It was already very shocking. After hearing Gondor's affirmation, Minesha immediately admired Los's reasoning and thinking even more!

"My God! The mayor's wisdom is really as deep and far-reaching as the starry sky!" Minesha's eyes were full of little stars.

When Minesha was full of admiration, Los suddenly hugged her delicate body, which made her feel her heart beating wildly for a while.

At this time, Los's body gradually flew up, looked down at everyone and said: "Have you ever thought that you are just cannon fodder for your goddess to test my strength?"

Before a few people came back to their senses, Los's body suddenly accelerated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This guy is scared! Chase him! Never let him enter Dunwich!" Gondor saw this and roared. Just when he was about to chase him, an extremely strong arm suddenly appeared in front of him, and he directly knocked them out with extremely fast speed.

"This is impossible!"

You know, Gondor is a demigod! There are not many people in the world who can knock him out.

The most important thing is that Los Arkham has left. Who attacked them?

"My Lord! My Lord! Look! That car is alive!"

Gondor turned around and saw that the entire mechanical structure of the off-road vehicle was changing rapidly.

"Autobots! Start!"

Accompanied by a strange voice, the car turned into a five-meter-tall steel giant at a very fast speed.

And the head of this steel giant was the head that Los had just taken off.

At this time, the head had obviously become much larger in order to adapt to the new body.

It's just that a flesh and blood head and a steel body with steel edges, gears and cables everywhere are so out of place.

"What the hell is this?" The four elders had never seen such a scene before, and their eyes widened immediately, feeling incredible.

When did the car become a spirit?

Gondor shouted: "Don't be scared by the other party, it's just a paper tiger!"

After speaking, Gondor waved his hand, and the demigod domain burst out, and the soil on the ground quickly turned over, forming three long snakes of soil.

The Autobot who had already transformed jumped back flexibly, and then swung his arm, and a long sword transformed from a tentacle appeared.

This four-meter-long giant sword was swung quickly at this time, directly cutting off the three mud snakes.

Then the Autobot looked down at everyone: "If it is a single Autobot, it is indeed not your opponent, but unfortunately, the Autobot you met is the Autobot whose head is composed of me."

As he said, the four-meter-long sword was swung suddenly, and in an instant, a terrifying aura of level 70 completely erupted.

Feeling such an aura, everyone here turned pale.

"How is this possible? It's just a head and a car! How can it have a power of level 70!?" At this moment, Gondor realized the seriousness of the problem.

According to the revelation of the goddess he received, Los Arkham was not strong. He could only use the power of level 90 in Arkham and rely on the Arkham vein.

When he left Arkham, he was not even level 60, and his means of attack were very scarce.

Then the great goddess also gave them a special formation that allowed them to easily deal with Los Arkham.

But what Gondor never expected was that the other party only left a head and a car, and had the power of level 70!

This is a big difference from what the goddess said, less than level 60!

Every ten levels is a huge gap. In the later stage, it is the realm of demigods. A level 60 can deal with five level 59 at the same time.

And if there are special means, level 57 can also kill level 59.

So, Gondor was so confident at the beginning.

But now, he found that things are different.

"Have you ever thought that you are just cannon fodder for your goddess to test my strength?"

Suddenly, what Los said when he just left suddenly came back to Gondor's mind.

Suddenly, he felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

Gods are ruthless. He knows very well that all humans are just a group of ants that can be abandoned at any time in front of gods.

He thought he had entered the realm of demigods. Although he was still a humble existence in front of the true gods, at least he should not be one of those ants that could be abandoned at any time.

But now, he suddenly realized that no matter whether he was level 50, level 40, or even level 60, he was still an ant in the eyes of the gods.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The level 70 Autobots could already trigger the original rules of this world. He could see that while swinging the long sword in his hand, he continuously released one terrifying sword aura after another.

These sword auras not only had terrifying cutting power, but also had terrifying impact power.

Snap! Snap!

The moment the four elders were hit, their bodies were first smashed to pieces, and then cut into hundreds of pieces, scattered all over the ground with splashing blood.

The Red King, who was very fierce just now, was completely frightened by the fierceness of the Autobots. At this time, his eyes, which were usually full of desire, were now full of fear.


Another sword aura flew over, and the Red King was directly cut into pieces.

"I've disliked you for a long time. How come you're still alive? You really make my eyes dirty." The Autobot said, looking towards Gondor.

The believers following Gondor screamed and turned to flee madly.

However, before they could run two steps, the sword energy flew over at a very fast speed, turning them into pieces of blood mist.

Soon, the elites led by Gondor all turned into corpses and blood mist, leaving only him standing there in a daze.

All the people were dead, and the goddess's formation was naturally useless.

The core of the formation in his hand, which was the final killer, fell to the ground powerlessly.

"Gondor! How are you? Quickly return to Arkham for support, we are ambushed!" At this time, Mangus's intermittent voice came.

At this time, Gondor raised his head and saw that the Autobot raised the big sword in his hand.

Gondor murmured weakly: "Mangus, run! We... were killed by a car."

The next second, the giant sword fell from the sky.

This time there was no sword energy, and the four-meter-long sword was only half a meter wide.

From top to bottom, it was like a fly swatter.

As the bones shattered, the blood and internal organs splattered more than ten meters away.

The fly named Gondor was smashed to pieces, and its body and soul were destroyed.

Raising the long sword, Autobot Los shook the blood and flesh on the sword with some disgust, and the eyes and brains stuck to it.

"How disgusting."

Autobot Los said as he blew, and the blood and flesh on it were blown dry instantly.

Then it turned back into a car and drove in the direction Los left.

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