While the slums in the south were attacked, the city government, the court prison next to the city government, and the Arkham Sanatorium were also attacked at the same time.

The area of ​​the central area is not large, and it is not dark today, and it is the peak time for getting off work. At this time, many places were attacked, which caused great panic for a while.

Faced with the indiscriminate attacks of these lunatics, screams rang out one after another on the streets of the entire central area. People were pale and ran desperately with fear, trying to avoid the crazy butcher knives of these lunatics.

The army naturally reacted at the first time and quickly organized a battle under the leadership of Captain Oyok.

But soon they found that something was wrong.

Now they are facing only five cultists, but the speed of these cultists is so fast that they can't see their figures clearly.

These people can easily dodge their bullets with their high-speed moving bodies, and even if the bullets hit their bodies, they will not cause too serious injuries.

"Damn it! Where did these monsters come from!?" The soldiers who kept shooting were full of disbelief.

The army of hundreds of people was completely entangled by these five people at this moment. Not to mention protecting normal people, even normal soldiers were constantly losing.

Almost a dozen people were killed or injured in one encounter.

On the other side, the indiscriminate attack along the entire Peabody Avenue had quietly begun.

Another group of five black-clad men suddenly appeared from a hidden corner, directly drew out the sharp blades in their hands and rushed towards the crowd.

In an instant, several middle-class people who had just got off the tram were attacked and fell to the ground with blood all over their bodies.

Just as these people were about to kill into the crowd, a series of gunshots rang out.

One of the black-clad men quickly dodged and turned his head to see a young man with a stubble on his face, who seemed to be still asleep, looking at this side with a gun.

The young man was wearing a somewhat old armor, and he looked quite handsome, but overall he looked a little sloppy.

"You bastards, come at me if you have the guts!" The young man roared and continued to shoot.

One of the men in black came to him almost instantly, but the young man was quick and stepped back suddenly, then threw a grenade.


A fierce explosion sounded, and the man in black was blown away, falling to the ground covered in blood.

The young man was also dizzy at this time, but found that he was not injured.

"What's going on?" When the young man was puzzled, he found that there was a person in front of him who helped him block the impact of the bomb.

This was a policeman, with a strong figure and wearing a black uniform.

It's just that the black uniform was blown out with many holes, but the strange thing is that the chestnut bronze body was not injured.

"Don't do something you are not sure of in the future. Killing these cultists is not qualified for you to lose your life." The policeman tilted his head slightly and said lightly.

The young man was silent after hearing this, and then said: "But those people are qualified."

The policeman was stunned after hearing this, and then said: "My name is Jike, you are a good person."

"Next, leave it to the police."

After speaking, Jike took out a pistol and walked towards the cultists.

"My name is Conte, and I was also a policeman a year ago."

As he spoke, the young man looked forward and found that there were four other policemen and four doctors in white coats coming with him.

And now the people were protected by the four policemen.

What shocked him the most was that the young man who was blown away by the grenade just now stood up as if nothing had happened, with only a little skin injury.

"How is this possible!?" After all, Conte was a top student who graduated from the police academy. He knew the power of the grenade very well. It was impossible for humans to withstand such an impact.

"Jike! Be careful! There is something strange about these guys!" Conte's voice was not finished.

The cultist who had just been blown away by him was extremely angry. He roared and flew over a distance of 20 meters in almost a blink of an eye and came directly in front of him.

When the tip of the knife was less than five centimeters away from his neck, Conte suddenly came back to his senses, and his body was instantly soaked with sweat.

He didn't see clearly how this guy came in front of him.

"This speed... is simply inhuman!"

However, soon, something even more surprising happened. He found that the opponent's knife tip did not pierce his neck. It was not because the opponent showed mercy, nor was it because he reacted quickly, but because the wrist holding the knife was firmly grasped by a more powerful palm, like an iron clamp.

"It seems that you really don't take us policemen seriously." Zeke said in a cold tone.

The cultist was also very shocked at this time. He thought that this group of policemen were just ordinary people and were not worth worrying about at all.

But at this time, he found that this guy's strength actually completely suppressed him.

"Is he also a superhuman?!" Just as the cultist was shocked, Zeke took action.

I only saw Zeke's body muscles bulge, his palm grasped the cultist's wrist and pulled it, and then raised his knee and hit it suddenly.


A harsh sound rang out, and the cultist's arm was directly broken, and the white bones pierced out of the skin.

However, this was not the end. Zeke leaned forward, pinched the cultist's head with his other hand, and then pressed the cultist's head to the ground with terrifying force.


A sound like a lead ball hitting a stone slab came.

The solid ground was hit by the cultist's head, and in the pit, with blood and brain matter flowing out, the cultist's head, like a walnut smashed by a hammer, turned into a pile of minced meat.

Seeing this scene, Conte felt that his worldview had been greatly impacted, and his heart kept trembling as he thought: "My God... Could it be... that the police now are all superhumans of that level!?"

The death of this cultist shocked the other four cultists.

But this was extremely exciting and exciting for the people around who didn't know much about it.

Because the police who had been incompetent and corrupt for many years have now become the patron saint of the people as the mayor said.

At this time, Zeke stood up and said loudly: "With our police here, you cultists can't take the lives of any of the mayor's people."

"Now, brothers, kill all these cultists."

As soon as the voice fell, the four policemen who had been accumulating strength for a long time rushed up with dazzling phantoms like hungry wolves seeing their prey.

The cultists were shocked and angry, and then drew their swords to resist.

Unfortunately, these high-level ghouls were not only two or three levels higher than them, but also had no advantage in close combat due to their natural body structure.

Their most powerful attack could only slightly break the skin and carapace of these high-level ghouls.

ps: Please vote for recommendation! !

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