Ross looked at the crystal in his hand with a smile on his face: "This can be said to be an unexpected surprise. I have been thinking about how to gradually announce the blood therapy technique, and how to use it relatively normally. Arkham has been built as the home of blood therapy, and it should be a perfect way to pave the way.”

Kelvin looked around, a little confused: "Master, how do you foreshadow this...?"

Morsi on the side explained: "In the past five years, the obesity rate across the empire has been increasing, especially with the rapid rise of ice cream, chocolate, and coffee. Many upper-class people and nobles have begun to suffer from obesity. , especially those women.”

As a woman, Lilith naturally understands the magic in this: "There is no woman who does not desire to have a slim and well-proportioned body. Unfortunately, not everyone has the strong will to carry out continuous exercise, especially those who are pampered and well-off." Noble lady."

"Women! They will always be the mainstream consumption power in this world. This alone can create countless wealth for Arkham!" Ross's mouth gradually widened, and he was obviously smiling, but it was a bit scary. .

In his eyes, he has seen the scene of obese women from all over the empire coming here like crazy looking for a solution.

"This is a monopoly in the true sense!" Kurwin understood, his face filled with wonder.

Los handed the crystal to Morsi and said: "This thing cannot be used right now. It will kill people. Let's study it further and set a bottom line value."

"Yes, Master." Morsi took the crystal and carefully put it into the container.

"Any other discoveries?" Ross asked.


"Master, your blood contains countless possibilities! This is simply the almighty blood of God." Mursi's face was filled with intoxication.

"I analyzed all the blood of me, Lilith, Kelvin, Carrington, and Tracy, and I found that the five of us only inherited a small part of the five aspects of your blood, and these five The structure and effect presented in this aspect are completely different!”

At this time, Morsi showed the essence of a mad scientist and hurriedly led Los to his test bench, and then took out a test tube.

In this test tube, there are two drops of pink liquid. This liquid is like jelly and seems to have its own life. It is slowly squirming like a bug.

"What is this? So cute." Lilith always has a strong interest in such strange things.

Morsi explained: "This is a neutralizing substance containing a core structure. This substance allows our body to perfectly integrate with the young master's blood, allowing us to gain superhuman abilities without appearing Special variation."

"what's it for?"

Although Kurwin is a doctor, he has no research spirit and is not a scholar. Coupled with these years of experience and this recent transformation, he has become a reckless man with medical knowledge.

Morsi said with obsession in his eyes: "It can perfectly offset the body's rejection of foreign objects and perfectly integrate the two."

"And the most important thing!!!"

Speaking of this, Morsi's eyes were full of excitement.

"This substance can actually convert inorganic substances into organic substances that conform to the structure of the host, and this transformation is a transformation that retains all the properties of the original inorganic substances."

Hearing this, Los's eyes lit up: "Morsi, you did a very good job."

"What's the use of this?" Lilith didn't understand what she just said.

Morsi said: "Come here!"

Then several people followed him in and saw an experimental mouse in a transparent container.

But this little white mouse has a single horn on its forehead.

If you look closely, you will find that this horn is not a normal horn, but the tip of an iron nail, about two centimeters long.

"Huh? The nail grew on the head of the white mouse?" Kurwin was a little surprised.

Morsi shook his head: "It's not that it grew on the head of the white mouse, but it was directly fused. The iron nail has been integrated with the body of the white mouse and became a part of his body."

As he spoke, he took out an iron pliers and cut off the tip of the nail on the top of the mouse's head from the middle.

Chichi chichi!

Severe pain suddenly came from the mouth of the white mouse. At the same time, several people discovered that blood was bleeding from the cut cross section of the iron nail.

"What the hell is this!?" Kurwin was shocked. The nails were actually bleeding?

Morsi then reattached the cut nail. In less than ten seconds, the broken nail began to slowly fuse. It looked like it would be completely back to normal in a few hours.

Very magical and incredible.

"This is the effect of this substance. The nail has been assimilated and fused by the body of the mouse. It has a flesh-and-blood structure while maintaining its original physical properties. The nail now has the blood vessels and nerves of the mouse, and it also participates in the biological circulation of the entire body. ”

“If damaged, it can also be repaired and regenerated through body energy.”

Morsi clenched his hands, his wide eyes full of longing for the future of this substance: "I temporarily named this substance fusion blood, which means that as long as it is used as the core, materials with completely different properties can be combined. Material and living things are perfectly integrated.”

Loss went on to say: "Based on it, stitching monsters and mechanical transformation of the human body can all be realized. We can transplant any mechanical structure to humans at will to transform and upgrade the human body."

Kulven was shocked when he heard this and fell into a reverie.

"If humans and cars are integrated, can they use gasoline as fuel and have the speed of cars, turning into human cars?" asked Kuerwen.

"Human cars are a bit strange, cars... people?"

Loss laughed: "You really have a childlike innocence, but this is not impossible, but it is not very realistic at this stage."

Lilith also had a lot of strange ideas at this time, but they were all things that were not suitable to be said, and even made her blush when she thought about it.

Los patted Mursi's shoulder and said approvingly: "Very good, this is already a very important discovery. With the fusion blood, the foundation of blood therapy is complete."

"Using the fusion blood as a medium, further integrating the blood of other creatures can allow humans to complete safe evolution and mutation."

Mursi rubbed his hands and said happily: "This is all thanks to the knowledge you gave me, otherwise I would not have been able to reach this point with my vision and thinking."

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