Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 47 Your second-year status is not my fault

Watching the battle between the police and the cultists, dozens of citizens around were stunned, completely forgetting the ferocity and madness of this group of cultists.

They can't see clearly the fighting situation between the two sides, but they can see the actions and results after the battle.

The fists of the police were full of great power, and the blades of the cultists were also very strange. On several occasions, they directly stabbed the body of the police, causing the people around to scream.

But what was surprising was that the blades seemed to be piercing the iron plate, and they were not unable to penetrate.

The cultists were naturally shocked and angry when they saw this, and they roared: "Who the hell are you!!?"

Another policeman with blond hair said calmly: "Police of Arkham City, guardians of citizens."

Hearing this, the surrounding citizens were filled with excitement and peace of mind. What a joy it was to have such a powerful police force to protect them.

At this moment, for the first time in their lives, they thought that the Arkham police were so heroic and reliable.

A person's judgment can always be quickly changed between life and death, and this group of people's judgment of the police has also undergone earth-shaking changes at this time.

Malik is one of them. He is an accountant. He runs a small accounting firm and specializes in doing accounting and tax returns for small businesses. He has an income of 150 Rosa dollars every month and lives a very comfortable life. .

He never believed in the police because he had been blackmailed by that group of policemen. In his mind, those policemen were just greedy fat pigs in police uniforms. hand.

But now, it's different.

"Maybe the mayor of Arkham is right. The police system in Arkham has been reborn." Malik thought in his heart.

The same idea spread rapidly in other people's minds at this time.

At the door of the city hall, the battle is over.

Thanks to the iron combat discipline and the timely arrival of doctors, no soldiers died, but more than 30 people were injured, 23 of whom were seriously injured, and six or seven of them even had their arms and legs chopped off.

The ability to defeat those monsters with such little damage naturally depended not on the soldiers themselves, but on the five policemen who had just arrived in a hurry.

Oyok looked at the terrifyingly strong policeman, whose body was as solid as steel, and finally understood why the queen wanted to cooperate with the mayor of Arkham. With such terrifying subordinates, he indeed had such qualifications.

The policeman leading the team here, the squad leader is named Ruel, he is 1.8 meters tall, has brown hair, and a big beard. He looks like a brown bear.

"Captain." Ruhl greeted.

Oyoke said with gratitude in his tone: "Thank you so much."

Ruel smiled: "It's all for the glory of the queen, you're welcome."

Upon hearing this, Oyoke suddenly became happy.

If you mention the glory of the Queen to me, then we will be our own people.

"Captain, the injured will be treated by doctors. Now you still need your men to patrol and search and rescue the entire central area. Don't worry about these damn cultists. Just leave them to our police," Ruhr said.

Oyoke nodded: "No problem, Officer Ruhr, for the honor of the Queen!"


Throughout the dusk, many places in the central area were in turmoil, but the only place that was quiet was Lose's home.

At this time, Ross, who was standing in the small courtyard watching the sunset, turned his head slightly. Along with a strange black smoke, a man wearing a black robe appeared two meters away from him.

Ross was not surprised to see this man, and asked with a smile: "It's July now, which is the hot time. Brother, you are wearing so much, aren't you hot?"

The man wearing a big hat whose face could not be seen made a low voice and said: "Loss Arkham, you are so ignorant that you have no idea what you are doing and what kind of existence you have offended."

Hearing this, Lose nodded and said, "Indeed, you are wearing such a big hat on this hot day. I really don't know what you look like."

At this moment, the door that Ross had just installed yesterday was kicked down again. Along with the smoke and dust, the woman who was the papal messenger ran in with Reagan Rhodes.

"Your Holiness," the woman whispered.

The man nodded slightly and said to Los: "Today I want to let you know that all your struggles and efforts are in vain, and everything you will do in the past two days will be meaningless."

"At the end of today, I will let you know what the real horror is!"

When Ross heard this, he sighed: "I don't have a person like you in my memory. In other words, it's not my fault that you speak so mediocrely."

He really didn't have much design for the three major cults. After all, it was just used as the background wall of the running group at the time, so the Pope who was full of nonsense was not his design.

The man didn't know what Los was talking about, and thought it was all nonsense: "The promises you made before will have no effect. Now the chaos of blood and fire is unfolding in the entire central area. The citizens you want to protect will be destroyed." Become a sacrifice to the great Lord of Chaos."

"Your subordinate Daryl and his family will also fall in a pool of blood. The army you invited will be littered with corpses. Your sanatorium will become an altar for us to worship the Lord of Chaos. And those who support you in the slums will Untouchables, they will disappear from this world forever!”

Ross asked, "What, just you? A guy wearing a big hat who can't even see the road when he walks?"

"Shut up! You are a pagan full of blasphemy. You have no idea how great our Pope is. You have no idea how terrifying his power is!"

At this time, the woman on the side shouted loudly: "Everything you see is just the edge of our Pope's power. You are a lowly pagan and you are not qualified to see the Pope's appearance."

"Our Pope is great, a great man of level 40! He has the majestic power of God!"

"Level 40?" Los raised his eyebrows and felt relieved.

It seems that his estimate of the three major cults today is not wrong. Even their Popes are not more than level 50.

Reagan said: "Los Arkham, you will pay the price for what you have done in the past two days."

A level 40 Pope, such a powerful person is almost unimaginable for them.

As long as the Pope is willing, he can kill all the people in the city by himself.

After hearing this, Los fell into silence, as if he was frightened.

"The elite followers of the Lord of Chaos have completed their mission at this time. Los Arkham, I will make you fall completely into the abyss and fall into endless terror and regret."

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