Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 60 The Monster's Second Form

At 1pm, Los was in the Arkham Sanatorium. Murthy's research results on the dog's corpse had not yet come out, so he walked around the sanatorium.

And now, he was receiving the kneeling worship of a mental patient.

No. 04134, likes to study doors, speaks foul language, and speaks badly to anyone, but at this time he was kneeling in front of Los and praising him from the bottom of his heart.

"The people in this sanatorium speak really well." Los said with a smile.

Kurven on the side sighed after hearing this: "He is like this only in front of you."

Los squatted down, looked at No. 04134 and asked: "What can you see behind the door?"

No. 04134 showed some fear on his face, but still said respectfully: "Evil ghosts, monsters, they always spy on me at the door."

Los smiled and nodded: "Well, I know, don't be afraid, it's very safe here, those monsters dare not hurt you."

After chatting with No. 04134 for a few words, Kurven took Ross back to the office: "Master, is what No. 04134 said true?"

Los nodded: "There are indeed monsters behind the door, but it is not certain what kind of monster has been spying on him at the door."

Kulven was surprised when he heard this, and he was a little confused whether No. 04134 had delusions or his group of ordinary people did not have a broad vision.

Just as the two were talking, the door suddenly opened, and Carrington said, "Master, a special monster appeared in the southeast woods. No matter how hard you try, it can't be killed. Now Tracy is still entangled with the monster there. Leila came back to report the news."

"A monster that can't be killed no matter how hard you try?" Los immediately became interested, because in his setting, there was no such thing.

"Let's go! Let's go and take a look." Los walked out briskly.

Then the two people and the out-of-breath Leila briefly understood the situation, and quickly rushed to the southwest woods.

The two people's speed is not comparable to Leila's. Leila ran and stumbled for half an hour when she came back, and it took only five minutes for the two people to go.

The moment the two saw it, they saw Tracy kick the monster away countless times, but the monster was tireless, stood up again without scars, and rushed towards Tracy.

At this time, Tracy's face was not very good. This guy's physical fitness and strength are beyond normal people. After such a half-day of continuous attacks, Tracy was also a little out of breath.

Rum and Debbie on the side also looked uneasy, not knowing whether this powerful sister could beat the monster.

"Such a strong biological energy." As soon as he approached, Los felt a hot breath coming towards him.

This is not real heat, but a high concentration of biological energy, which produces special heat after volatilization.

In this case, even Carrington cannot sense it directly.

"Mayor!" After hearing Los's voice, Tracy turned her head and said loudly with a happy face.

At this time, the monster attacked again. Carrington crossed the distance of 30 meters in a blink of an eye and pressed the monster firmly on the ground. No matter how the monster struggled, it could not break free.

"God is above!" Seeing this magical scene, Rum and Debbie blinked their eyes and were completely confused.

Los came over with a smile on his face, and said with praise in his tone: "Tracy, well done."

Praised by the mayor, Tracy, who was panting, suddenly had a happy smile on her face, as if a child in kindergarten was given a little red flower by the teacher.

Before Los could understand the situation, the mature and careful Debbie suddenly said, "Why did the liquid flowing out of it turn black?"

Tracy was stunned, and suddenly turned her head to look, and immediately found that the liquid flowing out of the stone head of the monster suddenly turned black.

At this time, the iron chain tied to this guy opened.

It was not broken, but seemed to be untied by itself.

In an instant, the whole momentum and energy fluctuations of the monster, which was not much stronger than ordinary people just now, increased by at least a hundred times!

And the somewhat crazy tone just now was full of resentment and violence: "The heinous person! Kill! Kill!"


In the space between Xumi, before Carrington could react, he was punched out directly.

Carrington, who flew into the air, looked down and found that his chest was actually punched through by this guy, and blood sprayed in the air, creating a miserable romance and poetry under the shade and sunshine.


The next second, the monster suddenly stood up and let out an inhuman roar.

The liquid flowing out of the stone seemed to have its own life. It was struggling on the ground and combining with each other, and then it turned into fist-sized, ferocious monsters.

They were either covered with ferocious mouths, or had scary claws and dense tentacles or eyes.

The two children saw this scene, their eyes turned white, and they fainted directly.

As this guy shed black liquid, the lush forest, which was just full of biological energy, began to emit a very primitive and crazy malice, as if countless heinous people were hiding in various hidden corners in the forest, spying on them.

Tracy, who was very close to the monster, was the first to be hit. She felt dizzy, and then countless crazy thoughts and vicious thoughts could not help but rise in her heart.

At this moment, Los came to Tracy in an instant, knocked her out with one hand, and then said: "Carrington, take the three children away, immediately!"

Carrington, whose chest was pierced, had already fallen to the ground after knocking down two trees. A large number of white tentacles appeared in the big hole in his chest and connected to each other, trying to repair his wound.

Carrington looked normal, ran over quickly, quickly picked up the three children and whispered: "Master, be careful."

After that, he held Tracy in one arm, Rum and Debbie in the other arm, and left here quickly.

It took less than ten seconds to hold the children just now, and he already felt that his spirit was faintly eroded.

Fortunately, he had special blood in his body, and this erosion only made him feel a little upset.

"Heinous person! Die!" The strange roar came again, and the monster came directly in front of Los with a bang, and the hideous black monsters around him also took off together, biting towards Los like a swarm of insects.

Los's heart moved, and his two ears turned into a pair of flesh wings, and he flew up with his head.

Los' muscles in the headless form quickly moved, and in an instant, Los' body reached a full three meters high, and the muscles on his body were intertwined, like the thick roots of a thousand-year-old tree.

To deal with this kind of monster, the human form is not enough.

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