Watching the Black Pharaoh disappear into the Void Gate, the mutation that had just occurred on Peabody Avenue gradually returned to normal.

The thunderclouds that had just condensed in the sky also dissipated, revealing the blue sky and bright sunshine again.

The space and land that had been polluted and torn apart gradually returned to normal.

In the end, the remaining power began to gather together instinctively, and under Los's gaze, it turned into a squirming black tentacle.

This tentacle looks quite weird. One part is a gradually sharp tentacle, but on the other side there are three claw-like things that are constantly grabbing, like a three-claw grappling hook.

Ross looked at the black thing, raised his hand and grabbed it directly.

The dark substance was still squirming when Los was holding it in his hand, and it could be seen that although this thing had a shaped body, the substance inside was constantly flowing like water.

It seems to be composed of countless tiny creatures, and these tiny creatures still have their own lives and are constantly swimming and squirming in it, looking extremely weird.

"Master, can this be considered a strange object?" Lilith asked looking at this thing.

At this time, Los's body gradually returned to normal, and he nodded and said: "Forget it, this thing can be said to be the condensed body of part of Nyarlathotep's power, and it should have very powerful power."

As he spoke, a strange light gradually appeared in Los's palm, imprinted on the twisted and weird tentacles.

Immediately, some gray-black runes appeared on the pitch-black tentacles, completely imprisoning its ever-changing and squirming form.

Los said: "The creeping chaos and the edge of power alone are very dangerous to this world. I have used my power to imprison and seal its form, and then it can be handed over to Pochi for research."

Lilith nodded after hearing this and confirmed again: "Master, is this emergency over?"

Los said with a smile: "Although this emergency is over, we don't have much time to spend leisurely time."

"I see."

Lilith said, then picked up the communicator and said, "The situation has been handled and Peabody Avenue can be reopened."

"Understood!" Outside, Harden, who was in charge of the blockade, nodded, turned to the people waiting outside and said, "Okay, the danger has been eliminated, everyone can go back."

However, at this time, everyone was shocked by the sudden change.

Because they were too far away, they didn't see clearly what happened there, but the terrifying thunderclouds that appeared in the sky just now without warning completely shocked them.

Anyone who sees such a weird scene knows that this is not a natural phenomenon.

Obviously, the terrifying thundercloud just now was man-made!

"Oh my God! I have long heard that the mayor of Arkham has powerful and magical abilities. I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It's shocking!" A businessman who came here from other places said in shock.

"Me too. I've always been curious about why the people here in Arkham admire the Mayor of Arkham so much. Now it seems that I finally understand! Oh my God! The Mayor of Arkham must be an apostle of the gods!"

"Hmph! Where are these guys who have never seen the world?" The local Arkham residents were very calm and disdainful.

Compared with the last time the gods descended to earth, this thundercloud was simply not on the same level.

Even though he said this, this group of residents was extremely excited at this time, although the last time the gods came down to earth had shocked them.

But this time they were equally shocked.

Last time they only saw part of the power of the great mayor and didn't understand it.

But this time it's different. The great mayor can easily summon dark clouds to pour out thunder. As long as you have eyes, you can see clearly.

Such an ability is like mastering the power of thunder. He can change the weather at will and create strange phenomena in the heaven and earth.

Although they know that the mayor is powerful, they don't know how powerful the mayor is.

Now, they finally have a relatively intuitive and clear indicator in their hearts.

The main city of Arkham is not that big, and the visions in the central area can easily be felt by people in other areas.

Newton Pava, who was on the street at this time, being taken on a tour by Joseph, looked at the thunderclouds gradually dispersing in the distance, his eyes filled with horror and confusion.

Joseph on the side was taking the time to look at this powerful mysterious man.

Joseph, the vice-captain who once belonged to the Green Covenant team, has long lost his previous radicalism and paranoia. Now he has become very calm and flexible.

Joseph, who possesses powerful insights, is now the deputy director of the Arkham Cultural Bureau, and the Westwood Company he is talking about is also a company under the Cultural Bureau.

Their main task is to make contact with the special personnel who have just arrived here as soon as possible. When judging the opponent's power, they also need to judge the opponent's intentions and purposes.

Although this young man who looked very ordinary had concealed himself very well, he had a special oppressiveness about him. When he just got off the train, Station Master Moulton of the train station had already noticed him. question, and then quickly informed Sheena of his situation.

Xina naturally took it very seriously and asked Joseph to go out in person to contact this young man.

At this time, Joseph, who was observing Newton, had already reached a preliminary conclusion.

This guy is very strong. I am already level 45 and I am no match for him.

So it means that the other party is very likely to be a demigod or above.

"He came here at this time. He is most likely a helper invited by the military. He is at least a demigod. I am afraid he is the leader of some organization."

When Joseph was thinking in his heart, he suddenly heard Newton's words.

"Was the thundercloud just now caused by Mayor Arkham?"

Joseph shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about this, after all, I haven't seen the mayor take action personally."

Newton looked at the thundercloud that was gradually dissipating in the distance and said, "Do you know? Even demigods don't have the power to manipulate the laws of this world at will."

Joseph's heart gradually tensed up when he heard this, and he asked with a puzzled look on his face, "What demigod? What are you talking about?"

Newton turned his head and looked at Joseph and suddenly grinned, "I'm really curious about how powerful the charm of the mayor of Arkham is, and how he can so easily tame the Eye of Judgment of the Green Covenant."

"Until I saw this thundercloud, I understood that the power possessed by Los Arkham has far exceeded the level of demigods, and now he is likely to have reached the level of ancient gods."

"Even if he hasn't reached it, it's probably just a step away!"

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