."

Loss also stood up, staring at the Black Pharaoh with sharp eyes: "I don't know whether Arkham has any need to exist, but I know that you don't have to continue to exist in this world."

In an instant, Los's powerful power began to pull the huge earth veins of Arkham directly, and then an indescribable special force directly enveloped the entire Arkham.

"The power of the earth veins cannot deal with the natives of this world, but it is perfect for you outsiders." Los's eyes emitted a burst of oppressive light at this time.

The Black Pharaoh's face was gloomy, and he could see that some turbid and dark substances gradually appeared in the space around him, and then like countless insects, they gradually squirmed.

At this moment, Loss directly transformed into the solemn and powerful ancient god form.

Faced with this sudden appearance of the powerful existence, the eyes of the pedestrians around him were suddenly filled with shock and confusion.

Because this outfit is too retro and too cool.

And after everyone saw this person, no one thought that this was a boring person who came to the street in a drama costume to act crazy.

Because the aura that emanated from this person was so strong that they couldn't help but kneel down was genuine.

Just when these people were shocked and stunned, a large number of police quickly appeared around the street.

These police quickly dispersed the group of people under the leadership of Harden and Conte, and then cleared the entire street.

The situation here was also quickly passed to the ears of all important members through Danny's men.

When Los confronted the Black Pharaoh, the backbone of everyone came to Lilith.

Compared with the last time, Lilith this time has shown a more calm and elegant temperament and attitude.

"Notify everyone, don't panic, everyone stay at their posts and don't move around, let Harden lead the police to clear that street."

"The other party is definitely well prepared this time, all departments should be on guard, don't let anyone take advantage of the situation."

"Notify all ministers and directors, level 2 alert, Hardy notifies Dr. Bochi, prepare all the contained special objects, and be ready for battle."


Lilith issued orders one by one, and the various departments that had just been in a commotion quickly calmed down and continued to be busy, as if nothing had happened.

On Peabody Avenue, in less than fifteen minutes, all the people on the entire avenue were cleared out, and all the shops were closed.

In front of the bench, Los and the Black Pharaoh seemed to be motionless.

But if you look closely, you can still see that the space around the two people is gradually distorting, and at the same time, the ground under the feet of the two people is rapidly cracking and then annihilating.

The terrifying cracks continue to spread around along the feet of the two people, as if the two people are going to tear the city apart directly from here.

Naturally, Los will not let the Black Pharaoh have his way.

His primary goal now is not to annihilate the enemy, but to protect the city.

The Black Pharaoh also understood that he was no match for Los, so he used all his strength to destroy the city, hoping that this would give his incarnation a chance of survival.

The crack that had just spread hundreds of meters, after Los snorted coldly, healed instantly, as if time had gone backwards, which looked very magical.

At the same time, Lilith, who was not far away, was quietly watching the situation here.

After seeing the strange cracks that kept appearing under Los' feet, Lilith seemed to understand something.

Then, with the help of Hardy, she went directly to the Arkham Asylum and found the busy Dr. Pochi.

"Now prepare to extract the 99001 special object." Lilith said.

Dr. Pochi was startled, then nodded and understood, and took Lilith across all the open levels and came directly to the bottom of the asylum, the 99th floor.

Now, only one of all the objects in Arkham is stored here.

Opening the heavy door, this is a room that doesn't look big.

In the middle of the room, there is a transparent cylinder filled with dark green blood.

And in the cylinder, there is a head, and a closer look shows that it is Los's head.

Yes, the object stored here is Los's head.

At this time, the head is blinking in it, as if thinking about something.

At the same time, in his mouth, there is a key full of hazy light.

In the past four months, Los has not stopped studying his body. With the help of the blood of the ancient gods, he has raised his level to level 99.

But this last level is completely stuck.

It's because of Los's head.

Because the head was not there when Los mutated, there is a big difference in the level of the head and the body. But it is a part of his body after all. If he wants to become a complete ancient god, the head is something he cannot avoid.

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