Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 40 Elizabeth, the coffee lover

Ross, who was just about to enter the house, naturally noticed Elizabeth walking out of the cafe.

Carrington whispered: "Master, as you expected, she has been waiting there all afternoon."

After such a big thing happened, there is no doubt about Ross' current strength. Ross is very sure that after what he witnessed last night, Elizabeth will definitely come to him today to discuss cooperation.

But now that Los has taken the initiative, it's not something you can talk about if you want.

Ross didn't come back all afternoon because he wanted to show off the future spy leader and make her feel confused.

Glancing at Elizabeth's somewhat stiff smile, Ross laughed, opened his arms and greeted her enthusiastically.

"We meet again, beautiful Miss Clark."

Elizabeth said with a dignified and elegant smile: "Yes, it feels like a long time has passed since the last time we met."

Ross smiled and said, "I think so too. After all, a lot has happened in the past two days."

"Is Miss Clark here to see me?" Ross asked curiously.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth secretly: "Isn't he looking for you, or is he here to kill you!?"

Although the long wait made her a little irritable, she still tried to keep her tone calm: "I came here to do some things and happened to pass by here, so I came to visit."

"It turns out I'm here to do something." Los said clearly.

Carrington on the side said: "Then why did I see Miss Clark sitting there waiting in the afternoon?"

After hearing this, Elizabeth's expression suddenly froze, and she was unwilling to slap Carrington hard.

Ross's eyes widened: "How is that possible! You must have seen it wrong! How could the noble and dignified Miss Clark sit in a cafe all afternoon? I believe Miss Clark is passing by on errands!"

"Miss, you left your bag here." At this time, the waiter in the cafe said loudly.

Elizabeth's face froze, and she hurriedly turned around and walked over.

"Also, you left too much money. Although you started at noon..."

Before the waiter could finish speaking, Elizabeth's scary eyes stared back at her: "Shut up if you take it!"

Ross looked at Elizabeth's embarrassed look and showed a very unkind smile.

He deliberately left two flaws in his design for Elizabeth.

One is impatient, a little anxious about everything, very efficient, and while being vigorous and resolute, he is also careless and prone to making small mistakes.

The second one is good face, very concerned about one's own face, and a bit arrogant at the same time.

These two flaws were originally reserved for players to defeat plot characters, but unexpectedly, they were now used by him.

When Elizabeth stood in front of Los again, the scene suddenly felt awkward.

After clearly feeling Ross's teasing smile, Elizabeth suddenly became extremely angry. So she didn't care about anything and was about to blow herself up for a showdown, but she heard Ross say: "Let's go in and drink some tea first. After drinking it, I need to change my coffee taste in the afternoon.”

"Thank you so much!" Elizabeth almost said these vulgar words in a gritted voice.

"Dignify! Elizabeth! You are the spokesperson of the Queen! Be dignified! Be elegant!" Elizabeth kept hinting to herself in her heart.

After entering the house and sitting in the living room, Ross stopped teasing her and asked directly: "Miss Clark, now, can you answer our next cooperation on behalf of the Queen?"

Elizabeth secretly exhaled, then frowned a little.

This breath is filled with the taste of coffee.


Clearing her throat, Elizabeth said: "I have communicated with Her Majesty the Queen. Her Majesty the Queen has recognized your sincerity and strength. Her Majesty believes that our cooperation can bring very good results and a future for both parties."

After hearing this, Ross smiled and said: "Her Majesty the Queen's vision and insights are indeed extraordinary. I believe that the cooperation between us will be very relaxed and pleasant."

During the conversation, Carrington brought over two cups of coffee.

The smell made Elizabeth want to throw up.

Los Angeles immediately scolded: "What's going on? Didn't I say I wanted tea? Why is it still coffee?"

Carrington explained: “We ran out of tea at home and all we had left was coffee.”

After hearing this, Los said loudly: "Then what are you waiting for here? Go buy it quickly!"

Carrington turned quickly and left.

Elizabeth took the coffee at this time and said: "It's's okay. I really like coffee. The shops are closed so late, so there's no need to bother."

As he spoke, he suppressed the nauseating feeling and took a small sip.

Ross grinned and said, "I'm really sorry. There are not many people here on weekdays, so I didn't notice this."

He was obviously apologizing, but Elizabeth couldn't help but grab him by the collar and beat him hard!

Ross continued: "I remember that the troops stationed in Massa Barracks are loyal to the Queen, right?"

Elizabeth nodded: "Of course, otherwise do you think they would really come to help you without the Queen's order?"

Ross naturally knew about this relationship, so he went to find Elizabeth first.

"Then I would like to thank Her Majesty the Queen for her help. The soldiers of this company have helped me a lot." Los said with a smile.

Elizabeth asked directly: "Then when can you give us the potion for your blood therapy?"

"At least one month. I just took over now. The laboratory has not been built yet. I also have to deal with the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce and the Hand of Chaos. I really don't have time." Los spread his hands, looking helpless.

Elizabeth calculated in her mind that a month was not a long time. She nodded secretly and said, "Okay, if you hand over the effective medicine on time in a month, our cooperation will be officially reached. At that time, I will give you a reward that will satisfy you on behalf of the queen."

After listening, Los nodded and said, "Then it's settled. I will need this batch of troops for about a week. It should be okay, right?"

"Okay, if you need anything else, you can also find us, but it's not free."

Los smiled and said, "It just so happens that I really need your help with something."

"Not free!" Elizabeth emphasized.

Los smiled and said, "We are all good friends, and even more partners. And you just drank my coffee. It's so hurtful to talk about transactions between friends!"

Don't be anxious if you don't mention coffee. The more you mention it, the angrier you get.

Elizabeth wanted to pick up the cup and splash it on Los' face!

But there is no way, who made Elizabeth not strive for the initiative?

"Let's talk about what happened first." Elizabeth said calmly.

Los: "Help me investigate a reporter named Ivan Ruger."

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