While Los was about to fall into the abyss of regret, the fighting in other parts of the central area had not stopped.

First, Daryl's home.

The two 19th-level cultists who came here never thought that they would be killed by a 16-year-old girl.

The two cultists lay on the floor weakly, and Daryl and Leila were still a little shocked.

A few minutes ago, the two cultists suddenly broke open the door of their house and pulled out their weapons to kill them.

The three people who were happily preparing to eat were suddenly frightened.

And at that critical moment of despair, Tracy seemed to have awakened something. Her body rushed up at a very fast speed, and then she actually fought with the two cultists.

This shocked Daryl and his wife, but Daryl soon knew the reason. Everything was because of the mayor's blood therapy.

The battle between the two sides lasted only more than ten seconds. Tracy's palm seemed to have special power. After patting the two people's chests twice, the two people suddenly vomited blood, fell to the ground weakly, and died with incredible eyes.

Tracy looked at her hands, her face was not frightened or surprised, nor was it pleasantly surprised or surprised, but more calm.

This was not her first time to kill someone. Two days ago, she was cured and took the tram to school. She was beautiful and was taken advantage of by a man who looked like a dog, but she caught her on the spot and reprimanded her.

After school in the evening, she was caught by the man and two others in an alley nearby and wanted to rape her. Then the three people were beaten to death in fear and pain by her three punches.

She was still a little scared at the time, but soon, that fear was replaced by excitement and joy. Killing these bastards and punishing bad guys has always been her dream since she was a child.

And now, with the help of the great mayor, she finally has this ability.

At this time, when the family was still in silence, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Everyone hurriedly and nervously looked up, but found that Carrington was already standing at the door.

"Not bad, Tracy, you did a good job." Carrington smiled and nodded.

He was ordered to come to protect Daryl's family, but when he arrived, he found that Tracy's body had begun to change, as if she had special powers because of the young master's blood.

Then he kept hiding outside to see what was going on.

With a level of 38, he could kill the two instantly through the wall, so there was no need to worry about Daryl's family getting hurt.

Tracy came back to her senses at this time, grinned, and laughed happily: "Uncle Carrington, am I helping the mayor by getting rid of harm for the people?"

Carrington nodded: "Of course, they are all vicious cultists. You killed them, not only saving your parents, but also indirectly saving the people in the entire building."


In the courtyard of the Arkham Sanatorium on the north side of the city.

Kurven looked down at the bodies of the five cultists whose heads were all blown up, shook the blood off his fist, and said to the security guard beside him: "Freeze them first, maybe the master can use them in the future."

Dr. Murthy beside him recalled Kurven's terrifying strength and speed just now. This time he directly saw how powerful Kurven is now.

"The young master is simply a living God!" Murthy's head was a little fanatical.

The court prison is three streets away from here.

The five cult members successfully "invaded" the prison. The whole way was unobstructed, without any resistance, and even without seeing the guards. It seemed that everyone here had escaped.

"Run! Run!" Just as they ran to the overcrowded prison, the five people heard a heart-wrenching roar from here before they could save people.

Several people turned their heads and saw that the roar was made by Reis, a former policeman and the municipal commissioner of the central district.

"Reis, what happened?" asked one of the cultists.

At this time, Reis's face was pale and terrified. He waved his hands constantly: "Run! Run! Devil! There is a devil here!"

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of people in the entire prison area suddenly screamed like crazy, and then covered their heads with their hands and squatted on the ground trembling.

Even those who worshipped the evil god felt a strange tingling scalp at this time.

"Go!" The five people who felt something was wrong were about to leave.

But they found that the road they came from was blocked by countless black substances.

A closer look showed that those black things were actually hair!

"What's going on!?"

The five cultists took out their weapons and rushed up to cut the hair.

But they found that they couldn't cut off any hair even with all their strength.

"Little mice, since you are here, play with me!"

Along with the teasing voice, a big sister dressed in a decent white dress, simple, dignified, mature and beautiful, fell from the sky.

And those terrifying hairs grew from her head.

"No... No... Ahhh..."

In desperate screams, the five people were drowned by the hair that was like a flood.


In the slums, the riots caused by the terrorist attack did not expand.

At first, the cultists were so fast that Rum Debbie didn't even react.

Almost instantly, the cultist came to the two poor children, raised the butcher knife and fell from the sky.

At the critical moment, Rum almost instinctively turned over and hugged Debbie to protect her under his body.

At this time, wailing and screaming of terror had been heard one after another in the slum street. Debbie, who was protected by Rum, felt that she was going to die today.

But for some reason, she felt very happy.

Just when the two children were in despair, and when countless residents fled in panic, their police came!

In the eyes of the two children, the butcher knife did not fall and pierce their bodies, because the knife was broken by a strong and powerful fist.

"Little guy, your courage deserves everyone's praise!" A steady voice with praise came.

The two little guys turned their heads and found that the person who came was the policeman standing behind the mayor this morning.

In their shock, they found that the screams around them had stopped. Turning their heads, they found that the five policemen who came at some unknown time had completely subdued the five terrifying thugs.

And under the gaze of everyone, the five thugs were killed on the spot.

"Citizens! Don't be afraid! We are the police under the command of Mayor Los Arkham. As long as we are here, we will not allow these cultists to do whatever they want!"

"Come here, help us bandage the wounded, the doctor will be here soon!"

"Mayor! Mayor! Great Mayor! Long live the Mayor!"

At this moment, they felt for the first time that they were not abandoned by the city.

The great mayor has always stood with them.

ps: Please vote for recommendation!!!

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