While everyone in Arkham was playing tricks on these invaders, Ross and Minisha were on their way to Dunwich.

"Mayor, they seem to be getting closer." Minisha faintly felt the danger approaching.

Ross looked ahead and said, "It's almost there anyway, let's just walk over."

With that said, Ross stopped the car directly.

Minisha was stunned when she saw this: "Walk over? Where is the car?"

"The car will take care of these guys for me," Ross said with a smile.

With that said, Ross raised his hand, took off his head and placed it on the driver's seat.

Minisha's eyes widened when she saw this. This was the first time she saw the great mayor perform such a "performance".

Ross looked at Minisha's appearance at this time, laughed, reached out and touched her face and said, "Let's go, I have a feeling."

"What does it feel like?" Minisha asked curiously.

Ross looked up and said, "The truth about this world."

At this time, the two people were still about two kilometers away from Dunwich, but standing here, they could clearly see that the entire town had been surrounded by a distorted space.

In this twisted space, there are all kinds of weird shapes and twisted shadows.

There seemed to be countless gods and demons dancing around in it.

Minisa felt that there was an unspeakable danger lurking in it just by looking at it.

Just when the two people were about to move forward, accompanied by a gust of wind, several figures suddenly appeared in front of the two people.

These four people were thin, aged, and had a lot of black lines on their bodies, which made them look very strange.

Seeing this slight change in expression, Minisha whispered: "Master, these are the four elders of the Father God's Redemption Society. Each of them has level 49 strength."

Of course, Los could see clearly. He looked at the four of them and said with a smile, "All the elite members of the Father God's Redemption Society should have arrived, right?"

The bald old man who took the lead looked at Minisha, and then set his sights on Los: "Destroyer of civilization, all your destruction of this world will end here today."

"Destroyer of civilization? Are you talking about me?" Ross was stunned.

At this time, the Red King behind him, led by a middle-aged man, had already caught up.

At this time, the momentum completely exploded, and Minisha felt that the middle-aged man in the lead was actually a demigod!

"Life Maker! Gondor!" Minisha's eyes tightened after seeing it.

"Gondor? I actually know a bounty hunter named Gondor." Los said casually.

After a brief exchange with the four elders, Gondor looked at Los Arkham and said, "Los Arkham! The barbarian who destroyed the civilization of this century, you will definitely die today."

The Red King on the side stared at Minisa's seductive plump body. His body was shaking constantly, his eyes were red and he growled: "That's mine! That's mine!"

Minisha glanced at the Red King with disgust, then leaned directly against Los.

Seeing this scene, the Red King was extremely angry. He was about to rush over but was stopped by Gondor.

Ross asked with great interest at this time: "What I'm curious about is, who gave you the courage to think so confidently that you can kill me?"

"Nature is the great goddess who represents the will of the world!" Gondor said proudly.

"The goddess who represents the will of the world? Ha! Did I hear you correctly? Your highest belief should be Newton Pava, right? When did he change his gender?"

Gondor said calmly: "What you just said is indeed the Father God we respect, but there is one thing you don't understand. The Father God we respect is just the messenger of the goddess."

Hearing this, Los's heart moved because he suddenly thought of something.

"I see, there aren't that many organizations in this world at all. I didn't expect it to be like this!" Los said suddenly.

Minisha on the side was stunned: "Mayor, what did you think of?"

Los suddenly said: "I have always thought that behind these organizations there is a hidden demigod of about sixty or seventy levels, and there is no real god in this world who can move at will."

"Actually, I was wrong. My vision has been fixed on those bewitching old rulers and outer gods, as well as those human demigods, but I have always ignored a powerful god who has always existed but has no sense of existence."


Los's eyes were shining as he said, "That is the mysterious god who suppressed all the ancient gods, the goddess of the sun and moon recorded in ancient books."

"Goddess of the Sun and Moon? Sounds familiar." Minisha said.

"The goddess of the sun and moon has different names in different histories. In ancient times, when the sun god religion spread all over the world, she was the sun goddess who gave people warmth and purification."

"And in the cold dark night, she becomes the moon goddess who comforts people and symbolizes tranquility and gentleness."

"But here at the Redemption Society of God the Father, it becomes the will of the world."

"In the Eye of Insight, he becomes the omnipotent Lord God."

"Since the ancient god was sealed, 90% of the various gods in the world are just him!"

Hearing this, Minisha's eyes suddenly widened and she said in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

Loss looked at Gondor in front of him: "This attack on Arkham brought together the military, some Ur people, the Father God Redemption Society, the Eye of Insight, the Creator of Life, the Hand of Chaos, the Black Goat Egg and other old organizations with different beliefs."

"If the existences believed by these people are really some completely different gods, then they will never be able to unite so easily and complete the discussion so quickly. After all, they all have deep hatred for each other."

"Then the only possibility is that an existence that can control all the top leaders at the same time has facilitated this matter among various organizations at the same time."

"I didn't figure out what concessions you made before, so that you can get together so quickly, but your plan just now reminded me."

"You really don't believe in any god of power, Newton. Even Newton's current achievements were the gift of the goddess of the sun and the moon."

"So, the real owner behind these major forces is actually the same person!"

Minissa was stunned when she heard this series of analyses.

This analysis is not so perfect, and there are still many ambiguities and loopholes.

But when Los said it, it was so convincing.

Gondor on the other side did not deny it when he heard it, and whispered: "You really shouldn't exist in this world. You analyzed the truth with just these fragmentary information! You are really the enemy of this world, and you are a blasphemer of the goddess!"

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