Hearing Lose's words, Newton's eyes tightened: "Absolute zero? So what if it reaches absolute zero!? Even if your power can seal part of my body, the rest of my body can still move."

Los looked at him condescendingly: "What can we do? You'd better look at your own condition first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Newton was horrified to find that the terrifying cold had spread along the spear to all parts of his body.

And in the place frozen by the cold... not only was his form of power unable to be expanded or transformed in any way, it even made him lose the ability to perceive it.

It was as if his body, which was full of divine power, had turned into a pile of dead things without any power.

"How is this possible? Even if the low temperature can freeze objects, there is still mutual attraction between objects. As long as I am strong, I can..."

Los looked at Newton at this time: "Classical mechanics is indeed classic, but... times have changed."

"What is frozen at absolute zero is not just macroscopic matter, but microscopic molecules and particles. In this case, any molecule will stop moving and cannot generate any heat, and naturally cannot generate any force."

"Theoretically, absolute zero represents a freeze in time."

! ! !

Hearing this, Newton's eyes gradually widened. This was the first time he had heard this theory.

Although he relied on his understanding of force to become an original part of the world, and acquired a form that far exceeded that of normal humans.

However, due to the problems of this world and the limitations of related thinking, he did not conduct deeper research.

After all, after becoming the source of power, his purpose was to take the final step and become a god, instead of continuing to pursue the vast knowledge as before.

"Knowledge has no boundaries. Our cognition is a circle. As knowledge gradually increases, the length of the side we contact with the outside world will also increase. This will only expose us to more unknown things and make us more aware of ourselves. of ignorance.”

Ross looked at Newton with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You were indeed a great sage worthy of respect before. However, when you forgot your original intention and began to shift your attention from the exploration of knowledge to the pursuit of gods, Your path to becoming a god will be cut off."

"Gods are perfect beings without flaws, but you don't know your own flaws. You are really stupid."

As he spoke, the terrifying absolute zero had spread to the lower part of Newton's neck.

After Newton heard these words, a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he murmured with understanding in his eyes: "When did I... give up the pursuit of knowledge and become what I am now?"

After a brief pause, when his mouth was about to be frozen, he looked at Los and said, "I once lost myself because of the unparalleled horror I saw. Thank you for waking me up."

"Los Arkham, in the future, you may really become the hope of this planet."

As soon as he finished speaking, Newton had turned into an extremely crystal clear and extremely solid ice sculpture.

This ice sculpture no longer looks like an ice sculpture, but has completely turned pitch black.

"Why did this ice sculpture suddenly turn black?" At this time, Lilith, who followed, looked surprised.

Los explained: "Because the molecules on it have completely stopped moving, naturally including the light particles."

"This directly causes light to stop reflecting, so what we see is naturally black."

"This ice sculpture will be the strongest existence in the world. If it is given enough speed, it can easily penetrate the entire planet."

Looking at the pitch-black statue, Ross suddenly thought of the indestructible water droplets in the Three-Body novel. Then his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of something.

Lilith naturally did not know this scientific knowledge, and her hair quickly extended to help Joseph, who was covered in blood, stop the bleeding and heal his injuries.

In less than five minutes, subsequent police and doctors arrived one after another.

Ross picked up Newton's ice sculpture and the tentacles left by the Black Pharaoh, and went directly to Arkham Asylum with simple instructions.

Dr. Pochi, who was busy at this time, was not surprised by Ross's sudden arrival.

Ross said directly: "Add two new containment objects, and conduct evaluation on the two containment objects."

Dr. Pochi carefully took the two things and asked, "Mayor, has this attack been resolved?"

Ross smiled: "This attack has just begun."

The Black Pharaoh was exiled and Newton was frozen by Los, but the enemy does not know these two pieces of information yet.

Dr. Porchi listened with understanding, and then continued his work.

After sending these two things back, Los then found Lilith and said, "You will hold a storm meeting later. You will still be responsible for this attack, and then you can entertain these enthusiastic guests."

Lilith nodded with a smile on her face: "No problem, what about you?"

Los said: "I will continue my journey. This time I have solved the Black Pharaoh and Newton. The other party can no longer make any trouble, and the rest will be a group of minions."

"This time it will be a battle with all the military's strength. After this battle, the entire empire will not be a threat to us. For the rest of the time, we only need to keep our sights outside."

Lilith nodded after listening, indicating that she understood.

Then, the two separated directly, and Lilith went to preside over the Storm Meeting to deal with this attack.

And Los returned home to prepare for this trip.

"From the words of the Black Pharaoh, it can be confirmed that the existence that is constantly eroding this world is the Dreamland. He should have deployed a plan in the Dreamland, but what he said cannot be fully believed."

"Use the bloodstains in the Dreamland to wake up Gehros? Why does this plan sound unreliable?"

Then Los fell into deep thought.

Now he no longer needs to take off his head to think, because his head has evolved to a sufficient level to accommodate his infinitely divergent thinking.

"The Black Pharaoh's plan is to return the entire world to chaos, but from the current situation, his plan does not seem to be going smoothly. Not to mention the situation on this planet, even on other planets, there are powerful civilizations such as the Urs, Karas, and Minghuis that can travel between stars."

"Alien civilizations with such technology are not so easy to destroy."

"But... why did these three super civilizations come to this planet at the same time? Could it be that there are some secrets hidden in this planet that I don't know?"

Thinking of this, Los felt that he had to speed up his pace and get to know the true side of this world as soon as possible.

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