Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 392: Entering Arkham Sanatorium

The two demigod-level beings did not cause much fluctuation because of Lilith's special ability.

Under the maintenance of Daryl and Artes, the entire city hall, a total of 120 people, evacuated from the inside in ten minutes, and were quickly settled by the police outside.

At the same time that the Red Emperor began to attack, Mangus also came to the Arkham Sanatorium located in the northernmost part of the entire city.

Since he did not have the ability to transform like the Red Emperor, he needed other people to control various key places.

At this time, he was accompanied by his two guards, Sulfur and Mercury, as well as five advanced superhumans of level 34 and twenty elite superhumans of more than level 20.

At this time, everyone stood at the gate of Arkham Sanatorium and found that the actual situation was a little different.

"I remember that the opposite side of Arkham Sanatorium was a group of dilapidated old houses, with nothing. How could a research institute suddenly appear here?" Sulfur looked at the huge Arkham Research Institute opposite Arkham Sanatorium and was very surprised.

Mangus closed his eyes, and then a colorful light spread out directly with his body as the center.

The next second, the structures of the buildings on both sides and the personnel configurations inside them instantly appeared in his mind.

"We really found a treasure." Mangus laughed.

"Master?" Mercury asked tentatively.

Mangus said: "Two level 45, twelve level 35, and the remaining fifty are generally around level 20."

"So many!?" Sulfur was shocked.

This is just a research institute, but it has such a powerful configuration.

Mangus said casually: "It's true that there are not many, but there is no problem, because they will soon belong to our Father God Redemption Society."

"Master, where should we start first?" Sulfur asked.

Mangus said: "Although this research institute looks quite bluffing, there are not many people in it. Most of the people are still in the underground space of Arkham Sanatorium. The core purpose of building this research institute is probably to cover up and attract us to assign troops."

"Master is wise!" Everyone said respectfully.

Mangus said, turning around and coming to the door of Arkham Sanatorium. With a casual touch, the huge steel door instantly turned into a pool of molten iron, and then under the influence of invisible forces, a slender metal road was formed, leading to the main entrance of the sanatorium.

As everyone just broke in, a large number of security personnel quickly appeared around.

"Oh? Interesting." Mangus smiled.

At this time, if you look carefully, you will find that these security personnel are not human, but mechanical guards assembled from machinery and flesh and blood, with hideous and terrifying appearances.

Without waiting for everyone to move forward, the guns in the hands of these mechanical guards opened fire directly.

In an instant, a large number of bullets poured over like raindrops.

Mangus raised his hand, and a colorful light appeared directly. When these bullets came into contact with this light, they actually melted directly and turned into liquid.

The next second, this colorful light spread instantly along with Mangus's arm, and the thirty or so guards immediately turned into a pool of blood and molten steel mixed together.

"The master's smelting ability is getting stronger and stronger!" Mercury was filled with longing and joy when he saw this.

As the guards were eliminated, a voice suddenly sounded from the loudspeaker.

"Intruders, you'd better think clearly about the consequences and costs of breaking into our Arkham Sanatorium!!" The voice was steady and deep, and it sounded full of oppression.

Mangus did not stop, and asked with a smile: "Really? I am very curious about the consequences and costs you mentioned, so let me see them as soon as possible!"

As he said that, he led his subordinates to push open the main door of the Arkham Sanatorium.

The voice from the loudspeaker continued to come: "You asked for this, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

After that, there was no sound.

Mangus calmly led people into the hall from the main entrance. It can be seen that although this old sanatorium has been renovated, the inside is still very old.

The faint blood on the ground, the claw marks on the wall that were left at some time, and the wisps of hair and blood in the cracks on the ground all indicate the extraordinary and gloomy nature of this sanatorium.


Accompanied by a heavy sound, the door of the sanatorium suddenly closed automatically.

This immediately scared the members behind him. They turned their heads and looked behind them with a pale face, with a look of shock in their eyes.

At this time, Mangus's voice sounded: "What are you afraid of?"

As he said, Mangus waved his hand, and the door that had just been closed instantly turned into a pool of liquid and scattered all over the floor.

Seeing the bright sunlight outside the door passing through the door and entering the dark hall, many people suddenly relaxed.

After all, the danger here is well-known in the entire superhuman world, especially Arkham Sanatorium, which is even more notorious.

Closed and dark spaces always make people nervous, and if they can see some light, they will be much more stable.

"Don't separate for the time being, go directly to the underground." Mangus said, leading the team into the main body of the sanatorium from the corridor on the left.

Just when they turned the corner, they suddenly saw a door in front of them opened, and then a scaly hand stretched out from the crack of the door and picked up a pale broken hand.

Before they could come to their senses, they heard a series of creepy gnawing sounds from behind the door.

Hearing such a voice, even the 30th-level advanced superhumans in the team felt a little numb in their hearts.

Although they had experienced all kinds of weird things and had seen similar situations, they felt that this matter was particularly creepy here at this time.

"Playing tricks! Sulfur!" Mangus said.

Sulfur, who was sturdy and had yellow-green hair, strode forward, and then the moment he put his palm on the door panel, a terrifying explosion occurred directly, directly blowing up the door panel of the room.

"Let me see what kind of monster you are." Sulfur was not afraid at all, and walked in with a ferocious face.

But when he entered, his expression was stunned.

Because at this time, the room was empty, only the blood-stained bed sheet, and the skeletons of some human arms.

"Where are the people!?" Sulfur was stunned.

At this time, Mangus and others had already arrived at the door. After seeing the situation inside, Mangus said, "There should be other tunnels."

Sulfur walked into the room and took a look and said, "There is a door under his bed."

Two level 20 youths quickly stepped forward and lifted the bed. Sure enough, they found a dark iron door underneath.

"Open it!"

Sulfur stepped forward and opened it directly, but found that there was nothing under the door, it was completely reinforced concrete.

"Master..." At this time, the two people were a little confused.

Mangus laughed, "So that's it. The monster of the angle is indeed imprisoned here."

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