Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 391 0388 The Furious Red Emperor

The Red Emperor looked at this group of Arkham residents who looked a little abnormal in disbelief.

Over the years during his field transformation, he has witnessed the fear and struggle of countless people. Some of these people were directly overwhelmed by fear and fainted, and some were tortured into madness by this despair.

Some people kneel down and beg for mercy, some people fight back wildly, and some people abandon all moral principles and want to do all kinds of dirty things before they die that they did not dare to do before.

People in despair and fear can always break out in all kinds of incredible ugliness, and he has always enjoyed admiring such ugliness.

He knows Arkham very well. He knows that the residents of Arkham are born with a kind of evil and madness, because people born and raised in this land will be affected by the underground ancient god's labyrinth and can easily turn to inhumans. direction of variation and evolution.

So he was full of expectations for the performance of these people just now.

But now, he was confused.

He has never seen anyone who saw his body being transformed not only without any fear, but also with extra excitement and joy. It seemed that this was not a desperate death, but a once-in-a-lifetime adventure!

And this is not one or two people but a group of people!

When he heard Janet and the crippled middle-aged man call him an explosive monster, he even thought that his corrosion speed was too slow! ?

Such a casual address and such a contemptuous tone completely angered the Red Emperor.

I'm a demigod! Could easily destroy the entire Arkham! To all you demigods in despair! You ordinary people actually call me that! How dare you despise my demigod realm like this! ?

In an instant, the Red Emperor's always calm heart and aura experienced huge fluctuations like a tsunami.

"Hey! Red-haired monster! Hurry up! Corrode my back quickly. I have strained my lumbar muscles at work recently. My whole back is so stiff that I can't even sleep well. After you corroded my back, I It’s better to get a silver-blooded steel spine and back muscles with 50% metal strength!”

When the Red Emperor fell into great anger, a civil servant in his thirties said on the side.

"Corrode my hair! I've been bald for more than ten years."

"That...I'm sorry to say it. Can you corrupt my awesomeness a little bit? I want to change it..."


Suddenly, this was not a doomsday disaster, but a carnival of adventures.

All of this was an indescribable humiliation for the Red Emperor.

However, the CS continues.

Daryl, who was evacuating everyone, said loudly: "Okay, okay! Don't embarrass the attacker too much! They are also terrorists who came to attack us. Please pay attention to the atmosphere, okay?"

When the Red Emperor heard this, he clenched his fists and veins popped out on his forehead.

Here Artus followed up and said: "The city manager is right. They are here to carry out terrorist attacks. They are not here to reshape your body. They also need to specify the scope of corrosion? Can you give this gentleman some face? What will he do in the future? To cause damage? What if people are too shy to come? "

After hearing this, everyone understood, and then looked at their bodies that had been corroded by almost 30% and said: "That's right! We can't go too far, no matter what, we must leave some opportunities for others, let's leave quickly! "

"I'll kill you bugs!"

At this time, the Red Emperor's eyes widened, and they exploded instantly. The cables symbolizing his hair suddenly swelled up, and then released a large number of terrifying red lightning balls.

Walking sideways throughout the world, in this circle of superhumans all over the world, the enemies are full of fear wherever they go, and the subordinates are always respectful, the legend of all superhumans! Powerful demigod! The great red emperor! I, the Red Emperor, was actually teased and ridiculed by this group of ordinary people!

At this moment, the Red Emperor is going to completely blow these guys into dust! They can't even keep a hair on their head.

Faced with such a threat, the people around them did not have much fear. At this time, they still left the city hall in an orderly manner under the leadership of Daryl and Artus, completely ignoring the words of the Red Emperor.

It seemed that the Red Emperor was regarded as a late-stage chuunibyou patient who was talking to himself.


The terrifying red electric ball exploded directly after a short period of accumulation.

At this critical moment, Lilith let out a laugh filled with joy.

The next second, a hazy, slightly transparent black halo burst out at an extremely fast speed.

Then the halo formed a black, oval shape like an eggshell, directly surrounding Lilith and the Red Emperor.

Also surrounded are the electric balls that are about to explode.

After these destructive electric balls hit the surrounding black barriers, they only saw the barriers begin to squirm for a while, and then were actually absorbed by these barriers, and then disappeared.

Seeing this, the Red Emperor calmed down his furious heart, because he found that the situation here was much more complicated than he imagined.

He could no longer be disturbed by these ordinary people.

Here, Lilith said with a happy smile: "Mr. Red Emperor, please don't be angry. We haven't had any decent attackers in Arkham for a long time. The last time the Brotherhood of the King in Yellow was just a sneak attack. We went to the hospital and very few people were attacked.”

"There have never been attackers who can attack the city hall openly like you, so they are inevitably a little too excited. Please don't be angry with them."

Hearing this, the Red Emperor's face became even uglier, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm mad at you!"

He hadn't said a bad word for almost forty years, because at his level, he was feared and respected by everyone wherever he went. No one dared to provoke him, and if they saw someone they didn't like, they would just kill him, and they couldn't anger him at all.

But this time, he was really angry. The continuous teasing, contempt, and ridicule made him feel that his dignity as a demigod had suffered great humiliation and challenge.

After cursing, there was a strange twist around the Red Emperor, and then countless desks and documents began to deform rapidly, becoming weird mechanical monsters.

Seeing this, Lilith immediately restrained her smile and her face became cold.

"Damn you, I spent 20,000 Rosa coins to purchase these desks! Those documents are the key to our civil servants' work! Do you really think that transforming these things can show your strength?"

As she spoke, Lilith's jet-black hair quickly grew longer, and waves of soul-stirring black continued to emerge from her body, like a black hole that can swallow everything, or like the original darkness that gave birth to everything.

"Today I will take off your entire body, and then use your parts to make up for my 20,000 yuan purchase fee!"

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