Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 378 The Incarnation of Strength

Joseph looked at Newton. Although the other party already knew his true identity and even his purpose, he was still very calm now and his expression remained unchanged.

"Then what? Knowing this, what are your plans?" Joseph, knowing that he could no longer hide it, asked directly.

At this time, they had come to a very remote path, and Joseph was worried that the fighting would affect other people.

After all, the destructive power produced when fighting above level 40 is very amazing.

Newton looked at the still calm Joseph and asked with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you directly?"

"Why did you kill me?" Joseph asked.

Newton said calmly: "I am your enemy of Arkham. I came here just to cause destruction. Aren't you afraid?"

Joseph smiled casually: "If fear could solve the problem, then there would be no problems in the world."

While speaking, Joseph, who was wearing a decent suit, suddenly took action, and the palm that could penetrate the steel deck directly grabbed Newton's head with lightning speed.

However, something strange happened.

Silently, Joseph's entire right arm suddenly deformed, as if his arm was being pulled in all directions by countless forces, and finally became more than a dozen sections.

The strong pain stimulated Joseph's nerves, but Joseph remained calm. He covered his crying right arm with his left hand, took a step back and said calmly: "If my guess is correct, you should be the legendary figure in the Father God's Redemption Society. God, the founder of the school of alchemy, the great sage Newton!”

Hearing this, Newton was a little surprised and asked with a smile: "You guessed my identity through this confrontation? This cannot be explained by being smart. You should have information related to me, right?"

Joseph did not answer, but stared at Newton and said, "You came here like this, aren't you afraid of being killed directly by the mayor?"

After hearing this, Newton chuckled: "Little guy, don't use your narrow vision to consider us. For people at our level, there is no concept of death."

While speaking, Newton raised his hand and pointed at Joseph's left arm.

In an instant, Joseph suddenly felt an indescribably powerful attraction coming from the ground, as if it was a huge magnet, and his arm turned into metal.

This terrifying force not only affects the right arm, but also the blood, muscles, and bones inside.

In less than two seconds after this power appeared, it could be seen that although Joseph tried hard to resist the terrifying attraction, the blood in his body was already affected by the attraction, seeping out from the skin under his arms and staining it. up his sleeve.

Joseph knew very well that if he continued, his left arm would be completely shattered, as if it had been crushed directly by something.

"You'd better not scream casually, otherwise I can destroy the entire street with a wave of my hand. I don't know how many people will die by then." Newton said with a faint smile.

At this time, Joseph's eyes flashed with fierceness, and then with the terrifying spray of blood, he directly used his own strength to break his left arm that was attracted by gravity.

The next second Joseph raised his head suddenly, wanting to scream to notify others.

But just when he opened his mouth, he found that he had lost control of his throat.

"Force is present in every part of the human body. Any action you take requires the stretching and contraction of muscles to generate force."

"All I have to do is remove the force and you won't be able to say anything. If you apply the force somewhere else, it would be like your right arm."

Newton spoke calmly, slowly walked up to Joseph and said, "How does it feel to have your arm torn apart by your own power?"

Just now, when facing Joseph's first attack, he activated his special omnipotence. The power generated by Joseph in his arms disrupted and acted on his muscles and bones.

"Okay, tell me about your current situation in Arkham. If you perform well, I may be able to let you die a more pleasant death." Newton said with a smile.

Joseph lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice: "Do you really think the mayor can't find you?"

Newton smiled: "Not to mention whether he can sense me, he probably can't protect himself right now."

After hearing this, Joseph chuckled and said with pride on his face: "The mayor is invincible in this world. You should worry more about your accomplices."

Newton raised his eyebrows: "Really? I'm really looking forward to him finding it here."

"As the first being on this planet to come into contact with the original power, I can enter the original power myself."

"And power is everywhere in this world. I can travel freely in the city of Arkham. I can even be hidden in your muscles. I can exist in the body of a living person. Your mayor... …Can you find me?”

Speaking of this, Newton looked confident.

In the current situation, he may not be the opponent of the mayor of Arkham, but when it comes to escaping and hiding, he boasts that no one in the world can surpass him.

Joseph sneered. At this time, due to too much blood loss, his face was very pale, and he even felt weak to speak.

"Do you really think that as long as I can't make a sound, I won't be able to locate you?"

Newton said with great interest: "Little guy, you are really confident."

Joseph continued: "Think about it, what other names do we have for Arkham?"

Newton was stunned, and the next second he thought of the loudest name Arkham was called outside now.

The home of blood therapy!

"Blood therapy... blood!?" Newton looked directly at Joseph's broken arm.

The next second, a ray of light like a shooting star instantly cut across the sky.

"So fast!"

Newton's heart was filled with shock, and his body dissolved quickly like water in the next second.

However, the other party was too fast.

boom! !

Like a missile falling from the sky, a silver-gray spear penetrated directly through his body, pinning him to the ground.

In the sky, a dark cloak rustled, and a divine being slowly fell from the sky.

"Newton, you really insulted this name." Los, in the form of the ancient god, said coldly.

Newton, who was nailed to the ground, stared at Los in the form of the ancient god. Shock gradually appeared on his face: "Impossible! What is this gun of yours? My form..."

At this moment, he found that he could not transform into the form of force.

Ross said condescendingly: "As long as the molecules are still moving, heat and force can be generated, so you can indeed be said to be immortal, but what if it is at absolute zero?"

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