After opening the door, Dr. Boqi stood cautiously outside the door and did not go in.

For such a long time, the mayor's head separated from the mayor's body and has been evolving alone in the blood of the ancient gods. Now it has become an extremely dangerous existence.

Pochi knew very well that the only person in the city who could touch this head, apart from the mayor, was Lilith.

Lilith walked in, looked at the head in the tank affectionately, and then stretched out her hand to take out the head.

At this time, the head blinked and said, "Let's go, I already know the matter."

Lilith gave a favor, held her head in her arms and ran out quickly.

On the street, strange tentacles gradually appeared on the head of the Black Pharaoh, and his entire body gradually dispersed, turning into a strange, inhuman existence.

At this time, there were more and more cracks on the ground, and even a section of this neat road had been completely damaged.

"Los Arkham, you are nothing more than that. I thought you had become an ancient god, but I didn't expect that you haven't taken the last step yet, and your divine body is even incomplete!"

At this moment, Los's helmet, which was tired of defending the ancient god form, had been knocked off, and underneath it, it was actually empty, with no head on his entire body.

"If you were a real ancient god, I would indeed be no match for you, but now, it's different!"

As he spoke, the Black Pharaoh's pitch-black body squirmed violently, and then his limbs gradually became thicker, revealing the weird tissue on the inside.

Then the Black Pharaoh's entire body began to transform into a completely inhuman form.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Black Pharaoh turned into a strange being with hands, three legs, no head, and his entire body was just a thick tentacle.

This form is Nyarlathotep's original form in the material world.

"Status transformation!" Seeing this, Ross's heart became gloomy.

At this moment, this incarnation of the Black Pharaoh has been transformed into Nyarlathotep's clone under the influence of the power of chaos.

The concepts of avatar and doppelgänger are not the same.

Incarnation is an independent existence bound by the material world. Strictly speaking, it has no direct relationship with the ontology.

The clone is a part separated from the main body and possesses part of the power of the main body.

Los said in a low voice: "It is indeed a crawling chaos. Chaos is formless and formless. It can be chaotic, filthy, and dark, but it is indeed the cradle that breeds everything. It can naturally transform all substances in different ways."

"Los Arkham, I didn't expect you to know so much. It seems that the world you came from should also have legends like us."

At this time, the Black Pharaoh, who had turned into a clone, made an extremely weird and unpleasant sound.

Ordinary people can only hear bursts of weird, harsh, crazy and inhuman roars from this sound.

And everyone who hears this sound will instantly go crazy because their brains cannot process such a sound.

But Los is not an ordinary person, he can clearly hear the meaning of these sounds.

Click, click, click...

As he spoke, powerful chaotic power had begun to spread in the material world.

You can see the squirming chaos beginning to devour the space of this city, polluting everything here.

"Who do you think I just told you about the god who can walk back and forth in this world!?" At this time, the weird and unpleasant voice of the Black Pharaoh sounded again.

Then he shouted, "It's me!"

After speaking, the tentacle symbolizing his head suddenly flicked, and an extremely dark chaos rolled towards Los.

Ross instantly raised the spear in his hand, and a blast of absolute zero-degree cold air blew over.

However, such power could only persist in the face of chaos for less than three seconds before being completely defeated.

But these three seconds still bought Los enough time.

Ross, who had been standing motionless just now, suddenly retreated quickly.

When the Black Pharaoh saw this, he knew that Los could not hold on.

This move would cause Los to give up the position he had been holding on to.

In other words, the Black Pharaoh's attack broke the defense.

However, Ross, who quickly retreated, did not abandon his city.

The dark cloak made a hunting sound while moving. When Los stopped again, the Black Pharaoh found that the other party was holding a woman in his arms.

However, what really matters is not the woman, but what is in that woman's arms.

It was a head, a head that looked very familiar to him.

Ross stretched out his hand and put the head holding the key on his neck.

This time, the connection between them did not have those ferocious tentacles and suction cups, but was like two pools of water coming together, and the perfect integration was completed in almost one breath.

At this moment, a powerful aura burst out instantly, and the powerful impact gradually blew back the chaos that polluted the world.

"Even if you have a brain, you are still not an ancient god!"

The Black Pharaoh said, taking action again.

Los put down Lilith, took a slight step, and then came directly to the Black Pharaoh: "It is true, even if I have a head, I am still not an ancient god, but... is the ancient god important? "

As Los said, the key in his mouth gradually emitted bursts of strange light.

In an instant, bursts of hazy starlight-like brilliance fluttered in front of Los, just like the illusion of a dream.

"This is it!" Seeing the key, the Black Pharaoh's voice fluctuated significantly.

Los immediately seized the opportunity, only to see the spear in his left hand suddenly move: "Elves hidden in the world, obey your master's orders and drive away the invaders!"

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, the sky that had been clear just a moment ago suddenly became dense with rain, and then countless terrifying thunder and lightning fell from the sky, hitting the Black Pharaoh directly.

The Black Pharaoh raised his hands directly, and a dark space wall appeared above his head.

At the same time, Loss pointed the spear in his hand again: "The power of the earth's veins that contains the breath of the planet, obey my orders and punish the invaders!"

Click, click, click...

Along with the sound, the invisible force that appeared from nowhere directly formed a mountain-like existence, directly imprisoning the Black Pharaoh's body within it.

The imprisoned Black Pharaoh roared: "Yes, you are indeed good at using the power of earth veins, but don't forget, I am the incarnation of chaos, and there is no way you can kill me with your little power!"

"I don't need to kill you." Los said, inserting the spear into the ground, and then reached out to take away the key in his mouth.

"I! Los Arkham issued an order with the Silver Key, and together with the Void Gate of the Stars, banished the Black Pharaoh to the void forever!"

Seeing this scene, the Black Pharaoh's tone finally changed extremely drastically.


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