When the whole city began to move nervously, Minisha had just walked out of Daryl's house, and her mind was filled with all kinds of knowledge and gestures taught by Laila.

"Oh my God! There are...there are so many tricks here?" Minisha, who was wearing a headscarf, covered her face, and the spring water in her eyes began to ripple uncontrollably.

"Hurry back and pack your things!" Minisha couldn't hold back anymore and started running quickly.

Not far away, a young man looked at Minisha's extremely sexy back, his eyes full of greed.

"Minisha! You can't escape my grasp this time!"


In the large conference room of the Church of Storms.

Half an hour ago, the heads of various departments had arrived here.

Lilith, on the other hand, explained the entire plan and related steps in a very orderly manner.

At this time, everyone had already taken their orders and prepared to leave.

Watching everyone leave, Lilith let out a breath.

Compared with the last meeting, she was much calmer and calmer this time, and her handling of all aspects met her expectations.

More importantly, the power possessed by Arkham this time is no longer comparable to that of the attack eight months ago.

"This time it will not be a defensive battle where we have been passive, but a killing game that will make the enemy feel endless terror!"

Thinking of this, Lilith revealed an indescribably evil and sinister smile on her lips, like a superior and evil queen.


On the other side, the capital of Rosas Empire.

Accompanied by a burst of piercing gunshots in the palace, the military operation has begun.

Su Yi watched coldly as the guard at the door suddenly rebelled and killed the attendants who came in and out, without any fluctuation in her eyes.

The female officer Dani said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the military is very determined in this offensive, and the Ur people have officially joined the war!"

Although Su Yi was not surprised by this sudden attack, she frowned.

Although she has gradually regained some power in the past few months, she is still far from the military in terms of actual control.

All her current plans require time and space, but neither is on her side at this time.

She always knew that the military was taking action, but was unable to do anything.

"Contact Arkham, we need reinforcements here!" Suyi immediately ordered.


At the same time, someone suddenly released weird poisonous gas in the city, covering the entire inner city area centered on the palace.

At the same time, the army quickly entered the city and blocked the entire inner city on the grounds of protecting the queen and the city, and then directly controlled the parliament, banks and other relevant government departments as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the army, together with the Police Department and the Health Department, directly implemented an absolute blockade and isolation.

This move was used very cleverly. On the grounds of being attacked by terrorists, the entire inner city was sealed off in a very legitimate name. It even won the support and recognition of the people because of its quick response ability.

Coupled with the cooperation of the Department of Health and the Police Department, no one in the imperial capital felt anything was wrong.

What they didn't know, however, was that throughout the inner city, the military was staging a coup.

Twenty-three aristocratic residences that supported the queen were quickly sealed off, and the relevant nobles and congressmen were taken away directly. If they encountered resistance, they were shot on the spot.

Such horrific means immediately shocked all those who opposed it.

In less than two hours, the military headquarters had gained absolute control of the inner city.

In the parliament hall, General Eisen looked through the window at the palace next door, his eyes full of coldness and greed.

After all, he had coveted that spot for a long time.

After all, his dream of being emperor has been dreaming for twenty years, and today it is finally coming true.

"General, do we really not need to be wary of Arkham's people?" At this time, Eisen's most trusted lieutenant general, Lieutenant General Leke, asked.

Eisen sneered: "In the next period of time, Arkham will have too much to take care of itself. How can there be time to support here?"

"And Arkham is a day and a half away from here at the fastest speed. We moved so quickly that they couldn't react at all."

Rick smiled after hearing this: "Yes, I heard that several large organizations are very interested in Arkham's blood therapy. Several large organizations and even leaders are taking action at the same time. I guess Arkham can't handle it."

Eisen said lightly: "What bullshit blood therapy, compared with the Ur people's technology, it's just a piece of shit!"

At this time, another tall soldier walked in: "Report!"

"Rick, how is the situation at the palace?" Eisen asked.

The soldier named Rick said sonorously: "The blockade of the palace has gone very smoothly. All relevant personnel have been killed. Now the queen is temporarily huddled in the innermost palace, surrounded by her personal guards."

"What is certain now is that her personal guards are all superhumans and wear special armor. Our ordinary bullets are of no use to them."

Eisen nodded: "Continue to test the attack, remember! Don't use large-scale bombs. I don't want my palace to be full of broken walls when I move in."


After Rick left, Eisen raised his palm and pointed at the palace in the distance and smiled: "You can't escape my palm."


Arkham, Lilith, who had just finished a meeting, was about to leave when she heard Hardy say, "Ms. Lilith, the Queen called."

Lilith smiled and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, the military should have taken action in the capital at the same time."

Hadi nodded and said, "Yes, the inner city of the capital has been completely blocked. This attack caught Her Majesty the Queen off guard. She seems to need our help."

While Lilith was talking, she walked to the desk, picked up the phone and said with a smile, "Dear Queen, is there anything I can help you with?"

Su Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone: "I need a strong enough army to get to the capital as quickly as possible."

Lilith did not agree directly, saying, "We were also attacked just now. Attacked by two level 99 gods. "

Hearing this, Su Yi's voice was obviously raised a lot: "Two level 99! ? How is Los! ? "

Lilith replied in a relaxed tone: "Don't worry about this, the master is fine, and the two gods have been solved by the master."

Hearing this, Su Yi's tone was much more relieved, and she asked: "I know you will also be attacked, but we really need your help here."

Lilith nodded: "I need to consult the master about this matter first. After all, the pressure on Arkham should not be less than yours."

"Okay, as soon as possible, if the other party attacks with all their strength, we can only hold on for two days at most." Su Yi was not too impatient.

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