Tears kept falling from the corners of Hina's eyes. Her eyes were full of sadness, pain and anger: "Those damn guys, those disgusting moths!"

Lilith leaned down, lowered her head and looked at Xina's red eyes. She saw something interesting behind these eyes.

"We don't have to obey this world. My child, you don't have to endure the suffering of this world. You fought tooth and nail to come to the enemy's country and died in pain. Is it for those ugly nobles to gain peace and prosperity?"

"Xina, my poor child, the August Empire has inflicted too much suffering on you. Think about your past, think about your situation since childhood, you don't need to continue to be loyal, you don't need to ...continue to obey their orders!”

Hearing this, the sadness on Xina's face gradually receded, and her face gradually turned ferocious and red, with a fierce look in her eyes: "It's all because of the corrupt empire, it's all because of the incompetent government, it's all because Those greedy nobles killed my parents and my brother!"

"It's all them!!!! They made me suffer so much. Why should I...why should I obey their orders?"

"No! No! They are the source of my pain! They are the source of evil in this world! They... are the culprits of my pain."

Hearing this, the corners of Lilith's mouth turned up in an astonishing arc, and then she gradually opened her grin. The look that was dignified and holy just now turned twisted and evil.

"Yes! My child, yes! Release your hatred, release your inner self, and embrace your true self!"

"My child! Come on! Embrace your true self, your true madness."

"Ah...hahaha! Ahhahaha!"

Immediately, bursts of what seemed like screams, what seemed like roars, and what seemed like weird and crazy laughter kept coming from it.

At this moment, the two nurses standing outside the door on duty felt their legs trembling and their spirits trembling.

This is no longer a sound that humans can make.


After waiting for three and a half hours, Los and Kurvin walked out of the office, because Ross felt that Lilith had achieved results.

"After all, the other party is a professionally trained superhuman. Lilith's brainwashing magic is only effective on normal people. Can she really control the other party completely?" Kurwin still felt unsure at this time.

Ross smiled slightly: "You have no idea how powerful Lilith is."

With that said, the two of them walked down the stairs to the third floor when they saw the Virgin-like Lilith walking towards them with a smile on her face.

And beside her, there was a very well-behaved person.

The very attractive oval face, the height of 1.67 meters, and the big eyes all indicate that this is the agent of the August Empire, Xina.

It's just that at this time, Xina's whole body became a little too pale, and her hair also turned silver-white at this time.

She tied her silver hair into twin tails and followed Lilith respectfully wearing a patient's clothes.

"Is this how you grow old overnight?" Ross was a little surprised.

The color of this hair is not dyed, but the result of mutation.

Yes, under Lilith's bewitchment, Xina's mind mutated, and the mutated cells in her brain affected her body.

When Kurwin on the side saw Hina at this time, his whole body tensed up and his face was full of alertness.

Because his instinct told him that this woman was extremely dangerous, just like Lilith ten years ago!

At this time, Xina also noticed Kurvin's attitude, her mouth widened, her eyes widened, and she showed an extremely crazy and scary smile.

"This guy..." When Kurtin saw this smile, it was clear that the other person's body was just an ordinary person, but it made his scalp numb and his spine shivers.

This is a crazy person in the truest sense, the kind of crazy guy who is reckless and doesn't even care about his own life.

No one is not afraid of a real madman, because this kind of person has lost all moral, ideological, and worldview constraints, and she can do anything.

Lilith came over and said expectantly: "My master, your collection Lilith has completed the task perfectly."

Lose had a satisfied smile on his face and reached out to touch her hair: "It is indeed my most perfect collection, Lilith, you did a very good job."

Here, Xina stopped her smile and said respectfully: "Meet the great master."

Her mutation comes from Lilith, who can be said to be her mistress, so she can faintly feel the suppression from Los' genetic instinct.

Los nodded slightly: "Yes, Kurvin, you take her to the basement first, and she will temporarily serve as Dr. Morsi's deputy for a while."

"Okay... okay!" Although Kurwin's instinct was a little weak at this time, he was one of his own after all, so he didn't have so many expectations.

After Kalvin and Sheena left, Los and Lilith returned to the office: "Tell us about the situation!"

Ross sat down casually, and Lilith knelt down and lay on his lap, like a docile cat.

Los smiled and stroked her hair as if petting a cat, which has always been one of Lilith's favorite gestures.

"Xina has already told everything. Her identity is similar to what we initially investigated. She is from the National Security Department of the August Empire. Her identity is a ghost agent. Her body is the same as that of a normal person, but she can sneak in transparently. There are about three more such people. About a hundred people.”

"What's her purpose?"

“The monster we captured, they named it the Guilty Man, was dug out from the entrance of the dungeon labyrinth by the Hand of Chaos. It was originally going to be transported back to the August Empire by sea for research a few days ago. "

Ross leaned on the chair and said, "The arms of the August Empire are really long. Is there any other information?"

"There is another one, that is, the August Empire seems to be cooperating with a very powerful race. According to her investigation, the secret research institute of the August Empire seems to be able to mass-produce superhumans. The core abilities of these superhumans are Something called telekinesis allows you to control objects from a distance by wearing special equipment.”

Hearing this, Loss's eyes flashed with light: "Psychic power...a very powerful race? Does she know what race it is?"

Lilith said: "Xina said that she saw from some confidential documents that the race is called the Kara people. They don't seem to belong to this world and have very powerful special technologies."

"The invisibility of their ghost agents is a by-product of telekinesis technology. Strictly speaking, these ghost agents are the survivors of early failed experimental subjects."

ps: Please give me a recommendation vote.

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