Kulven looked at the fusion blood and sighed, "I didn't know you had discovered so many things."

"The young master has given me a new form and new knowledge, so I naturally can't let the young master down!"

Murthy then turned around and said, "Young master, please come over here. This is my third discovery in the past half month."

"Another discovery?" Los was a little surprised this time.

Murthy suddenly became excited. He knew that his research and development capabilities not only satisfied the young master, but also exceeded the young master's expectations and exceeded the young master's expectations.

This is a huge satisfaction and achievement for Murthy.

Murthy walked over quickly and took out another test tube.

In this test tube, there are a few drops of milky white viscous substance, and at the same time, like the fusion blood, it is also slowly wriggling at this time.

"Why is this so much like sperm..." Kulven instinctively said halfway, and then immediately covered his mouth.

Lilith asked curiously, "What is this? It looks like milk?"

Los was not surprised by Lilith's situation, because in the setting, Lilith had no interest in sex before meeting Los, and even felt disgusted.

Los also felt that this thing was a bit too evil, and asked, "What is this?"

Murthy's eyes flashed with divine light and said, "I named it Angel's Blood."

"I have always been very curious about your ability to heal Tracy and Kurven, and Lilith's method. After extracting blood, I focused on analyzing the blood of the three of them, and then extracted this milky white blood from their blood."

"In my body?" Lilith and the others were a little surprised.

Murthy said, "This blood is naturally not naturally yours, but the special blood that the young master injected into your body to repair your body."

"What effect does this essence...blood have?" Kurven asked curiously.

Mursi got excited and raised his hands high, saying: "This blood can repair all damaged cells, reactivate and stimulate the growth and development of the human body. After injecting this blood, the human body will usher in a second rebirth, which means that this cell can not only cure most diseases, but also regenerate human limbs!"

"It can be said that he can give any human a second life, just like an angel!"

Lilith looked down at her thighs, and Kurven was also looking at his hands.

In other words, the core substance that healed them and gave them a rebirth was this milky white blood.

Loss didn't expect Mursi to discover this substance so quickly and to extract it so quickly.

"I really didn't choose the wrong person!" Loss said loudly, not sparing his affirmation and praise.

Mursi was even happier and more excited: "Master, come and see this again."

As he said that, Mursi took them to another container.

Lifting the cloth covering it, everyone saw a pile of constantly squirming meat.

"This is another little white mouse. I cut off all its limbs and injected one-tenth of angel blood into it, after all, it gave it enough biological energy."

"At that time, its limbs regenerated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then its body began to expand and mutate rapidly. When all the biological energy was consumed, it became like this."

"It can give the human body almost unlimited activity, but it is also very violent and dangerous. If you are not careful, it will cause cell reproduction to run wild."

"It's so dangerous." Kurven sighed.

Murthy turned around and picked up a knife and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you still have this kind of angel blood in your body. They can not only repair your disability and pain, but also give you a strong regenerative ability."

After listening, Lilith took the knife and cut open her arm.

The wound that was deep enough to see the bone and looked like a split mouth appeared in front of everyone.

Then, under their gaze, the muscles on both sides gradually showed some white fine whiskers, directly connected together, and then began to pull the cut flesh together.

About ten minutes later, the wound had completely healed, and there was not even a scar.

Kurven's wound on the side healed more slowly, and it looked like it would take about an hour.

However, this also proved Murthy's conjecture that the two people did have self-healing abilities far beyond normal humans.

Murthy said: "The reason why your angel blood did not run away is because the young master personally performed genetic modification on you. The rules and restrictions on how to use these angel bloods have been engraved in your genes."

"I didn't know that the master's blood was so great." Lilith was fascinated by Los at this time.

Kurven was also very shocked. He thought he was just cured, and then found that he had gained super strength. Now he found that he also had super self-healing?

"How powerful is the young master's blood?"

After introducing all his achievements, Murthy sighed: "It's a pity that at this stage, it's only discovered and extracted, and it can't be used for the time being. Except for the failed muscle enhancer, these two types of blood have not yet reached the level of human trials."

Loss looked at the test tube and said, "I am very satisfied. It has only been fifteen days. You who have my blood can have a lifespan of at least two hundred years. You have plenty of time to enjoy everything in the future."

"Two hundred years!?" After hearing this, Mursi and Kurven suddenly felt that meeting Ross was the greatest luck in their lives, nothing else.

After Mursi's introduction, Ross said, "Regarding Angel Blood, make three versions. The basic version is our first-generation product, which only needs to cure diseases."

"Then increase the strength and become a second-generation product, which can regenerate limbs and treat disabilities."

"The last is the ultimate product, which can not only cure diseases, but also obtain relatively basic self-healing ability."

"As for this original liquid-level angel blood, it is limited to our own use. Do you understand?"

Mursi nodded immediately: "Understood, Master!"

"Continue the research. If there are not enough people, you can go to the sanatorium to find some helpers. There are still many talents here." Ross suggested.

Mursi smiled and said, "I'm ready to do this. Kulven has found four assistants for me, but their mental state has not been very stable recently."

"Lilith, go help these four poor guys." Los gave the order directly.

Lilith smiled and left after hearing this.

She likes to turn normal people into lunatics, and also likes to turn lunatics back to normal people.

She finds it very interesting to destroy their original spirit and will.

ps: Arkham's opening promotion, vote for the recommended master, fat inhibitor, fusion blood, and angel blood for free! ! !

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