In the rich area, the army rushed into Reagan Rhodes's manor, but found that only a few servants were left here, and Reagan Rhodes had disappeared.

So the army took all the servants back and sealed off the entire manor.

At the end of the day, the entire central area was completely changed.

The army's intervention was too fierce. All the core personnel of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce were captured with the force of thunder, and there was not even time for the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce to react.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, this storm spread throughout Arkham City along with newspapers from various newspapers.

In the commercial district, Rio's high-end tailor shop.

The boss of the Danny Gang, Danny O'Banion, was trying on his new suit.

Danny was a 1.9-meter-tall strong man with a bald head and a face full of flesh. His round face was angular and looked like Kingpin, one of the classic villains in Marvel comics.

"Not bad, very comfortable." Danny moved and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he turned around and took the newspaper just handed over by his subordinates and took a look.

"Los Arkham, has he been too popular recently?" Danny's voice was very low, and his tone was full of oppression.

"Boss, everyone in the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce has been arrested. The army has personally killed and arrested more than 400 people!" His capable general, who is mainly responsible for intelligence reconnaissance and is called the Golden Monkey by the underworld, has a look of shock on his face.

Danny sneered: "Putting all his industries together, isn't it just waiting for others to take him down? It's really stupid."

"Is there any action from the Hand of Chaos?"

Vic smiled and said: "The Hand of Chaos is very angry and is preparing to counterattack. They are preparing to attack Los Arkham, the military base, the city government, Daryl's home, the Arkham Sanatorium, and the entire slum at the same time."

Danny threw away the newspaper and said: "Wait and see."

At the same time, on the campus, the Miskatonic University Library.

Dr. Armitage, 54 years old this year, is not only the director of this library, but also a municipal commissioner representing the college area.

Looking down at the newspaper in his hand, his old square face showed a trace of worry.

He has been concerned about the new mayor's movements in the central area these two days.

First, blood wine was banned, then it was restored, and then all the police were arrested, and the war with the Rhodes Guild began to be officially launched, implementing new policies and winning over the lower-class people.

Although the newspapers have praised the new mayor these two days, he is not happy at all in his heart.

It's not because of the things the new mayor did, but because of a little girl.

About a week ago, he met Daryl, and out of his love for young people, he asked about Tracy's condition.

From Daryl's description and expression at the time, Dr. Armitage knew that Tracy's eyes had completely deteriorated and became blind, and because of nerve necrosis, she was gradually losing her expression.

He knew very well that Daryl's expression at the time was not pretended, because he had a certain understanding of this disease.

However, just yesterday, when he passed by Arkham Public High School, he was shocked to find that Tracy not only came to school, but also had fully recovered.

Her skin became better, full of youthful vitality, and her eyes were full of divine light, like gems, which made him feel a faint fear.

The library he managed had many books, which made him very knowledgeable. In addition, he had a very good relationship with Dr. Heinrich Murthy, a famous doctor in Arkham City, so he knew very well that this disease could not even be cured in a few days.

What worried him most was that according to the description of the news, the person who cured him was none other than the current mayor, Los Arkham.

You know, seven years ago, Los Arkham's father, George Arkham, followed him to Dunwich to witness and expel the existence that did not belong to this world.

Since then, George Arkham has become weird, and now his son's abnormality makes him tremble with fear.

"What should I do?" Dr. Armitage's old palm gradually clenched.

According to his analysis, Los Arkham may have mutated due to special reasons, and judging from the fact that he openly fought against the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, he should have gained huge inhuman power, otherwise it would be impossible for an ordinary person who had just taken office to have such power.

"Let's report first!" Dr. Armitage stood up and prepared to send a telegram.

The incident seven years ago changed the fate of him and his friend, Francis Morgan.

A month after that incident, a group of mysterious people came to them and conducted a very careful study and investigation of the Dunwich incident.

The style of those people's actions was very similar to that of the Empire's military, but they were extremely knowledgeable and skilled in dealing with the mystery, as if they were a special force that specialized in dealing with such things.

In the subsequent understanding, they learned that the full name of this organization was the Human Green Ecological Protection Agreement Oath Alliance, referred to as the Green Covenant.

Although this organization was originally established by the Empire, it has been banned for a long time. Today, people are spontaneously formed, and all members are a group of people who are dedicated to protecting human safety and resisting those extraordinary creatures and terror.

They travel around the world, dealing with all kinds of supernatural events. They have a complete and systematic management regulations and methods. They even have special personnel, such as one of the beautiful women whose true form is a hideous ghoul.

But they have the same goal, which is to protect humans from those terrifying existences.

The Green Covenant communicated with the two people for a long time, and the two decided to join them and become their members in Arkham, because there are too many cults here, and they need to monitor here at any time and report to the Covenant headquarters.

In the past seven years, the two secretly handled about twenty supernatural events, about ten of which were solved by themselves, and ten times they called in professionals from the Covenant.

However, now that Armitage is old, his body can't stand such high-intensity work. His memory is not as good as before, and the rheumatism in his legs has become more serious in the past two years.

Even because of those bizarre experiences in the past, he didn't sleep well, and often woke up suddenly and felt very scared.

Just when I went out, I saw a man in his early forties coming over.

This man looks resolute, strong, and dressed in a well-fitting suit, giving people the impression that he is a bodyguard of a rich man.

This is Francis Morgan, the only doctor in the university's archaeology department and the core figure supporting the archaeology department.

"You have heard about it, right?" Francis asked in a low voice.

Armitage nodded: "Report first, then wait for news."

PS: The overall world system is beginning to unfold, please recommend me! !

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