Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 62: Learning a lot of knowledge

At dusk, several people carried the coffin back to Arkham Sanitarium.

Kurwin immediately activated the highest defense level of the sanatorium and locked this guy to the bottom of the entire sanatorium, where Lilith once stayed.

Los said: "Lilith and Kurvin will be responsible for this guy for the time being. Don't let him come into contact with anyone. Investigate this guy's crazy pattern, as well as related habits and habits."

"Understood." The two men nodded immediately.

Los turned to look at Morsi: "What's going on with those two bitches?"

Morsi nodded and said, "I already have a clue. I extracted some food from the stomachs of these two dogs that they had eaten before."

"What did you find?"

Morsi said: "What these two dogs ate were humans, and they also had human brains and liver parts."

"Human?" Ross raised his eyebrows.

Morsi nodded sternly: "The most important thing is that I analyzed the relevant organizations. Based on the activity and intensity, I can judge that the dead person was a superhuman, with a level of about eighteen, not more than twenty. "

"Based on the degree of digestion, the two dogs ate the corpse around 11 o'clock last night. During the subsequent digestion process, the mutated cells in the superhuman brain and liver began to infect the dog's cells, and then caused a mutation."

Hearing this, Los said: "It seems to be caused by the struggle between other gangs. Inform Jike to follow the dog's trajectory and find the body."


After taking care of things here, Ross returned home. Carrington reported: "Dr. Laban from the North District came to visit you at three o'clock. He waited here for half an hour and then left, saying that he would come back tomorrow. Come over here."

Ross was not surprised and said, "If I'm not here when he comes next time, you can directly ask him what's wrong. You are qualified to receive guests on my behalf, Uncle Carrington."

"Okay, I understand."

"How about the two kids?" Ross asked.

"I was very scared. I'm in the hospital now, but there shouldn't be any other major problems." Carrington replied.

Ross nodded slowly: "Get some rest."

Back in the study, Lose casually took off the head and placed it in the special compartment for heads on the bookshelf, and sat comfortably on the chair.

He doesn't need to sleep now, so Los, who is already in the Mahayana stage of cultivating immortals, has not slept since he traveled through time.

"A special existence that I don't understand can't be destroyed even in my current situation... Originally, building a shelter was just a casual thing, but now it seems that the appearance of this guy means that the establishment of the shelter must be put forward in advance. Schedule."

Not only does this monster not cause much harm under normal circumstances, the red liquid it flows out is a very precious resource and treasure for everyone. The huge biological energy hidden in it can even be transformed quantitatively after being refined and concentrated. Completing the qualitative change allows people at the evolutionary node to take a further step very easily.

As long as this guy is controlled well, he will have inexhaustible high-level blood.

Thinking of this, he casually took out some drawings from the cabinet on the side.

These drawings are previous designs for Arkham Sanatorium.

This sanatorium is very suitable for transformation into a shelter, because its current layout and structure are no different from those of a shelter. The responsibilities it has exercised over the years are also the responsibilities of a shelter, but the level is too low.

"The external situation does not need to be taken care of for the time being. It is mainly the internal and underground spaces. I will be able to use it for a period of time by transforming the inside first. Then when the time is right, I can recast the above-ground structure."

"Among the knowledge in my mind, there is indeed some knowledge about materials science...the firing of bricks in the palace of the Old Ones, the craftsmanship of the throne of the King in Yellow, the renovation of the deck of the spaceship, the polishing of the outer shell of the super-light spacecraft... "

After thinking about this aspect, countless messy things came up.

The above contents are quite normal, and there are even some below: ancient god-level tentacle synthesis technology, Gherroth's eye patch synthesis technology, postpartum nutrition package for the Hound of Tindalos, special dipping sauce preparation for Cthulhu seafood food stalls... …

"What the hell is this?" At this time, Ross finally knew the side effects of his ability to extend and diverge his thinking infinitely.

That is, most of the time when I am thinking, I am unable to concentrate, and my willpower is always drawn by these strange and strange knowledge.

At the same time, he also began to mutter about what exactly Yog-Sothoth had given him. His personal cooking experience?

Forcibly concentrating his energy, he wanted to search for some materials with strong toughness and hardness to block the movement of the monster, or find something that it hated or feared so that it would not dare to move.

After thinking for a long time, Los couldn't find what he wanted.

"This knowledge is so complex! It seems that if you want to get the knowledge I need, you can't find it this way. Instead, you need to actually encounter it and trigger the deep memory."

When he lost his head and Carrington died, because these things in front of him stimulated his mental memory, it seemed that he could quickly locate the knowledge he needed.

What he needs now is to know what this monster is afraid of, what is the limit of its power, and then start a directional search.

Thinking of this, Los temporarily retracted his ever-scattering spirit and turned his attention to his own town.

"At present, the central area is relatively stable. The Freemasons in the North District, Elizabeth in the Rich District, and my alma mater in the College District are all possible partners."

"I need to deal with the Danny Gang in the commercial district separately. This guy occupies the coal mines in this city, smuggles blood wine and guns, and affects my financial resources."

"And Thomas from the Tidal Pirates in the River District. This guy is a priest of the Dagon Esoteric Cult. He must be eliminated when the time is right."

"In addition, there are the witches of the Forbidden Gate in the French Mountains. Let me see who to start with next?"

He was a little hesitant in his heart, so he picked up his head and jumped out of the window. He was going to walk around and relax his head.

"Huh? There are rats?" After just two steps, Los hurriedly put the head on his neck, and his eyes lit up slightly.

At nine o'clock in the evening, in the ward of Arkham Public Hospital.

A transparent figure quietly bypassed all the guards and doctors and came to the ward of the two children.

At this time, the two children were pale and frowning, as if they were having nightmares in their sleep.

"Not infected?" The transparent man whispered, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

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