"Have you found the reason why the dogs went crazy?"

Jick shook his head: "Not yet. We have sent the dog's body to Dr. Murthy. I hope he can help us analyze it."

Los stretched his body: "Since we have found it, let's get straight to the point."

Jick then said with a serious face: "Mayor, these two dogs have mutated for some reason. After we killed them, we found that they had grown insect-like shells under their skin."

"At the same time, its muscle strength has almost doubled."

Los raised his eyebrows: "Did someone use these two dogs for experiments?"

"It is very likely!" Jike said seriously.

Leaving the municipal building, Los stood on the street and looked around. He now wanted to cover the entire city with his spiritual sense like in the immortal novels, so that he could monitor the movements of all enemies.

Unfortunately, this world does not have this function.

"After becoming an ancient god, there should be similar abilities." Los thought to himself and went to Arkham Sanatorium again. He was a little curious about the situation of the two dogs.

At the same time, the slums on the southeast side of the town have begun to be demolished. With the collapse of the houses, the residents who have lived here since birth even feel a little dazed and unreal.

They once imagined that this place was demolished, but the reason for their fantasy was not that it would be rebuilt so that they could have better housing, but that those greedy capitalists wanted to occupy their homes.

This large slum continues to the east, and it is the woods on the outskirts of Arkham. It is a relatively desolate place. Because the terrain is flat and it is still woodland, it is impossible to farm and graze, so few people come here.

Rum and Debbie are searching for things in the woods at this time.

It just rained last night. There will be a lot of mushrooms in the woods today. Picking some back will be enough for the two little guys to improve their meals.

"How did the great mayor do it? I have seen Dr. Kurvin's hands with my own eyes before, and I didn't expect it to be completely restored now!" Rum, who was picking mushrooms, asked curiously.

Both little guys are preparing to study medicine and have a natural desire for knowledge in this area.

Debbie pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know. Maybe the mayor has special technology that can make people's bones grow again."

After picking a few more mushrooms, the baskets in the hands of the two people were full.

"Let's go home! We can have a good meal today." Debbie said happily.

Just when the two were about to leave, they suddenly heard a low cry from behind a big tree.

"Is someone crying?" Rum turned his head to look.

Debbie whispered, "Don't mind your own business, go home quickly."

Rum laughed, "I'll go over and see who would come to such a place to cry."

So he ran on the hillside with his legs flexibly, and when he ran over, his body suddenly stiffened.

Debbie asked, "What's wrong? Rum."

Unfortunately, Rum didn't speak.

"Rum?" Debbie immediately felt something was wrong, put down the basket first, walked over and found Rum standing there in a daze.

"Rum!?" Debbie picked up a tree trunk and a stone at random, and went over with her whole body tense.

She was a little scared, but she couldn't give up Rum.

At this time, the crying continued from behind the tree.

"I am guilty... I am guilty... I am guilty..." The crying sound continued to come.

Debbie couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when she heard the voice, and then she shouted: "Rum! Go!"

At this time, Rum's trembling voice shouted with difficulty: "Don't come over! Run! Don't come over!"

Debbie was shocked when she heard this, and before she could come to her senses, she found a strange figure appeared.

It seemed to be a person, but he was tied with chains all over his body. He had no head and a big stone on his neck.

The sound came from nowhere, but blood kept flowing out of the hole in the stone.

"You... why do you force me to commit a crime!" At this time, the trembling monster roared.

Debbie hurried over to grab Rum and run, but found that she couldn't pull Rum no matter what.

Then, she found that she couldn't walk either.

The blood flowing out of this weirdo had a terrifying viscosity. At this time, I don't know when the two of them had stepped on the blood and couldn't move.

Moreover, the strange blood did not stick to their shoes, but entangled their feet through the shoes.

Rum said with a trembling voice: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Debbie was much calmer, clenched her teeth and yelled: "Help! Help! There is a monster!"

The harsh sound immediately rang in the woods.

"Shut up! Sinner! Sinner!" The monster yelled, and the trapped body stood up in a weird posture, and then the head still flowing with blood directly hit Rum's head.

Just when the two children fell into despair, a bright figure flashed by.

The two people vaguely saw that this was a very beautiful girl, she had golden hair in her eyes, wearing a delicate and bright green skirt, and a pair of cute pink rain boots.

The girl had amazing jumping ability and strength. The two children only saw this girl who was only two or three years older than them kicking with a flying kick, and the huge force directly kicked the monster out.

"Are you okay?" While the two of them were still amazed by the girl's beauty and strength, a voice full of energy and as crisp as a bird sounded. It was Tracy who came to pick mushrooms today.

Debbie suddenly came to her senses and said, "Sister, be careful! The blood on the ground is weird, and we are stuck."

Trish looked down and found that she was also stepping in blood. At the same time, she felt a special presence penetrating into her rain boots.

So she raised her foot very casually and said, "It's not as sticky as I thought!"

At this time, the monster he kicked away stood up again, and the sound from nowhere sounded again.

"Sinners! All sinners must die!" The monster roared and rushed towards this side again.

Then...he was beaten up by Tracy.

Rum and Debbie on the side were stunned. They couldn't imagine how such a little girl could have such power.

What was even more surprising was Trish. She found that although this guy was not very aggressive, his body could not cause any harm no matter how she attacked.

After thinking for a few seconds, Tracy said: "Mom! Hurry down the mountain and find the mayor! I'll stay here to protect these two children. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After hearing this, Laila, who was waiting about thirty meters away, was worried, but she still believed in her daughter and said loudly: "Tracy, be careful! Mom will be back soon!"

ps: Please vote for recommendation! ! !

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