When Dr. Murthy came down, he was completely confused, not knowing what these ten big pots were used for.

Ross then told Dr. Murthy about his plan to cook over a large fire, and then the first reaction of this knowledgeable and experienced doctor was: "How is it possible!?"

"Nothing is impossible. After you finish reading all this, I believe your thinking can be greatly expanded, and your vision will be raised to a whole new level by me."

Then Ross said: "Throw the corpse and the ghoul skull in and start cooking."

The ordinary ghoul level is around level nine, and the comprehensive combat power is on par with Daryl. Ordinary people can kill them with a gun.

But high-level ghouls are about level twenty, can become humans, and have strong physical combat and defense capabilities.

There is a special shell on their skin that is fully displayed, which can easily resist the attack of bullets.

And Ross's goal is to let these ordinary people become high-level ghouls through this Outer God stew.

Then let them become police officers to maintain the order of Arkham.

A group of high-level ghouls maintain the order and security of the city. When the group of "players" come here and find out the true identity of these policemen, it will be very fun and exciting.

So, with the busy work of Carrington, Kurvin, and Lilith, enough blood was injected into the cauldron, and then white sugar and many other seasonings... no, it was materials. Finally, the body of a gang member was thrown in and boiled over a high fire.

As an experiment, only one body was put in the first batch. Although he knew that this method was useful, Los instinctively still had no bottom for this kind of stew.

The whole process made Mursi feel very surprised and incredible. After confirming again and again that the young master was not going to eat this young man, he waited for the result with trepidation and expectation.

Time flew by while waiting. At this time, several people sat together and even played poker.

Daryl was outside, and Los could easily fish here.

Six hours later, the soup and materials in the cauldron had disappeared, as if they were all absorbed by the young man's body.

At this time, the skin of the young man's body had begun to fester, and then the surface skin quickly fell off and dried, like a butterfly's cocoon.

As the surface skin fell off, a purple-brown skin that looked like it was covered with blood vessels was revealed.

The young man's body suddenly swelled up, and the muscles that were no longer bound by the skin began to bulge. The strong and powerful body seemed to be the body of the licker in the biochemical crisis.

As the muscles bulged, the heart in the chest began to beat again, and then the young man slowly stood up.

The young man's appearance had changed dramatically. His head was two times larger than that of a normal person, with a huge and powerful jaw and ferocious teeth.

There were also two small bone horns on his head, and the whole head was a triangular streamline.

His eyes turned gray and black, and he had no nose.

The young man looked around blankly, and then his body jumped up, and his strong and thick arms, thighs, and ferocious and sharp claws were stretched out in the air.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Dr. Murthy, even Kurven, Lilith and even Carrington felt extremely surprised and incredible.

Such a method and such a result far exceeded the limits of their imagination. Even those most twisted and bizarre dreams would not see such a scene.

"This... is really amazing." Dr. Murthy and Kurven knelt on the ground excitedly at this time.

Carrington, who knew some mysterious knowledge, was very excited, because this was the legendary racial transformation, turning humans into more advanced ghouls!

And in Lilith's eyes, this became a wonderful rebirth, even comparable to the ability of gods to create races.

"Ah! My master, you are so great!" Lilith looked at Los beside her with great obsession and admiration.

The ghoul fell to the ground at this time, looking around blankly for a few seconds, and then locked on Los.

Then, the memories of being a human before came one after another, and at the same time he remembered the whole refining process.

In silence, his body gradually became smaller, his skin turned white, and he returned to the form of a normal human.

"Great and generous master, thank you for giving a humble servant a new life." He crawled on the ground humbly, kissing the tip of Los's shoe with his mouth.

Los looked at this ghoul that he had stewed up. It was at level 22 when it was born. Although the growth potential was not high, this starting point was indeed very good.

"The past you are dead. From today on, your name is Zeke." Los said calmly.

Zeke was immediately very excited and grateful: "Thank you for the name you gave me, my great master."

"My God! God is above! God is above!"

When Dr. Murthy saw that this monster could actually turn back into a human form again, the whole person was in a somewhat weird state of madness.

"It's amazing! This is really amazing!" Kurven also said loudly and incoherently at this time.

Los reached out and calmed Dr. Murthy's restless spirit. If this continued, Dr. Murthy's spirit would likely mutate or collapse directly due to overstimulation.

"This is just one of the ways to make humans stronger. I have many other ways here, and all of them are included in the blood therapy."

"Dr. Murthy, I will open a special research room for you in the Arkham Sanatorium for you to conduct special research. I hope you can surprise me."

"No problem! Absolutely no problem! Great young master, don't worry! I will never let you down for the gift you gave me."

After the first success, the subsequent stew was quickly arranged.

After all, there are only ten big pots here, and there are fifty corpses that need to be transformed here.

One batch takes six hours, plus the seasoning and fuel need to be filled in the middle. It is estimated that it will take at least thirty-five hours for all people to be transformed.

Under the instruction of Los, these subordinates with extraordinary wisdom quickly got the key points and started to do it themselves.

In the subsequent time, Los was not here, but took Carrington to go home.

On the other side.

In the Norton Coffee Shop diagonally opposite Los's house, Elizabeth felt that her blood was full of the taste of coffee after drinking the sixth cup of coffee.

She came to Los's house in the afternoon and found that the door was locked and there was no one at all.

So she sat here and waited, thinking that he would be back soon, but she waited until 7 o'clock in the afternoon!

Just when she was about to lose her patience, she finally saw Los and Carrington walking back from the direction of Arkham Sanatorium.

"This damn guy! He made me wait so long!"

Although she cursed in her heart, she still sorted out her expression and walked over with an elegant smile.

ps: Please vote for recommendation!

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