Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 45 The Hand of Chaos Strikes Back

The river area near Arkham's Miskatonic River contains the two largest of the three marinas in Arkham.

Following this mother river, ships start from here, go all the way east, and then pass through Innsmouth Port before going out to sea smoothly.

Therefore, anyone who wants to do maritime business in Arkham cannot avoid this place. At the same time, they cannot avoid the owner of the entire River District and East District, Thomas Peake, the secret and real leader of the notorious Tide Pirates.

Thomas Peake was a true Innsmouth man, full of Innsmouth characteristics.

He has been balding since he was in his twenties. His body is a little hunched, and his eyes are round and big, like copper bells. They are very scary when he glares at people.

But he was taller and more muscular than the average Innsmouth man.

He is 1.9 meters tall, and his body is as strong as a black bear. He always wears a jazz hat on the top of his head, where are his reverse scales.

"Captain, are we just going to watch like this?" the first mate, who was also bald and somewhat hunchbacked, asked tentatively.

Thomas opened his thin lips, revealing the sharp teeth inside and said, "The Hand of Chaos will not be destroyed casually."

As he spoke, he arranged a splendid crown headdress inlaid with precious stones.

"Captain, the Empire has sent investigators to investigate the whereabouts of the White Shark's cargo." The first mate said the latest report.

They did a big job some time ago and robbed a ship of special medicines from the Empire. Now they are hiding in the East District. They are looking to take action recently.

"Has the identity been confirmed?" Thomas asked.

The first mate shook his head: "Not yet. This is the news that just came from the capital."

"Then why are you still standing here!?" Thomas stared and grinned, as if he wanted to eat the first mate.

The first mate suddenly trembled, bowed hurriedly, turned around and ran out quickly.

Captain, he really knows how to eat people.


At the same time, it is located in an underground space somewhere in the central area.

Twenty-seven believers dressed in black robes were kneeling on the ground and praying quietly.

On the altar directly in front, there is a vague and indescribable weird statue.

Except that the statue has three legs, nothing else can be described in human language.

Standing under the statue is a man wearing a black gold-rimmed robe, whose face cannot be seen clearly.

At this time, the man raised his hands: "Los Arkham has offended the power of the great Lord of Chaos. Believers, kill him, rescue our compatriots, and then bring the central area under the rule of Chaos again."

"Lord of Chaos! Lord of Chaos!" Suddenly, a group of believers shouted.

These twenty-seven believers are the true core members of the Hand of Chaos today. Each of them is a superhuman, generally at level 19 to 20. They are a group of fanatical believers who are proficient in combat and loyal to their beliefs.

This is the most powerful force the Hand of Chaos has here today, and a force unrivaled in Arkham.

To deal with a company of soldiers, it only takes five men to kill them all within ten minutes.

"Slum Street, City Hall, Daryl, Arkham Sanitarium, Courthouse Prison, let all existences that offend the power of the Lord of Chaos know what true terror is."

The man shouted loudly, and the group of fanatical believers below disappeared into the darkness.

After the believers left, Reagan Rhodes and the woman from before came out.

"Pope, what about Los Arkham?" Reagan asked.

The man said calmly: "It's time for me to take action myself."

After saying that, his body disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Seeing such terrifying abilities, Reagan and the women's eyes were filled with admiration and shock.

"The Pope's power now far exceeds that of humans. If defined by level, the Pope today has a strength of level 40!" The woman's tone was full of admiration.

"Level 40!? Oh my God!" After hearing this, Reagan's aging face was filled with shock.

The most powerful special forces are only at level nine, and I am only at level five.

"Let's go! Let us witness the greatness of the Pope and the end of Los Arkham." The woman's tone was full of confidence and pride.


At the same time, the brand new police officers have just left the police station with their standard equipment and are ready to take up their posts.

Their plan was to walk down the street and look around like normal patrol officers.

That powerful body and cold eyes made the civilians passing by feel very at ease.

Lose, who was at home, was having dinner with Lilith.

He picked up a leg of beef and swallowed it with the bones.

Compared to Los, Lilith was much quieter, with a dignified and elegant look, as if she was a female CEO attending a dinner.

Having just eaten a whole leg of beef, Carrington came over and said, "Master, Miss Elizabeth called just now to warn us that the Hand of Chaos has begun to act, and their attack range is wide."

Los wiped his mouth and said, "It's just those places. What's the situation over there, Lilith?"

Lilith put down her knife and fork and said, "My children have seen them come out in droves, and have also determined the location of their lair."

Los stood up and said, "Very good. Since they took the initiative to pay their respects, we don't need to be polite. I will remember this friendship. When they die, I will burn enough paper money for them."

Slum Street, at six o'clock, the sun was still hanging in the western sky, with a tendency to set, and the entire central area was in a relatively peaceful state.

People who had just finished work for a day were running on the streets, preparing to return home to enjoy dinner.

Rum and Debbie were squatting at the door of their house, reading books with their heads down.

There was no electricity in Slum Street. Now the kerosene lamp at home had no oil, and the candles were all used up. The two of them had to finish reading the knowledge they needed to read today before dark.

"Debbie, do you think we can really get into Miskatonic University if we study like this?" Rum was a little unconfident.

Being able to get into Miskatonic University is the dream of the bottom children in Arkham, and it is their only springboard to enter the upper class.

Debbie was more focused than Rum, and she kept reading this section of theory and answered forcefully: "Of course!"

This gave Rum confidence, and he lowered his head and continued to read a section about the structure of the human body.

Just as the two were studying seriously, the noisy street suddenly fell into silence because of a few screams.

The two of them were startled and looked up.

They suddenly found that two people had fallen to the ground about 20 meters away, and the blood that had spurted out had not yet completely fallen to the ground.

The residents who had just finished dinner, or were walking on the street, or chatting about family matters in groups of three or two were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

At the same time, five fanatics in black robes had stepped over the bodies of the two people and rushed over here.

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