"You...who are you?" Seeing such a beautiful, dignified woman who looked like the legendary Virgin, Xina found that she could not feel any hostility or disrespect towards her.

Lilith, who was wearing a white coat and her dark hair scattered behind her, wore glasses and held a notebook and pen in her hand. With the aura of a virgin, she was hundreds of times more perfect than the nurses in action movies that Los had seen.

Lilith said with a soft smile: "I am your attending physician, my child."

As she spoke, Lilith's eyes began to glow faintly red.

Xina was completely attracted to this Virgin Sister at this time, but her strong inner qualities still kept reminding her to stay vigilant.

So she took two hard steps back and asked cautiously: "Where is this?"

"This is the Arkham Sanatorium. It is the mother's womb that allows you to be reborn. It is the cradle that makes you a new person." Lilith said, taking a step forward and forcing her back to the bed very forcefully.

Xina took two steps back, sat down on the bed, raised her head and looked directly into Lilith's eyes.

"Who are you?"


"What are you doing here?" Lilith continued to ask.

Hina was stunned. After receiving professional training, she immediately became alert and quickly gathered all her energy. She was full of vigilance, but said in a very relaxed tone: "I'm just here for a trip."

Lilith smiled softly: "Yes, you can actually resist my charm. It seems that the August Empire has trained you very well."

If it were an ordinary person, he would have become Lilith's "child" at this time.

Now that everything has been made clear, Xina stopped pretending: "Since I was caught by you, I have no intention of going out. I advise you not to get any information from me. I don't know anything. "

Lilith gently picked up the pen and put it on her mouth and said: "Don't make such a hasty decision, there is nothing absolute in this world."

"My loyalty is absolute!" Xina was completely free from Lilith's temptation at this time. When she suddenly stood up and spoke, she actually stretched out her hand and strangled Lilith's neck.

"If you don't want to die, take me out!" Xina snatched away Lilith's pen and placed it less than two centimeters away from her eyeballs.

At this time, Lilith's gentle and dignified tone suddenly became plain and cold: "I hate others touching my body, regardless of gender."

"Little girl, you are playing with fire."

Xina mustered up the courage to tighten her arms, but suddenly found that she had lost control.

At this time, she found that her arms had involuntarily let go of this beautiful Virgin, and at the same time, a large amount of black hair covered her entire field of vision.

"What the hell is this?" Xina's eyes tightened and she struggled constantly, but found that these hairs were stronger than steel bars and more powerful than iron pliers. At this time, she was completely unable to break free.

Lilith turned her head at this time and looked at Xina with a gloomy and cold expression: "I don't like to use force, but you dare to touch my body, then don't blame me."

Then those hairs tore her clothes apart like hundreds of tentacles, and then lifted her into the air.

Under Xina's incredible gaze, those jet-black hair turned into various things, including scissors, iron pliers, iron rods full of spikes, hooks full of barbs, etc.


The heart-rending howls kept coming from the room.

Meanwhile, in the offices of Arkham Sanitarium.

"Is it okay to let Lilith go?" Kurwin was still a little worried that this woman would kill the target directly.

Los said confidently: "Don't worry, no one can match Lilith in this aspect. Believe me, in three hours, this super agent of the August Empire will become our loyal servant." ”


Two hours later, the screams in the ward finally subsided.

At this time, Xina's face was pale and her whole body was red, but there were no wounds or blood. However, from her white eyes, her powerless tongue, and the constant drooling, she knew that she had suffered extremely horrific and inhuman torture.

Lilith was sitting casually on the bed and asked lightly: "Isn't it good to feel that countless hairs are gradually filling your stomach?"

At this time, Xina's body was constantly trembling, and her mental will became extremely fragile after undergoing these punishment methods that far exceeded human imagination.

"You...you are the devil." Xina said with difficulty.

Lilith stood up slowly and showed that Virgin-like smile: "No, everyone is a devil, but you don't know your true side yet."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and gently touched her face: "It's such a pity that such a beautiful girl died here like this. You have to understand, Xina, that the empire you are loyal to is actually the source of your pain. You didn't You have to give everything you have for them.”

Xina, who was almost mentally broken by the torture, sneered and said nothing.

Lilith put her body down, held up her chin, looked at her with gradually red eyes and said, "I know you had a sad childhood. Your father was beaten to death by gangsters. Your mother wanted to raise you and your family. My brother died of overwork, and your brother died on the battlefield.”

"My child, Sheena, the world has been unfair to you, my poor child."

Lilith's voice carried a special kind of magic that could penetrate all the psychological defenses of normal humans and directly hit the most vulnerable and darkest parts of their hearts.

Xina in her prime might be able to resist, but she couldn't at this moment.

"You must have had a hard time these years, right?" Lilith's voice was full of concern and pity, like a mother comforting her child.

Lilith's words directly penetrated her psychological defenses and reason, directly triggering her resentment and unwillingness that had been suppressed for many years.

She remembered her father who was beaten and covered in blood, the arrogant faces of those hooligans, the corruption of those policemen, and the ugly faces of judges when they made wrong judgments.

She remembered her mother's hard work, the cold stares and insults she received, her unfortunate childhood, and her mother's skinny body when she died.

All the suppressed past things burst out at this moment. She thought that after professional training and becoming a superior person, she had forgotten these things, but she found that they were just accumulated in a deep place, and with the passing of time, they became more and more, just lacking an opportunity to burst out.

The past resentment and repression quickly burst out, and in the end, everything fell on the death notice of her brother, and the most hateful thing was that her brother's death pension was even embezzled by those ugly bureaucrats.

At this moment, the hatred and anger could no longer be suppressed. Like a flood, they completely burst out and drowned everything she had.

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