
The two fists collided with each other, and the resulting shock wave blew away many branches and leaves on the surrounding trees.

The monsters transformed from black blood had already landed on Los's body, opening their ferocious teeth and claws to bite.

But in the next second, the muscles under their feet suddenly turned into ferocious mouths, and they bit them directly.

They chewed them into pieces and swallowed them directly.

"Fuck, this is a bit too strong!" After eating these things, Los suddenly felt dizzy, as if he was drunk.

At the same time, he finally knew what this black substance was.

This is the purest evil and sin of mankind, a terrifying and filthy thing that can easily subvert the mental state of thousands of people.

Let alone Tracy, even Carrington can't stand these things, and Lilith may be able to resist for a while.

"I now have a rough idea of ​​what you are." Los said. When the monster was about to throw the second punch, the thick arms with clenched fists instantly turned into more than a dozen thick tentacles with terrifying power, and then they directly wrapped around the monster's arms.


The monster kept struggling and roaring, but it couldn't break free from the shackles of the powerful tentacles.

Los casually sat it under his body and sighed: "I have accumulated energy for fifteen days! It's about to run out again."

With that punch just now, Los had already made a preliminary judgment on this guy.

Even with his current strength, this guy couldn't be killed or destroyed, but this guy really couldn't beat him.

Based on the change just now, Los roughly guessed that this guy should have two forms, the form with red blood and the form with black blood.

"Before we came, it was always in a relatively weak red blood form, but after contacting Carrington, it immediately turned into black blood. It should be able to sense the purity of a person's thoughts and the level of sin, and thus react differently."

"Tracy and the two children are pure in heart and don't have much blood on their hands, but Carrington is different."

Then he "lowered his head" and looked at the monster that was still struggling: "This black blood fury form should not last too long. After he calms down, take him back and study him carefully."

The general direction is no different from what Los estimated.

After about half an hour, the monster had calmed down a lot, and red blood began to flow out of the hole in the stone head again.

At the same time, the chain that had just been untied seemed to have its own consciousness, and once again bound his body and arms tightly.

And those black substances have been collected by Los, and now they are squeezed into a black ball about the size of two fists.

This thing is very evil and dangerous. They have a certain self-awareness, and will constantly absorb the biological energy of all the surrounding life to maintain their own movement.

At this time, all the trees around the two of them had formed a yellow circle with a diameter of ten meters.

But the magical thing is that with the red blood flowing out again, these yellow and necrotic plants regained their life at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in less than ten minutes, they returned to green again.

Los looked at his current state and said to his head: "Let's act separately, go to Arkham Sanatorium, and tell Lilith about the situation when she comes back, and let her bring equipment and manpower."

The head then flapped its wings and quickly left the woods.

Los stretched out his hand, and a human mouth grew on his palm again, and stretched out his tongue to lick the red blood on the ground.

In an instant, Los suddenly felt like he had taken a tonic, and the energy he had consumed was quickly replenished.

"After taking this mouthful of blood, the biological energy obtained is almost catching up with the biological energy I get from eating two days of meals. This guy is still useful."

Without Carrington's continuous stimulation, the monster returned to its normal form and was sat on by Los. It was very honest, just whispering that he was guilty, guilty.

Los "looked" at the monster and sighed: "There is no such weird thing in my setting. Sure enough, the changes in this world are not just the development of human self, but also many things that I don't know or understand."

The appearance of this monster reminded Los that there are still many things in this world that he doesn't know.

When this monster is in the black blood state, its overall combat power should be equal to that of the Pope of the Hand of Chaos. In addition to his indestructible characteristics, it is estimated that the Pope of the Hand of Chaos has no way to deal with him.

"From the current situation, there should be other monsters like this in this world, plus the mysterious organization of the Eye of Insight, so we can't be careless." Los thought in his heart and began to think about some of his decisions and actions in the past month. There was no problem.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lilith held Los's head and brought Kulven and Mursi over.

Nowadays, Los does not have many extraordinary talents under his command, and there are only a few who can show off.

All three of them brought a lot of things according to Los's instructions, one of which was the iron coffin that was turned out from the warehouse of Arkham Sanatorium.

This iron coffin was the container used to transfer Lilith.

The approach of the three people did not cause the monster to go crazy.

Lilith looked at the monster with sparkling eyes and said excitedly: "Master, what is this?"

"It is not clear yet, and detailed research is needed." Los stood up.

Murthy carefully looked at the monster. It was said that the monster was very powerful and punched through Carrington's chest.

The pierced chest was completely healed just before they were about to set off.

"Stone head? Is it blood that is flowing out?" Kurven asked with a puzzled look.

There are too many secrets and questions waiting to be excavated on this monster.

Los stood up, put the guy into the iron coffin casually, and then locked the iron coffin with a chain. Looking at the team of only four people including himself, he smiled and said: "We are also a professional team."

"What professional team?" Lilith asked curiously.

Los patted the coffin: "A professional team carrying the coffin and dancing, is it exciting?"

"Carrying the coffin and dancing..."

The three people imagined that in the heavy and solemn funeral sound, four relatives carrying the coffin carried the coffin of the deceased, and suddenly danced when everyone was sad and crying.

"Isn't this going to make the dead come back to life?" Kurven said with a strange look on his face.

Lilith said eagerly: "I think it's very interesting."

Ross laughed: "If there is a chance, you can try it."

ps: Please recommend! !

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