After finishing her phone call with Su Yi, Lilith returned home through Hardy and reported the matter to Los.

Los heard it and said casually: "It's not a big problem. Although Su Yi's physical strength is only about level 30 now, with her various equipment, her comprehensive combat power is about the same as Kos."

Hearing this, Lilith was surprised: "What equipment can be so powerful?"

You know, Kos is now level 67, an extremely powerful demigod. Looking at the whole world, there are no more than a handful of people who can defeat him.

At the same time, she is also very clear that the higher the level, the greater the difference between each level, especially the natural chasm from level 49 to level 50, which cannot be crossed by relying on external forces.

Not to mention the level after level 50.

If it is said that an ordinary person can have the combat power of a superhuman at level 30 through equipment, Lilith may not be surprised, because now Arkham has a similar temporary blood therapy that can temporarily enhance the power of an ordinary person.

However, Su Yi can actually cross the threshold of demigod with her strength of about level 30 through equipment and directly reach more than level 60! ?

This is just like a dream.

Los explained: "Her technical equipment is different from that of this world. Her equipment is more driven by her spiritual power. At the same time, the level of the entire equipment is not comparable to our current known technology."

The technology that Su Yi mastered is a sci-fi immortal cultivation technology that is no worse than that of the Ur people. It not only covers a large amount of spiritual power, but also perfectly combines machinery, materials, and energy to the extreme.

After all, when they first met, Su Yi used a piece of patchwork to make a protective flying sword that could cut off Los's tentacles.

In the past eight months, Su Yi has obtained a large amount of materials and resources that she could not get before through her own business and Los's help, and Su Yi herself has also been nourished by blood therapy.

In this way, Su Yi is definitely the strongest existence in the capital now.

Lilith did not understand the difference and technology, and then asked: "Then master, do we still need to send reinforcements to the capital?"

Los stood up and said: "Of course, but these people do not need to be sent."

"What do you mean? My master." Lilith was a little surprised.

Ross smiled and said, "I'm going to travel. You can select the people first and wait in Arkham. After I deal with the Dunwich matter, I will come back and take them away directly."

"At my current speed, it will take less than half an hour to travel from Arkham to the imperial capital."

Lilith understood immediately after hearing this: "Understood!"

Then Lilith left and began to arrange Arkham.

It was already evening at this time. Ross made a simple plan and then waited quietly for time to pass.

With his ability, he could fly directly over now and then destroy the entire military.

But he didn't plan to do so.

Now his life is boring enough, he still needs these mortals to find some fun for himself.

This night was very peaceful for Ross and the residents of Arkham, but it was full of excitement and excitement for the government and defense personnel of Arkham.

Because they all knew that they were going to experience a very interesting game, everyone was ready to fight.

Arkham Cultural Bureau

In the conference room, Sina stood at the front of the conference table, and below were all the backbone personnel of the Arkham Cultural Bureau.

These included Joseph, who had fully recovered from his injuries, the members of the expanded Black Gloves, Chambers, Kenneth and other core forces.

"According to the plan of the mayor's wife, in future games, our department will take the lead in contacting the other party. Remember! Don't show your identity at the first time, hide it well, and then attract these people to the pre-arranged places and locations."

"Remember! No one can start the game casually. If the mayor's wife's plan is disrupted, the consequences will be very serious!"

After listening, everyone nodded immediately: "Understood!"

Chambers asked: "Director, what kind of people are coming this time?"

Sina introduced: "According to the current situation, there are Father God Redemption Society, Eye of Insight, and military super soldiers transformed by the Ur people. This time they are sending a lot of strength and intend to directly destroy all of our Arkham."

"Preliminary estimates show that there are at least six legendary superhumans above level 40 this time. ”

“The number of cannon fodder below level 20 and saboteurs responsible for suicide attacks is likely to exceed 500.”

Hearing this, Jiying, the first member of the Black Gloves and now a team leader, said in shock: “My God, they really spent a lot of money this time!”

Xina nodded and said: “Thirty years ago, the Rosas Empire and the August Empire fought over the Shark Islands, and the number of superhumans was only this number.”

“Such a force is enough to burn the entire Massa Province to ashes within two days. I didn’t expect that they all gathered in our Arkham. I’m really flattered.” At the same time, Larry, the first member of the Black Gloves, said with a smile.

The undead warrior Sion was rubbing his hands and said, "This is fun, isn't it? Those people before were so weak that they couldn't stand being beaten when I was just in the mood. I hope I can have enough fun this time!"

"Of course I can have enough fun!" Xina said, and took out a stack of notebooks and said, "Regarding the distribution of reward points for the invasion event this time, you can get ten to one hundred contribution points by completing related tasks."

"Kill an enemy below level 20, and you will get five points. If you are above level 20, you will get ten points. If you are above level 30, you will get one hundred points. If you are above level 40, you will get one thousand points."

"These points are not divided among everyone. If two people kill, both of them have the same points. For example, if three people kill a legendary superhuman at level 40, then everyone will get one thousand points!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up completely. This time the reward is much richer than the rewards of the usual tasks.

"Although it is a bit difficult for us to kill the level 40, but we can still try the level 30." Jiying was full of excitement.

On the other side, Joseph, Chambers, Kenneth and others' eyes lit up immediately.

One thousand contribution points, this is an astronomical figure for them.

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