"Ivan Ruger?" Hearing this name, Elizabeth first searched for this name in her mind and found that this person was not in her information.

"What special ability does this reporter have that deserves your attention?" Elizabeth would naturally not agree without knowing the whole story.

Ross smiled and said, "I think he is a very special talent, so I am ready to recruit him as my subordinate, but he seems to have just arrived in Arkham, and I don't know his past and identity."

"Oh?" Elizabeth was immediately interested when she heard this. She was a little curious about what kind of person could attract Ross's attention.

Ross made a request and said, "There is no need to have direct contact with him. I just want to know his past experience, family, and whether he has joined some special organizations."

Elizabeth sighed after hearing this: "It is difficult to investigate such a detailed situation based on just a name. The difficulty is very high."

Saying this is nothing more than trying to blackmail a benefit.

However, Ross's next sentence almost made her spit out blood.

"If this is difficult, what kind of spy chief are you? Her Majesty the Queen's level of employing people is worrying! For a spy chief, such a simple investigation is difficult?"

Loss had a half-smile on his face, and sighed in a sarcastic tone: "The world is really going downhill!"

"I..." Elizabeth's face suddenly turned red, and she stood up suddenly and was about to curse, but the words were in her throat, and then she swallowed them back.

"Elegant! Be elegant! Elizabeth! You now represent the face of Her Majesty the Queen!" Elizabeth forced herself to hint.

Loss smiled and said: "For a military intelligence department that controls the entire empire's intelligence network, investigating an ordinary reporter should be a matter of a word, right? This is the ability and resources that a confidant of the Queen should have!"

Looking at Loss's slapping look, Elizabeth gritted her teeth, turned around suddenly and said: "I'll give you the information tomorrow."

After that, she left quickly without looking back.


Just a few seconds after leaving the door, Los heard a heavy crash.

Turning his head, he found that Elizabeth, like a tigress, punched the dark iron gate of his house and flew out.

Los opened the window and said loudly: "This big iron gate of my house is a family heirloom, worth 200,000 Rosa coins."

"You might as well go and rob it!" Elizabeth's irritable voice came from across the courtyard wall, and she left along Peabody Avenue with the roar of the car engine.

After Elizabeth left, Carrington asked curiously: "Master, is this woman reliable?"

"At least she is reliable now."

Los added meaningfully: "When they are unreliable, they will find that they can no longer do without us."

This night was very quiet. The entry of the army put the entire Arkham City into a state of martial law, and also supplemented the public security problems caused by the loss of the police.

This is also what Los urgently needs. At this time tomorrow, the police force that belongs only to him has been fully formed.

The next morning, the citizens rushed to the city hall as soon as possible, wanting to see what would happen next. After all, what happened yesterday was too big and too tragic.

In this era when communication is not very developed, you can only go to the scene to see the situation.

"This group of cultists is really abominable. I really hope the mayor kills them all!" The young boy Rum, who was squeezed in the crowd, clenched his fists and said with sparkling eyes.

Tomboy Debbie whispered: "Don't underestimate those cults and gangs. I heard from my parents before that the previous mayor also carried out a cleanup, but all ended in failure."

"This time is different! I believe in this mayor! I can feel the power in his words!"

"Children know nothing! This time the city government has already shown that those cults can't be provoked." A middle-aged man with a big beard said.

"The city government is a symbol of the city. People have made trouble here. It's no different from stepping on the mayor's face and shitting!" The middle-aged man took out the wine pot and took a sip, but he smelled a pungent smell of blood from the gap.

The middle-aged man said with an intoxicated face: "What mayor or not, as long as there is wine, I don't care if the city is destroyed."

Those cults and gangs have controlled the vast majority of the lower-class people through blood wine.

"What an idiot!" Rum cursed in a low voice.


On the other side, Arkham Sanatorium.

The cooking in the underground space is still going on. On the side, according to the order of cooking, the high-level ghouls headed by Zeke have put on their clothes and stood neatly aside, like soldiers waiting for their superiors to inspect.

In one night, two pots were cooked and 20 high-level ghouls were produced again. Now there are still two hours before the third pot is cooked.

Looking at this group of strong men with cold faces, Los nodded with satisfaction. This is a group of high-level ghouls of at least level 20, which is enough to easily stabilize the current security problem in the central area.

"Master!" Seeing Los come in, everyone knelt down and saluted at the same time.

Los said: "From today on, you have a new life. You are no longer related to your previous life."

"Your next goal is to become a policeman in Arkham City and maintain the security of Arkham City and the safety of citizens for me. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Great Master!" Everyone said loudly.

"In addition, you can live on normal food, and no cannibalism is allowed."

After the warning, Los turned to look at Kurven: "How are the identification documents of these people?"

Kurven nodded and said: "Daryl and Dr. Murthy are preparing, and it is expected that all will be processed this afternoon."

"Including birth certificates, ID cards, graduation certificates, and relevant police qualifications and gun licenses."

"Very good, take them out and reintegrate them into the world of normal people first, and gather at the police station after the documents come down."


Then Los left directly. He had some other things to do with the army, the most important of which was naturally the seizure and arrest of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

After Los left, Lilith looked at the ghouls and warned: "You must know why you have gained such powerful power. Remember your identity. You are the master's loyal servants. You only need to maintain the order that the master wants. Do you understand?"

The ghouls nodded, and the leader Zeke said respectfully and seriously: "Master Lilith, don't worry, we know our identity and what we need to do."

These ghouls still maintain human thinking and emotions, and have not become emotionless monsters.

This is also what Los hopes for. He does not want to turn this place into a cold monster city.

ps: Please recommend!

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