Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 63 Arkham's Hospitality

The transparent human said, reaching out to cover Debbie's mouth.

At this time, a frivolous and casual voice came.

"Brother, you're running around naked, aren't you afraid of mosquito bites on your lifeblood?"

The transparent human was shocked when he heard this, and suddenly turned his head to look, just in time to see a human head lying outside the window, looking at him with a smile on his face.

The next second, he took out a gun directly from his hand and shot Ross.

Then, he saw the head shrinking nimbly and actually dodged away.

Ross outside the window was also a little surprised, because this guy's pistol actually had a silencer!

After one shot, Los's head stuck out of the window again, looked at the transparent man and asked: "How dare you shoot me!? Do you know who I am!?"

The transparent man's face turned cold after hearing this: "I don't need to know who you are, because you will be a dead person next!"

After saying that, his body quickly rushed towards the window.

Today's ward is on the fourth floor of the hospital. There is no difference between this guy lying outside the window and lying on the edge of a cliff.

When he heard what the other party said, the corners of Los's lips curled up: "A foreigner?"

"You talk so much nonsense!" At this moment, the transparent man rushed up and put the gun directly against his head. Then he reached out to grab his collar, but found that his hand was empty.

And at this moment, he immediately felt something was wrong. He suddenly looked down and found that the head that had been lying outside the window... actually had no body! ! !

"Fu*k!" The transparent man suddenly felt his whole body tremble, cursed loudly, and shot directly to the head with a bullet from the magazine.

These six bullets hit the head accurately, causing the head to roll in the air.

And he turned around and ran away.

But the moment he turned his head, the head suddenly appeared in front of him, showing a warm smile and saying: "Welcome to Arkham! This is a great and magical city."

"I..." The transparent man's eyes widened, and he took two steps back and leaned against the window.

He was sure that those six shots just hit were all hits!

However, this guy didn't have anything wrong, not even any redness or swelling, which was incredible.

"You monster!" The transparent man had no way out at this time, growled, turned over and jumped out of the window.

Following a gust of wind, just when he was about to roll over and escape the impact with the ground, he found that his body was suddenly hugged by someone.

After training, he hurriedly turned his head to look, and was shocked to find a human being with no head and a ferocious mouth on his neck holding him.

A scarlet tongue that seemed to be a meter long extended from the crack in the neck, swinging back and forth in the air like a poisonous snake.

"Welcome to Arkham! A paradise of simplicity and warmth."

At this moment, he felt that reason was quickly leaving his body, and madness gradually took over everything in her.

He had seen some things, but he had never been so frightened one after another.


Ah ah ah ah ah!

Following a scream, the transparent man fainted directly into the monster's arms.

"Others are like Sister Lin who fell from the sky, but I am a naked foreigner who fell from the sky."

Los touched the slippery skin and said, "Fortunately, it's a woman. If the princess hugs a naked male, I will have nightmares."

"But then again, why did you faint? Is there something wrong with the way I treat guests?"


When Xina woke up again, she found herself lying in a white ward.

The ward is about twenty square meters and is completely white. There is nothing else in the room except the bed.

"Hospital? No, the hospital ward can't be so empty." Xina, who had undergone special training, immediately turned over and jumped up, looking at the surrounding situation vigilantly.

Then she quickly came to the door and wanted to open it and go out, but found that the door was locked and she couldn't get out at all.

So she turned to look at the windows, only to find that four 20-centimeter-square windows were two and a half meters high from the ground.

"Damn! Judging from the layout, this place is more like a mental hospital!" Xina suddenly felt at a loss. It was obvious that she was trapped.

"What on earth was that monster last night?" Looking back now, Xina's palms were still trembling faintly.

She belongs to the ghost agent of the National Security Department of the August Empire on the other side of the Sacred Sea. She possesses the top fighting and shooting abilities of humans, and has special invisibility.

The reason why she came here this time was because of what happened half a month ago. That time, the nails they planted here, the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce and the Hand of Chaos were suddenly wiped out, so she was sent here to investigate.

While investigating the hidden laboratory of the Hand of Chaos, although all the experimental materials and information were taken away, she still found the secret room inside through the hidden mechanism.

There is a special being imprisoned there. It is an existence with powerful energy and immortality, codenamed the Guilty Man. It was dug out from the entrance of the dungeon maze by the hands of Chaos, and then conducted secret research. It was originally planned to be in ten years. He was sent back to the August Empire days ago, but things changed.

The guilty person was also one of the core reasons why she came here this time.

However, for some unknown reason, when she entered the underground prison, this guy actually dug a tunnel and escaped, and it seemed that he had been on the run for at least two or three days.

When she tracked him into the woods, in addition to seeing traces of fighting, she saw two worn-out small baskets, so she quickly found the owner of the two small baskets.

But... things changed again.

"Arkham... this damn place!" The legend and danger of this place are well-known even in the August Empire across the ocean.

In the assassin world and the mercenary world, this is their paradise of refuge, but they are rarely willing to take on tasks that require them to perform tasks in the city of Arkham.

"What should I do? All the equipment has been taken away!" Xina was in a dilemma at this time.

Her body had been ruthlessly cleaned when she was unconscious, and it was a small matter that her underwear had been changed.

She even felt faintly that the inside of her lower body had been cleaned and inspected.

"These damn guys are really knowledgeable!" Xina cursed in a low voice.

She really had something hidden inside.

Just as she was thinking, footsteps sounded outside the door, and then she quickly turned invisible, hiding at the door, ready to slip out the moment the door opened.

But the moment the door opened, she was stunned, because the female doctor who came in was so beautiful, she was so intellectual, dignified, mature, beautiful, and exuded the radiance of kindness and motherhood.

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